All For Love

All For Love

John Dryden

Table of Contents

All For Love 1

John Dryden 1




Act I 10

Act II 24

Act III 38

Act IV 52

Act V 71


All For Love

John Dryden


The age of Elizabeth, memorable for so many reasons in the history of England, was especially brilliant in literature, and, within literature, in the drama. With some falling off in spontaneity, the impulse to great dramatic production lasted till the Long Parliament closed the theaters in 1642; and when they were reopened at the Restoration, in 1660, the stage only too faithfully reflected the debased moral tone of the court society of Charles


John Dryden (1631−1700), the great representative figure in the literature of the latter part of the seventeenth century, exemplifies in his work most of the main tendencies of the time. He came into notice with a poem on the death of Cromwell in 1658, and two years later was composing couplets expressing his loyalty to the returned king. He married Lady Elizabeth Howard, the daughter of a royalist house, and for practically all the rest of his life remained an adherent of the Tory Party. In 1663 he began writing for the stage, and during the next thirty years he attempted nearly all the current forms of drama. His “Annus Mirabilis” (1666), celebrating the English naval victories over the Dutch, brought him in 1670 the Poet Laureateship. He had, meantime, begun the writing of those admirable critical essays, represented in the present series by his Preface to the “Fables” and his Dedication to the translation of Virgil. In these he shows himself not only a critic of sound and penetrating judgment, but the first master of modern English prose style.

With “Absalom and Achitophel,” a satire on the Whig leader, Shaftesbury, Dryden entered a new phase, and achieved what is regarded as “the finest of all political satires.” This was followed by “The Medal,” again directed against the Whigs, and this by “Mac Flecknoe,” a fierce attack on his enemy and rival Shadwell. The Government rewarded his services by a lucrative appointment.

After triumphing in the three fields of drama, criticism, and satire, Dryden appears next as a religious poet in his “Religio Laici,” an exposition of the doctrines of the Church of England from a layman’s point of view. In the same year that the Catholic James II. ascended the throne, Dryden joined the Roman Church, and two years later defended his new religion in “The Hind and the Panther,” an allegorical debate between two animals standing respectively for Catholicism and Anglicanism.

The Revolution of 1688 put an end to Dryden’s prosperity; and after a short return to dramatic composition, he turned to translation as a means of supporting himself. He had already done something in this line; and after a series of translations from Juvenal, Persius, and Ovid, he undertook, at the age of sixty−three, the enormous task of turning the entire works of Virgil into English verse. How he succeeded in this, readers of the “Aeneid” in a companion volume of these classics can judge for themselves. Dryden’s production closes with the collection of narrative poems called “Fables,” published in 1700, in which year he died and was buried in the Poet’s Corner in Westminster Abbey.

Dryden lived in an age of reaction against excessive religious idealism, and both his character and his works are marked by the somewhat unheroic traits of such a period. But he was, on the whole, an honest man, open minded, genial, candid, and modest; the wielder of a style, both in verse and prose, unmatched for clearness, vigor, and sanity.

Three types of comedy appeared in England in the time of Dryden−− the comedy of humors, the comedy of intrigue, and the comedy of manners−−and in all he did work that classed him with the ablest of his

All For Love

contemporaries. He developed the somewhat bombastic type of drama known as the heroic play, and brought it to its height in his “Conquest of Granada”; then, becoming dissatisfied with this form, he cultivated the French classic tragedy on the model of Racine. This he modified by combining with the regularity of the French treatment of dramatic action a richness of characterization in which he showed himself a disciple of Shakespeare, and of this mixed type his best example is “All for Love.” Here he has the daring to challenge comparison with his master, and the greatest testimony to his achievement is the fact that, as Professor Noyes has said, “fresh from

Shakespeare’s ‘Antony and Cleopatra,’ we can still read with intense pleasure Dryden’s version of the story.”


To the Right Honourable, Thomas, Earl of Danby, Viscount Latimer, and Baron Osborne of Kiveton, in

Yorkshire; Lord High Treasurer of England, one of His Majesty’s Most Honourable Privy Council, and Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter.

My Lord,

The gratitude of poets is so troublesome a virtue to great men, that you are often in danger of your own benefits: for you are threatened with some epistle, and not suffered to do good in quiet, or to compound for their silence whom you have obliged. Yet, I confess, I neither am or ought to be surprised at this indulgence; for your lordship has the same right to favour poetry, which the great and noble have ever had−− Carmen amat, quisquis carmine digna gerit.

There is somewhat of a tie in nature betwixt those who are born for worthy actions, and those who can transmit them to posterity; and though ours be much the inferior part, it comes at least within the verge of alliance; nor are we unprofitable members of the commonwealth, when we animate others to those virtues, which we copy and describe from you.

It is indeed their interest, who endeavour the subversion of governments, to discourage poets and historians; for the best which can happen to them, is to be forgotten. But such who, under kings, are the fathers of their country, and by a just and prudent ordering of affairs preserve it, have the same reason to cherish the chroniclers of their actions, as they have to lay up in safety the deeds and evidences of their estates; for such records are their undoubted titles to the love and reverence of after ages. Your lordship’s administration has already taken up a considerable part of the English annals; and many of its most happy years are owing to it. His Majesty, the most knowing judge of men, and the best master, has acknowledged the ease and benefit he receives in the incomes of his treasury, which you found not only disordered, but exhausted. All things were in the confusion of a chaos, without form or method, if not reduced beyond it, even to annihilation; so that you had not only to separate the jarring elements, but (if that boldness of expression might be allowed me) to create them. Your enemies had so embroiled the management of your office, that they looked on your advancement as the instrument of your ruin. And as if the clogging of the revenue, and the confusion of accounts, which you found in your entrance, were not sufficient, they added their own weight of malice to the public calamity, by forestalling the credit which should cure it. Your friends on the other side were only capable of pitying, but not of aiding you; no further help or counsel was remaining to you, but what was founded on yourself; and that indeed was your security; for your diligence, your constancy, and your prudence, wrought most surely within, when they were not disturbed by any outward motion. The highest virtue is best to be trusted with itself; for assistance only can be given by a genius superior to that which it assists; and it is the noblest kind of debt, when we are only obliged to God and nature. This then, my lord, is your just commendation, and that you have wrought out yourself a way to glory, by those very means that were designed for your destruction: You have not only restored but advanced the revenues of your master, without grievance to the subject; and, as if that were little yet, the debts of the exchequer, which lay heaviest both on the crown, and on private persons, have by your conduct been established in a certainty of


satisfaction. An action so much the more great and honourable, because the case was without the ordinary relief of laws; above the hopes of the afflicted and beyond the narrowness of the treasury to redress, had it been managed by a less able hand. It is certainly the happiest, and most unenvied part of all your fortune, to do good to many, while you do injury to none; to receive at once the prayers of the subject, and the praises of the prince; and, by the care of your conduct, to give him means of exerting the chiefest (if any be the chiefest) of his royal virtues, his distributive justice to the deserving, and his bounty and compassion to the wanting. The disposition of princes towards their people cannot be better discovered than in the choice of their ministers; who, like the animal spirits betwixt the soul and body, participate somewhat of both natures, and make the communication which is betwixt them. A king, who is just and moderate in his nature, who rules according to the laws, whom God has made happy by forming the temper of his soul to the constitution of his government, and who makes us happy, by assuming over us no other sovereignty than that wherein our welfare and liberty consists; a prince, I say, of so excellent a character, and so suitable to the wishes of all good men, could not better have conveyed himself into his people’s apprehensions, than in your lordship’s person; who so lively express the same virtues, that you seem not so much a copy, as an emanation of him. Moderation is doubtless an establishment of greatness; but there is a steadiness of temper which is likewise requisite in a minister of state; so equal a mixture of both virtues, that he may stand like an isthmus betwixt the two encroaching seas of arbitrary power, and lawless anarchy. The undertaking would be difficult to any but an extraordinary genius, to stand at the line, and to divide the limits; to pay what is due to the great representative of the nation, and neither to enhance, nor to yield up, the undoubted prerogatives of the crown. These, my lord, are the proper virtues of a noble Englishman, as indeed they are properly English virtues; no people in the world being capable of using them, but we who have the happiness to be born under so equal, and so well−poised a government;−−a government which has all the advantages of liberty beyond a

commonwealth, and all the marks of kingly sovereignty, without the danger of a tyranny. Both my nature, as I am an Englishman, and my reason, as I am a man, have bred in me a loathing to that specious name of a republic; that mock appearance of a liberty, where all who have not part in the government, are slaves; and slaves they are of a viler note, than such as are subjects to an absolute dominion. For no Christian monarchy is so absolute, but it is circumscribed with laws; but when the executive power is in the law−makers, there is no further check upon them; and the people must suffer without a remedy, because they are oppressed by their representatives. If I must serve, the number of my masters, who were born my equals, would but add to the ignominy of my bondage. The nature of our government, above all others, is exactly suited both to the situation of our country, and the temper of the natives; an island being more proper for commerce and for defence, than for extending its dominions on the Continent; for what the valour of its inhabitants might gain, by reason of its remoteness, and the casualties of the seas, it could not so easily preserve: And, therefore, neither the arbitrary power of One, in a monarchy, nor of Many, in a commonwealth, could make us greater than we are. It is true, that vaster and more frequent taxes might be gathered, when the consent of the people was not asked or needed; but this were only by conquering abroad, to be poor at home; and the examples of our neighbours teach us, that they are not always the happiest subjects, whose kings extend their dominions farthest. Since therefore we cannot win by an offensive war, at least, a land war, the model of our government seems naturally contrived for the defensive part; and the consent of a people is easily obtained to contribute to that power which must protect it. Felices nimium, bona si sua norint, Angligenae! And yet there are not wanting malcontents among us, who, surfeiting themselves on too much happiness, would persuade the people that they might be happier by a change. It was indeed the policy of their old forefather, when himself was fallen from the station of glory, to seduce mankind into the same rebellion with him, by telling him he might yet be freer than he was; that is more free than his nature would allow, or, if I may so say, than God could make him. We have already all the liberty which freeborn subjects can enjoy, and all beyond it is but licence. But if it be liberty of conscience which they pretend, the moderation of our church is such, that its practice extends not to the severity of persecution; and its discipline is withal so easy, that it allows more freedom to dissenters than any of the sects would allow to it. In the meantime, what right can be pretended by these men to attempt innovation in church or state? Who made them the trustees, or to speak a little nearer their own language, the keepers of the liberty of England? If their call be extraordinary, let them convince us by working miracles; for ordinary vocation they can have none, to disturb the government under which they were born, and which protects them. He who has often changed his party, and always has made his interest the rule of it, gives little evidence of his sincerity for the public good; it is manifest he changes but for himself, and takes the people for tools to work


his fortune. Yet the experience of all ages might let him know, that they who trouble the waters first, have seldom the benefit of the fishing; as they who began the late rebellion enjoyed not the fruit of their undertaking, but were crushed themselves by the usurpation of their own instrument. Neither is it enough for them to answer, that they only intend a reformation of the government, but not the subversion of it: on such pretence all insurrections have been founded; it is striking at the root of power, which is obedience. Every remonstrance of private men has the seed of treason in it; and discourses, which are couched in ambiguous terms, are therefore the more dangerous, because they do all the mischief of open sedition, yet are safe from the punishment of the laws. These, my lord, are considerations, which I should not pass so lightly over, had I room to manage them as they deserve; for no man can be so inconsiderable in a nation, as not to have a share in the welfare of it; and if he be a true

Englishman, he must at the same time be fired with indignation, and revenge himself as he can on the disturbers of his country. And to whom could I more fitly apply myself than to your lordship, who have not only an inborn, but an hereditary loyalty? The memorable constancy and sufferings of your father, almost to the ruin of his estate, for the royal cause, were an earnest of that which such a parent and such an institution would produce in the person of a son. But so unhappy an occasion of manifesting your own zeal, in suffering for his present majesty, the providence of God, and the prudence of your administration, will, I hope, prevent; that, as your father’s fortune waited on the unhappiness of his sovereign, so your own may participate of the better fate which attends his son. The relation which you have by alliance to the noble family of your lady, serves to confirm to you both this happy augury. For what can deserve a greater place in the English chronicle, than the loyalty and courage, the actions and death, of the general of an army, fighting for his prince and country? The honour and gallantry of the Earl of Lindsey is so illustrious a subject, that it is fit to adorn an heroic poem; for he was the protomartyr of the cause, and the type of his unfortunate royal master.

Yet after all, my lord, if I may speak my thoughts, you are happy rather to us than to yourself; for the multiplicity, the cares, and the vexations of your employment, have betrayed you from yourself, and given you up into the possession of the public. You are robbed of your privacy and friends, and scarce any hour of your life you can call your own. Those, who envy your fortune, if they wanted not good−nature, might more justly pity it; and when they see you watched by a crowd of suitors, whose importunity it is impossible to avoid, would conclude, with reason, that you have lost much more in true content, than you have gained by dignity; and that a private gentleman is better attended by a single servant, than your lordship with so clamorous a train. Pardon me, my lord, if I speak like a philosopher on this subject; the fortune which makes a man uneasy, cannot make him happy; and a wise man must think himself uneasy, when few of his actions are in his choice.

This last consideration has brought me to another, and a very seasonable one for your relief; which is, that while I pity your want of leisure, I have impertinently detained you so long a time. I have put off my own business, which was my dedication, till it is so late, that I am now ashamed to begin it; and therefore I will say nothing of the poem, which I present to you, because I know not if you are like to have an hour, which, with a good conscience, you may throw away in perusing it; and for the author, I have only to beg the continuance of your protection to him, who is,

My Lord,

Your Lordship’s most obliged,

Most humble, and

Most obedient, servant, John Dryden.


The death of Antony and Cleopatra is a subject which has been treated by the greatest wits of our nation, after

Shakespeare; and by all so variously, that their example has given me the confidence to try myself in this bow of Ulysses amongst the crowd of suitors, and, withal, to take my own measures, in aiming at the mark. I doubt not but the same motive has prevailed with all of us in this attempt; I mean the excellency of the moral: For the chief persons represented were famous patterns of unlawful love; and their end accordingly was unfortunate. All reasonable men have long since concluded, that the hero of the poem ought not to be a character of perfect virtue, for then he could not, without injustice, be made unhappy; nor yet altogether wicked, because he could not then be pitied. I have therefore steered the middle course; and have drawn the character of Antony as favourably as Plutarch, Appian, and Dion Cassius would give me leave; the like I have observed in Cleopatra. That which is wanting to work up the pity to a greater height, was not afforded me by the story; for the crimes of love, which they both committed, were not occasioned by any necessity, or fatal ignorance, but were wholly voluntary; since our passions are, or ought to be, within our power. The fabric of the play is regular enough, as to the inferior parts of it; and the unities of time, place, and action, more exactly observed, than perhaps the English theatre requires. Particularly, the action is so much one, that it is the only one of the kind without episode, or underplot; every scene in the tragedy conducing to the main design, and every act concluding with a turn of it. The greatest error in the contrivance seems to be in the person of Octavia; for, though I might use the privilege of a poet, to introduce her into Alexandria, yet I had not enough considered, that the compassion she moved to herself and children was destructive to that which I reserved for Antony and Cleopatra; whose mutual love being founded upon vice, must lessen the favour of the audience to them, when virtue and innocence were oppressed by it. And, though I justified Antony in some measure, by making Octavia’s departure to proceed wholly from herself; yet the force of the first machine still remained; and the dividing of pity, like the cutting of a river into many channels, abated the strength of the natural stream. But this is an objection which none of my critics have urged against me; and therefore I might have let it pass, if I could have resolved to have been partial to myself. The faults my enemies have found are rather cavils concerning little and not essential decencies; which a master of the ceremonies may decide betwixt us. The French poets, I confess, are strict observers of these punctilios: They would not, for example, have suffered Cleopatra and Octavia to have met; or, if they had met, there must have only passed betwixt them some cold civilities, but no eagerness of repartee, for fear of offending against the greatness of their characters, and the modesty of their sex. This objection I foresaw, and at the same time contemned; for I judged it both natural and probable, that Octavia, proud of her new−gained conquest, would search out Cleopatra to triumph over her; and that Cleopatra, thus attacked, was not of a spirit to shun the encounter: And it is not unlikely, that two exasperated rivals should use such satire as I have put into their mouths; for, after all, though the one were a Roman, and the other a queen, they were both women. It is true, some actions, though natural, are not fit to be represented; and broad obscenities in words ought in good manners to be avoided: expressions therefore are a modest clothing of our thoughts, as breeches and petticoats are of our bodies. If I have kept myself within the bounds of modesty, all beyond, it is but nicety and affectation; which is no more but modesty depraved into a vice. They betray themselves who are too quick of apprehension in such cases, and leave all reasonable men to imagine worse of them, than of the poet.

Honest Montaigne goes yet further: Nous ne sommes que ceremonie; la ceremonie nous emporte, et laissons la substance des choses. Nous nous tenons aux branches, et abandonnons le tronc et le corps. Nous avons appris aux dames de rougir, oyans seulement nommer ce qu’elles ne craignent aucunement a faire: Nous n’osons appeller a droit nos membres, et ne craignons pas de les employer a toute sorte de debauche. La ceremonie nous defend d’exprimer par paroles les choses licites et naturelles, et nous l’en croyons; la raison nous defend de n’en faire point d’illicites et mauvaises, et personne ne l’en croit. My comfort is, that by this opinion my enemies are but sucking critics, who would fain be nibbling ere their teeth are come.

Yet, in this nicety of manners does the excellency of French poetry consist. Their heroes are the most civil people breathing; but their good breeding seldom extends to a word of sense; all their wit is in their ceremony; they want the genius which animates our stage; and therefore it is but necessary, when they cannot please, that they should take care not to offend. But as the civilest man in the company is commonly the dullest, so these authors, while they are afraid to make you laugh or cry, out of pure good manners make you sleep. They are so careful not to exasperate a critic, that they never leave him any work; so busy with the broom, and make so clean a riddance that there is little left either for censure or for praise: For no part of a poem is worth our discommending, where the whole is insipid; as when we have once tasted of palled wine, we stay not to examine it glass by glass. But while they affect to shine in trifles, they are often careless in essentials. Thus, their Hippolytus is so scrupulous in point of decency, that he will rather expose himself to death, than accuse his stepmother to his father; and my critics I am sure will commend him for it. But we of grosser apprehensions are apt to think that this excess of generosity is not practicable, but with fools and madmen. This was good manners with a vengeance; and the audience is like to be much concerned at the misfortunes of this admirable hero. But take Hippolytus out of his poetic fit, and I suppose he would think it a wiser part to set the saddle on the right horse, and choose rather to live with the reputation of a plain−spoken, honest man, than to die with the infamy of an incestuous villain. In the meantime we may take notice, that where the poet ought to have preserved the character as it was delivered to us by antiquity, when he should have given us the picture of a rough young man, of the Amazonian strain, a jolly huntsman, and both by his profession and his early rising a mortal enemy to love, he has chosen to give him the turn of gallantry, sent him to travel from Athens to Paris, taught him to make love, and transformed the Hippolytus of Euripides into Monsieur Hippolyte. I should not have troubled myself thus far with French poets, but that I find our Chedreux critics wholly form their judgments by them. But for my part, I desire to be tried by the laws of my own country; for it seems unjust to me, that the French should prescribe here, till they have conquered. Our little sonneteers, who follow them, have too narrow souls to judge of poetry. Poets themselves are the most proper, though I conclude not the only critics. But till some genius, as universal as Aristotle, shall arise, one who can penetrate into all arts and sciences, without the practice of them, I shall think it reasonable, that the judgment of an artificer in his own art should be preferable to the opinion of another man; at least where he is not bribed by interest, or prejudiced by malice. And this, I suppose, is manifest by plain inductions: For, first, the crowd cannot be presumed to have more than a gross instinct of what pleases or displeases them: Every man will grant me this; but then, by a particular kindness to himself, he draws his own stake first, and will be distinguished from the multitude, of which other men may think him one. But, if I come closer to those who are allowed for witty men, either by the advantage of their quality, or by common fame, and affirm that neither are they qualified to decide sovereignly concerning poetry, I shall yet have a strong party of my opinion; for most of them severally will exclude the rest, either from the number of witty men, or at least of able judges. But here again they are all indulgent to themselves; and every one who believes himself a wit, that is, every man, will pretend at the same time to a right of judging. But to press it yet further, there are many witty men, but few poets; neither have all poets a taste of tragedy. And this is the rock on which they are daily splitting. Poetry, which is a picture of nature, must generally please; but it is not to be understood that all parts of it must please every man; therefore is not tragedy to be judged by a witty man, whose taste is only confined to comedy. Nor is every man, who loves tragedy, a sufficient judge of it; he must understand the excellences of it too, or he will only prove a blind admirer, not a critic. From hence it comes that so many satires on poets, and censures of their writings, fly abroad. Men of pleasant conversation (at least esteemed so), and endued with a trifling kind of fancy, perhaps helped out with some smattering of Latin, are ambitious to distinguish themselves from the herd of gentlemen, by their poetry−−

Rarus enim ferme sensus communis in illa Fortuna.

And is not this a wretched affectation, not to be contented with what fortune has done for them, and sit down quietly with their estates, but they must call their wits in question, and needlessly expose their nakedness to public view? Not considering that they are not to expect the same approbation from sober men, which they have found from their flatterers after the third bottle. If a little glittering in discourse has passed them on us for witty men, where was the necessity of undeceiving the world? Would a man who has an ill title to an estate, but yet is in possession of it; would he bring it of his own accord, to be tried at Westminster? We who write, if we want the talent, yet have the excuse that we do it for a poor subsistence; but what can be urged in their defence, who, not having the vocation of poverty to scribble, out of mere wantonness take pains to make themselves ridiculous? Horace was certainly in the right, where he said, “That no man is satisfied with his own condition.” A poet is not pleased, because he is not rich; and the rich are discontented, because the poets will not admit them of their number. Thus the case is hard with writers: If they succeed not, they must starve; and if they do, some malicious satire is prepared to level them, for daring to please without their leave. But while they are so eager to destroy the fame of others, their ambition is manifest in their concernment; some poem of their own is to be produced, and the slaves are to be laid flat with their faces on the ground, that the monarch may appear in the greater majesty.

Dionysius and Nero had the same longings, but with all their power they could never bring their business well about. ‘Tis true, they proclaimed themselves poets by sound of trumpet; and poets they were, upon pain of death to any man who durst call them otherwise. The audience had a fine time on’t, you may imagine; they sat in a bodily fear, and looked as demurely as they could: for it was a hanging matter to laugh unseasonably; and the tyrants were suspicious, as they had reason, that their subjects had them in the wind; so, every man, in his own defence, set as good a face upon the business as he could. It was known beforehand that the monarchs were to be crowned laureates; but when the show was over, and an honest man was suffered to depart quietly, he took out his laughter which he had stifled, with a firm resolution never more to see an emperor’s play, though he had been ten years a−making it. In the meantime the true poets were they who made the best markets: for they had wit enough to yield the prize with a good grace, and not contend with him who had thirty legions. They were sure to be rewarded, if they confessed themselves bad writers, and that was somewhat better than to be martyrs for their reputation. Lucan’s example was enough to teach them manners; and after he was put to death, for overcoming Nero, the emperor carried it without dispute for the best poet in his dominions. No man was ambitious of that grinning honour; for if he heard the malicious trumpeter proclaiming his name before his betters, he knew there was but one way with him. Maecenas took another course, and we know he was more than a great man, for he was witty too: But finding himself far gone in poetry, which Seneca assures us was not his talent, he thought it his best way to be well with Virgil and with Horace; that at least he might be a poet at the second hand; and we see how happily it has succeeded with him; for his own bad poetry is forgotten, and their panegyrics of him still remain. But they who should be our patrons are for no such expensive ways to fame; they have much of the poetry of Maecenas, but little of his liberality. They are for prosecuting Horace and Virgil, in the persons of their successors; for such is every man who has any part of their soul and fire, though in a less degree. Some of their little zanies yet go further; for they are persecutors even of Horace himself, as far as they are able, by their ignorant and vile imitations of him; by making an unjust use of his authority, and turning his artillery against his friends. But how would he disdain to be copied by such hands! I dare answer for him, he would be more uneasy in their company, than he was with Crispinus, their forefather, in the Holy Way; and would no more have allowed them a place amongst the critics, than he would Demetrius the mimic, and Tigellius the buffoon;

−−−−−−− Demetri, teque, Tigelli,

Discipulorum inter jubeo plorare cathedras.

With what scorn would he look down on such miserable translators, who make doggerel of his Latin, mistake his meaning, misapply his censures, and often contradict their own? He is fixed as a landmark to set out the bounds of poetry−−

−−−−−−− Saxum antiquum, ingens,−−

Limes agro positus, litem ut discerneret arvis.

But other arms than theirs, and other sinews are required, to raise the weight of such an author; and when they would toss him against enemies−−

Genua labant, gelidus concrevit frigore sanguis. Tum lapis ipse viri, vacuum per inane volatus, Nec spatium evasit totum, nec pertulit ictum.

For my part, I would wish no other revenge, either for myself, or the rest of the poets, from this rhyming judge of the twelve−penny gallery, this legitimate son of Sternhold, than that he would subscribe his name to his censure, or (not to tax him beyond his learning) set his mark: For, should he own himself publicly, and come from behind the lion’s skin, they whom he condemns would be thankful to him, they whom he praises would choose to be condemned; and the magistrates, whom he has elected, would modestly withdraw from their employment, to avoid the scandal of his nomination. The sharpness of his satire, next to himself, falls most heavily on his friends, and they ought never to forgive him for commending them perpetually the wrong way, and sometimes by contraries. If he have a friend, whose hastiness in writing is his greatest fault, Horace would have taught him to have minced the matter, and to have called it readiness of thought, and a flowing fancy; for friendship will allow a man to christen an imperfection by the name of some neighbour virtue−−

Vellem in amicitia sic erraremus; et isti Errori nomen virtus posuisset honestum.

But he would never allowed him to have called a slow man hasty, or a hasty writer a slow drudge, as Juvenal explains it−−

−−−−−−− Canibus pigris, scabieque vestusta

Laevibus, et siccae lambentibus ora lucernae, Nomen erit, Pardus, Tigris, Leo; si quid adhuc est Quod fremit in terris violentius.

Yet Lucretius laughs at a foolish lover, even for excusing the imperfections of his mistress−−

Nigra est, immunda et foetida

Balba loqui non quit, ; muta pudens est, etc.

But to drive it ad Aethiopem cygnum is not to be endured. I leave him to interpret this by the benefit of his French version on the other side, and without further considering him, than I have the rest of my illiterate censors, whom I have disdained to answer, because they are not qualified for judges. It remains that I acquiant the reader, that I have endeavoured in this play to follow the practice of the ancients, who, as Mr. Rymer has judiciously observed, are and ought to be our masters. Horace likewise gives it for a rule in his art of poetry−−

−−−−−−− Vos exemplaria Graeca

Nocturna versate manu, versate diurna.

Yet, though their models are regular, they are too little for English tragedy; which requires to be built in a larger compass. I could give an instance in the Oedipus Tyrannus, which was the masterpiece of Sophocles; but I reserve it for a more fit occasion, which I hope to have hereafter. In my style, I have professed to imitate the divine Shakespeare; which that I might perform more freely, I have disencumbered myself from rhyme. Not that I condemn my former way, but that this is more proper to my present purpose. I hope I need not to explain myself, that I have not copied my author servilely: Words and phrases must of necessity receive a change in succeeding ages; but it is almost a miracle that much of his language remains so pure; and that he who began dramatic poetry amongst us, untaught by any, and as Ben Jonson tells us, without learning, should by the force of his own genius perform so much, that in a manner he has left no praise for any who come after him. The occasion is fair, and the subject would be pleasant to handle the difference of styles betwixt him and Fletcher, and wherein, and how far they are both to be imitated. But since I must not be over−confident of my own performance after him, it will be prudence in me to be silent. Yet, I hope, I may affirm, and without vanity, that, by imitating him, I have excelled myself throughout the play; and particularly, that I prefer the scene betwixt Antony and Ventidius in the first act, to anything which I have written in this kind.


What flocks of critics hover here to−day, As vultures wait on armies for their prey, All gaping for the carcase of a play!

With croaking notes they bode some dire event, And follow dying poets by the scent.

Ours gives himself for gone; y’ have watched your time:

He fights this day unarmed,−−without his rhyme;−−

And brings a tale which often has been told; As sad as Dido’s; and almost as old.

His hero, whom you wits his bully call,

Bates of his mettle, and scarce rants at all;

He’s somewhat lewd; but a well−meaning mind; Weeps much; fights little; but is wond’rous kind. In short, a pattern, and companion fit, For all the keeping Tonies of the pit. I could name more: a wife, and mistress too; Both (to be plain) too good for most of you:

The wife well−natured, and the mistress true. Now, poets, if your fame has been his care, Allow him all the candour you can spare. A brave man scorns to quarrel once a day; Like Hectors in at every petty fray.

Let those find fault whose wit’s so very small,

They’ve need to show that they can think at all;

Errors, like straws, upon the surface flow; He who would search for pearls, must dive below. Fops may have leave to level all they can; As pigmies would be glad to lop a man.

Half−wits are fleas; so little and so light, We scarce could know they live, but that they bite.

But, as the rich, when tired with daily feasts,

For change, become their next poor tenant’s guests; Drink hearty draughts of ale from plain brown bowls, And snatch the homely rasher from the coals:

So you, retiring from much better cheer, For once, may venture to do penance here.

And since that plenteous autumn now is past,

Whose grapes and peaches have indulged your taste, Take in good part, from our poor poet’s board, Such rivelled fruits as winter can afford.






VENTIDIUS, his General.

DOLABELLA, his Friend.

ALEXAS, the Queen’s Eunuch. SERAPION, Priest of Isis.

MYRIS, another Priest. Servants to Antony.

CLEOPATRA, Queen of Egypt. OCTAVIA, Antony’s Wife.

CHARMION, Cleopatra’s Maid.

IRAS, Cleopatra’s Maid.

Antony’s two little Daughters.


Act I

Scene I.−−The Temple of Isis

Enter SERAPION, MYRIS, Priests of Isis

SERAPION. Portents and prodigies have grown so frequent,

That they have lost their name. Our fruitful Nile

Flowed ere the wonted season, with a torrent

So unexpected, and so wondrous fierce,

That the wild deluge overtook the haste

Even of the hinds that watched it: Men and beasts Were borne above the tops of trees, that grew On the utmost margin of the water−mark. Then, with so swift an ebb the flood drove backward, It slipt from underneath the scaly herd:

Here monstrous phocae panted on the shore;

Forsaken dolphins there with their broad tails,

Lay lashing the departing waves: hard by them,

Sea horses floundering in the slimy mud,

Tossed up their heads, and dashed the ooze about them.

Enter ALEXAS behind them

MYRIS. Avert these omens, Heaven!

SERAPION. Last night, between the hours of twelve and one,

In a lone aisle of the temple while I walked,

A whirlwind rose, that, with a violent blast,

Shook all the dome: the doors around me clapt; The iron wicket, that defends the vault, Where the long race of Ptolemies is laid, Burst open, and disclosed the mighty dead.

From out each monument, in order placed,

An armed ghost starts up: the boy−king last

Reared his inglorious head. A peal of groans

Then followed, and a lamentable voice

Cried, Egypt is no more! My blood ran back,

My shaking knees against each other knocked; On the cold pavement down I fell entranced, And so unfinished left the horrid scene.

ALEXAS. And dreamed you this? or did invent the story,

[Showing himself.]

To frighten our Egyptian boys withal,

And train them up, betimes, in fear of priesthood?

SERAPION. My lord, I saw you not, Nor meant my words should reach you ears; but what I uttered was most true.

ALEXAS. A foolish dream, Bred from the fumes of indigested feasts, And holy luxury.

SERAPION. I know my duty: This goes no further.

ALEXAS. ‘Tis not fit it should;

Nor would the times now bear it, were it true.

All southern, from yon hills, the Roman camp Hangs o’er us black and threatening like a storm Just breaking on our heads.

SERAPION. Our faint Egyptians pray for Antony; But in their servile hearts they own Octavius.

MYRIS. Why then does Antony dream out his hours,

And tempts not fortune for a noble day,

Which might redeem what Actium lost?

ALEXAS. He thinks ’tis past recovery.

SERAPION. Yet the foe

Seems not to press the siege.

ALEXAS. Oh, there’s the wonder.

Maecenas and Agrippa, who can most

With Caesar, are his foes. His wife Octavia, Driven from his house, solicits her revenge;

And Dolabella, who was once his friend,

Upon some private grudge, now seeks his ruin: Yet still war seems on either side to sleep.

SERAPION. ‘Tis strange that Antony, for some days past, Has not beheld the face of Cleopatra;

But here, in Isis’ temple, lives retired, And makes his heart a prey to black despair.

ALEXAS. ‘Tis true; and we much fear he hopes by absence To cure his mind of love.

SERAPION. If he be vanquished,

Or make his peace, Egypt is doomed to be A Roman province; and our plenteous harvests Must then redeem the scarceness of their soil. While Antony stood firm, our Alexandria

Rivalled proud Rome (dominion’s other seat), And fortune striding, like a vast Colossus, Could fix an equal foot of empire here.

ALEXAS. Had I my wish, these tyrants of all nature,

Who lord it o’er mankind, rhould perish,−−perish,

Each by the other’s sword; But, since our will Is lamely followed by our power, we must Depend on one; with him to rise or fall.

SERAPION. How stands the queen affected?

ALEXAS. Oh, she dotes,

She dotes, Serapion, on this vanquished man,

And winds herself about his mighty ruins;

Whom would she yet forsake, yet yield him up,

This hunted prey, to his pursuer’s hands,

She might preserve us all: but ’tis in vain−− This changes my designs, this blasts my counsels, And makes me use all means to keep him here. Whom I could wish divided from her arms,

Far as the earth’s deep centre. Well, you know

The state of things; no more of your ill omens And black prognostics; labour to confirm The people’s hearts.

Enter VENTIDIUS, talking aside with a Gentleman of ANTONY’S

SERAPION. These Romans will o’erhear us. But who’s that stranger? By his warlike port, His fierce demeanour, and erected look, He’s of no vulgar note.

ALEXAS. Oh, ’tis Ventidius,

Our emperor’s great lieutenant in the East,

Who first showed Rome that Parthia could be conquered.

When Antony returned from Syria last,

He left this man to guard the Roman frontiers.

SERAPION. You seem to know him well.

ALEXAS. Too well. I saw him at Cilicia first, When Cleopatra there met Antony:

A mortal foe was to us, and Egypt.

But,−−let me witness to the worth I hate,−−

A braver Roman never drew a sword;

Firm to his prince, but as a friend, not slave,

He ne’er was of his pleasures; but presides O’er all his cooler hours, and morning counsels: In short the plainness, fierceness, rugged virtue, Of an old true−stampt Roman lives in him.

His coming bodes I know not what of ill

To our affairs. Withdraw to mark him better; And I’ll acquaint you why I sought you here, And what’s our present work.

[They withdraw to a corner of the stage; and VENTIDIUS, with the other, comes forward to the front.]

VENTIDIUS. Not see him; say you?

I say, I must, and will.

GENTLEMAN. He has commanded,

On pain of death, none should approach his presence.

VENTIDIUS. I bring him news will raise his drooping spirits, Give him new life.

GENTLEMAN. He sees not Cleopatra.

VENTIDIUS. Would he had never seen her!

GENTLEMAN. He eats not, drinks not, sleeps not, has no use

Of anything, but thought; or if he talks, ‘Tis to himself, and then ’tis perfect raving: Then he defies the world, and bids it pass,

Sometimes he gnaws his lips, and curses loud

The boy Octavius; then he draws his mouth

Into a scornful smile, and cries, “Take all, The world’s not worth my care.”

VENTIDIUS. Just, just his nature.

Virtue’s his path; but sometimes ’tis too narrow For his vast soul; and then he starts out wide,

And bounds into a vice, that bears him far From his first course, and plunges him in ills:

But, when his danger makes him find his faults,

Quick to observe, and full of sharp remorse,

He censures eagerly his own misdeeds,

Judging himself with malice to himself,

And not forgiving what as man he did,

Because his other parts are more than man.−− He must not thus be lost.

[ALEXAS and the Priests come forward.]

ALEXAS. You have your full instructions, now advance, Proclaim your orders loudly.

SERAPION. Romans, Egyptians, hear the queen’s command.

Thus Cleopatra bids: Let labour cease;

To pomp and triumphs give this happy day, That gave the world a lord: ’tis Antony’s.

Live, Antony; and Cleopatra live! Be this the general voice sent up to heaven, And every public place repeat this echo.

VENTIDIUS. Fine pageantry!


SERAPION. Set out before your doors

The images of all your sleeping fathers,

With laurels crowned; with laurels wreath your posts,

And strew with flowers the pavement; let the priests

Do present sacrifice; pour out the wine,

And call the gods to join with you in gladness.

VENTIDIUS. Curse on the tongue that bids this general joy!

Can they be friends of Antony, who revel

When Antony’s in danger? Hide, for shame,

You Romans, your great grandsires’ images, For fear their souls should animate their marbles, To blush at their degenerate progeny.

ALEXAS. A love, which knows no bounds, to Antony,

Would mark the day with honours, when all heaven

Laboured for him, when each propitious star

Stood wakeful in his orb, to watch that hour

And shed his better influence. Her own birthday Our queen neglected like a vulgar fate, That passed obscurely by.

VENTIDIUS. Would it had slept,

Divided far from his; till some remote And future age had called it out, to ruin Some other prince, not him!

ALEXAS. Your emperor,

Though grown unkind, would be more gentle, than To upbraid my queen for loving him too well.

VENTIDIUS. Does the mute sacrifice upbraid the priest! He knows him not his executioner.

Oh, she has decked his ruin with her love,

Led him in golden bands to gaudy slaughter, And made perdition pleasing: She has left him The blank of what he was.

I tell thee, eunuch, she has quite unmanned him.

Can any Roman see, and know him now,

Thus altered from the lord of half mankind,

Unbent, unsinewed, made a woman’s toy,

Shrunk from the vast extent of all his honours, And crampt within a corner of the world?

O Antony!

Thou bravest soldier, and thou best of friends!

Bounteous as nature; next to nature’s God!

Couldst thou but make new worlds, so wouldst thou give them,

As bounty were thy being! rough in battle,

As the first Romans when they went to war;

Yet after victory more pitiful

Than all their praying virgins left at home!

ALEXAS. Would you could add, to those more shining virtues, His truth to her who loves him.

VENTIDIUS. Would I could not!

But wherefore waste I precious hours with thee!

Thou art her darling mischief, her chief engine,

Antony’s other fate. Go, tell thy queen, Ventidius is arrived, to end her charms.

Let your Egyptian timbrels play alone,

Nor mix effeminate sounds with Roman trumpets,

You dare not fight for Antony; go pray And keep your cowards’ holiday in temples.


Re−enter the Gentleman of M. ANTONY

2 Gent. The emperor approaches, and commands, On pain of death, that none presume to stay.

1 Gent. I dare not disobey him. [Going out with the other.]

VENTIDIUS. Well, I dare.

But I’ll observe him first unseen, and find Which way his humour drives: The rest I’ll venture. [Withdraws.]

Enter ANTONY, walking with a disturbed motion before he speaks

ANTONY. They tell me, ’tis my birthday, and I’ll keep it With double pomp of sadness.

‘Tis what the day deserves, which gave me breath.

Why was I raised the meteor of the world,

Hung in the skies, and blazing as I travelled, ‘Till all my fires were spent; and then cast downward, To be trod out by Caesar?

VENTIDIUS. [aside.] On my soul, ‘Tis mournful, wondrous mournful!

ANTONY. Count thy gains.

Now, Antony, wouldst thou be born for this? Glutton of fortune, thy devouring youth Has starved thy wanting age.

VENTIDIUS. How sorrow shakes him!


So, now the tempest tears him up by the roots, And on the ground extends the noble ruin.

[ANTONY having thrown himself down.]

Lie there, thou shadow of an emperor;

The place thou pressest on thy mother earth

Is all thy empire now: now it contains thee;

Some few days hence, and then ’twill be too large,

When thou’rt contracted in thy narrow urn,

Shrunk to a few ashes; then Octavia

(For Cleopatra will not live to see it),

Octavia then will have thee all her own,

And bear thee in her widowed hand to Caesar;

Caesar will weep, the crocodile will weep,

To see his rival of the universe

Lie still and peaceful there. I’ll think no more on’t.

ANTONY. Give me some music, look that it be sad.

I’ll soothe my melancholy, till I swell,

And burst myself with sighing.−−

[Soft music.]

‘Tis somewhat to my humour; stay, I fancy

I’m now turned wild, a commoner of nature; Of all forsaken, and forsaking all;

Live in a shady forest’s sylvan scene,

Stretched at my length beneath some blasted oak, I lean my head upon the mossy bark,

And look just of a piece as I grew from it;

My uncombed locks, matted like mistletoe, Hang o’er my hoary face; a murm’ring brook Runs at my foot.

VENTIDIUS. Methinks I fancy Myself there too.

ANTONY. The herd come jumping by me,

And fearless, quench their thirst, while I look on, And take me for their fellow−citizen.

More of this image, more; it lulls my thoughts. [Soft music again.]

VENTIDIUS. I must disturb him; I can hold no longer. [Stands before him.]

ANTONY. [starting up]. Art thou Ventidius?

VENTIDIUS. Are you Antony?

I’m liker what I was, than you to him I left you last.

ANTONY. I’m angry.


ANTONY. I would be private: leave me.

VENTIDIUS. Sir, I love you,

And therefore will not leave you.

ANTONY. Will not leave me!

Where have you learnt that answer? Who am I?

VENTIDIUS. My emperor; the man I love next Heaven:

If I said more, I think ’twere scare a sin: You’re all that’s good, and god−like.

ANTONY. All that’s wretched. You will not leave me then?

VENTIDIUS. ‘Twas too presuming

To say I would not; but I dare not leave you:

And, ’tis unkind in you to chide me hence

So soon, when I so far have come to see you.

ANTONY. Now thou hast seen me, art thou satisfied? For, if a friend, thou hast beheld enough; And, if a foe, too much.

VENTIDIUS. Look, emperor, this is no common dew.


I have not wept this forty years; but now My mother comes afresh into my eyes; I cannot help her softness.

ANTONY. By heavens, he weeps! poor good old man, he weeps!

The big round drops course one another down

The furrows of his cheeks.−−Stop them, Ventidius,

Or I shall blush to death, they set my shame, That caused them, full before me.

VENTIDIUS. I’ll do my best.

ANTONY. Sure there’s contagion in the tears of friends: See, I have caught it too. Believe me, ’tis not For my own griefs, but thine.−−Nay, father!


ANTONY. Emperor! Why, that’s the style of victory;

The conqu’ring soldier, red with unfelt wounds, Salutes his general so; but never more Shall that sound reach my ears.

VENTIDIUS. I warrant you. ANTONY. Actium, Actium! Oh!−− VENTIDIUS. It sits too near you.

ANTONY. Here, here it lies a lump of lead by day,

And, in my short, distracted, nightly slumbers,

The hag that rides my dreams.−− VENTIDIUS. Out with it; give it vent.

ANTONY. Urge not my shame.

I lost a battle,−−

VENTIDIUS. So has Julius done.

ANTONY. Thou favour’st me, and speak’st not half thou think’st; For Julius fought it out, and lost it fairly.

But Antony−− VENTIDIUS. Nay, stop not.

ANTONY. Antony−−

Well, thou wilt have it,−−like a coward, fled,

Fled while his soldiers fought; fled first, Ventidius.

Thou long’st to curse me, and I give thee leave. I know thou cam’st prepared to rail.


ANTONY. I’ll help thee.−−I have been a man, Ventidius.

VENTIDIUS. Yes, and a brave one! but−−

ANTONY. I know thy meaning.

But I have lost my reason, have disgraced The name of soldier, with inglorious ease. In the full vintage of my flowing honours, Sat still, and saw it prest by other hands.

Fortune came smiling to my youth, and wooed it, And purple greatness met my ripened years.

When first I came to empire, I was borne

On tides of people, crowding to my triumphs;

The wish of nations, and the willing world

Received me as its pledge of future peace;

I was so great, so happy, so beloved,

Fate could not ruin me; till I took pains, And worked against my fortune, child her from me, And returned her loose; yet still she came again. My careless days, and my luxurious nights,

At length have wearied her, and now she’s gone,

Gone, gone, divorced for ever. Help me, soldier,

To curse this madman, this industrious fool, Who laboured to be wretched: Pr’ythee, curse me.



VENTIDIUS. You are too sensible already

Of what you’ve done, too conscious of your failings; And, like a scorpion, whipt by others first To fury, sting yourself in mad revenge.

I would bring balm, and pour it in your wounds, Cure your distempered mind, and heal your fortunes.

ANTONY. I know thou would’st.


ANTONY. Ha, ha, ha, ha!

VENTIDIUS. You laugh.

ANTONY. I do, to see officious love. Give cordials to the dead.

VENTIDIUS. You would be lost, then?


VENTIDIUS. I say you are not. Try your fortune.

ANTONY. I have, to the utmost. Dost thou think me desperate,

Without just cause? No, when I found all lost

Beyond repair, I hid me from the world,

And learnt to scorn it here; which now I do So heartily, I think it is not worth The cost of keeping.

VENTIDIUS. Caesar thinks not so;

He’ll thank you for the gift he could not take. You would be killed like Tully, would you? do, Hold out your throat to Caesar, and die tamely.

ANTONY. No, I can kill myself; and so resolve.

VENTIDIUS. I can die with you too, when time shall serve; But fortune calls upon us now to live, To fight, to conquer.

ANTONY. Sure thou dream’st, Ventidius.

VENTIDIUS. No; ’tis you dream; you sleep away your hours In desperate sloth, miscalled philosophy.

Up, up, for honour’s sake; twelve legions wait you,

And long to call you chief: By painful journeys

I led them, patient both of heat and hunger, Down form the Parthian marches to the Nile.

‘Twill do you good to see their sunburnt faces,

Their scarred cheeks, and chopt hands: there’s virtue in them. They’ll sell those mangled limbs at dearer rates Than yon trim bands can buy.

ANTONY. Where left you them?

VENTIDIUS. I said in Lower Syria.

ANTONY. Bring them hither; There may be life in these.

VENTIDIUS. They will not come.

ANTONY. Why didst thou mock my hopes with promised aids, To double my despair? They’re mutinous.

VENTIDIUS. Most firm and loyal.

ANTONY. Yet they will not march To succour me. O trifler!

VENTIDIUS. They petition

You would make haste to head them.

ANTONY. I’m besieged.

VENTIDIUS. There’s but one way shut up: How came I hither?

ANTONY. I will not stir.

VENTIDIUS. They would perhaps desire A better reason.

ANTONY. I have never used My soldiers to demand a reason of

My actions. Why did they refuse to march?

VENTIDIUS. They said they would not fight for Cleopatra.

ANTONY. What was’t they said?

VENTIDIUS. They said they would not fight for Cleopatra.

Why should they fight indeed, to make her conquer, And make you more a slave? to gain you kingdoms,

Which, for a kiss, at your next midnight feast,

You’ll sell to her? Then she new−names her jewels,

And calls this diamond such or such a tax; Each pendant in her ear shall be a province.

ANTONY. Ventidius, I allow your tongue free licence

On all my other faults; but, on your life, No word of Cleopatra: she deserves More worlds than I can lose.

VENTIDIUS. Behold, you Powers, To whom you have intrusted humankind!

See Europe, Afric, Asia, put in balance,

And all weighed down by one light, worthless woman!

I think the gods are Antonies, and give, Like prodigals, this nether world away To none but wasteful hands.

ANTONY. You grow presumptuous.

VENTIDIUS. I take the privilege of plain love to speak.

ANTONY. Plain love! plain arrogance, plain insolence!

Thy men are cowards; thou, an envious traitor; Who, under seeming honesty, hast vented The burden of thy rank, o’erflowing gall. O that thou wert my equal; great in arms As the first Caesar was, that I might kill thee Without a stain to honour!

VENTIDIUS. You may kill me;

You have done more already,−−called me traitor.

ANTONY. Art thou not one?

VENTIDIUS. For showing you yourself,

Which none else durst have done? but had I been

That name, which I disdain to speak again,

I needed not have sought your abject fortunes, Come to partake your fate, to die with you.

What hindered me to have led my conquering eagles

To fill Octavius’ bands? I could have been A traitor then, a glorious, happy traitor, And not have been so called.

ANTONY. Forgive me, soldier; I’ve been too passionate.

VENTIDIUS. You thought me false;

Thought my old age betrayed you: Kill me, sir, Pray, kill me; yet you need not, your unkindness Has left your sword no work.

ANTONY. I did not think so;

I said it in my rage: Pr’ythee, forgive me. Why didst thou tempt my anger, by discovery Of what I would not hear?

VENTIDIUS. No prince but you

Could merit that sincerity I used,

Nor durst another man have ventured it;

But you, ere love misled your wandering eyes,

Were sure the chief and best of human race,

Framed in the very pride and boast of nature;

So perfect, that the gods, who formed you, wondered

At their own skill, and cried−−A lucky hit

Has mended our design. Their envy hindered,

Else you had been immortal, and a pattern, When Heaven would work for ostentation’s sake To copy out again.

ANTONY. But Cleopatra−−

Go on; for I can bear it now.


ANTONY. Thou dar’st not trust my passion, but thou may’st; Thou only lov’st, the rest have flattered me.

VENTIDIUS. Heaven’s blessing on your heart for that kind word! May I believe you love me? Speak again.

ANTONY. Indeed I do. Speak this, and this, and this. [Hugging him.]

Thy praises were unjust; but, I’ll deserve them, And yet mend all. Do with me what thou wilt; Lead me to victory! thou know’st the way.

VENTIDIUS. And, will you leave this−−

ANTONY. Pr’ythee, do not curse her,

And I will leave her; though, Heaven knows, I love Beyond life, conquest, empire, all, but honour; But I will leave her.

VENTIDIUS. That’s my royal master; And, shall we fight?

ANTONY. I warrant thee, old soldier.

Thou shalt behold me once again in iron;

And at the head of our old troops, that beat The Parthians, cry aloud−−Come, follow me!

VENTIDIUS. Oh, now I hear my emperor! in that word

Octavius fell. Gods, let me see that day, And, if I have ten years behind, take all: I’ll thank you for the exchange.

ANTONY. O Cleopatra!


ANTONY. I’ve done: In that last sigh she went. Caesar shall know what ’tis to force a lover From all he holds most dear.

VENTIDIUS. Methinks, you breathe

Another soul: Your looks are more divine; You speak a hero, and you move a god.

ANTONY. Oh, thou hast fired me; my soul’s up in arms,

And mans each part about me: Once again,

That noble eagerness of fight has seized me;

That eagerness with which I darted upward

To Cassius’ camp: In vain the steepy hill

Opposed my way; in vain a war of spears

Sung round my head, and planted on my shield; I won the trenches, while my foremost men Lagged on the plain below.

VENTIDIUS. Ye gods, ye gods, For such another honour!

ANTONY. Come on, my soldier!

Our hearts and arms are still the same: I long

Once more to meet our foes; that thou and I,

Like Time and Death, marching before our troops,

May taste fate to them; mow them out a passage, And, entering where the foremost squadrons yield, Begin the noble harvest of the field.


Act II

Scene I


CLEOPATRA. What shall I do, or whither shall I turn? Ventidius has o’ercome, and he will go.

ALEXAS. He goes to fight for you.

CLEOPATRA. Then he would see me, ere he went to fight: Flatter me not: If once he goes, he’s lost, And all my hopes destroyed.

ALEXAS. Does this weak passion Become a mighty queen?

CLEOPATRA. I am no queen:

Is this to be a queen, to be besieged

By yon insulting Roman, and to wait

Each hour the victor’s chain? These ills are small:

For Antony is lost, and I can mourn

For nothing else but him. Now come, Octavius,

I have no more to lose! prepare thy bands;

I’m fit to be a captive: Antony

Has taught my mind the fortune of a slave.

IRAS. Call reason to assist you.

CLEOPATRA. I have none,

And none would have: My love’s a noble madness, Which shows the cause deserved it. Moderate sorrow Fits vulgar love, and for a vulgar man:

But I have loved with such transcendent passion,

I soared, at first, quite out of reason’s view,

And now am lost above it. No, I’m proud

‘Tis thus: Would Antony could see me now

Think you he would not sigh, though he must leave me?

Sure he would sigh; for he is noble−natured, And bears a tender heart: I know him well. Ah, no, I know him not; I knew him once, But now ’tis past.

IRAS. Let it be past with you: Forget him, madam.

CLEOPATRA. Never, never, Iras. He once was mine; and once, though now ’tis gone, Leaves a faint image of possession still.

ALEXAS. Think him inconstant, cruel, and ungrateful.

CLEOPATRA. I cannot: If I could, those thoughts were vain. Faithless, ungrateful, cruel, though he be, I still must love him.


Now, what news, my Charmion?

Will he be kind? and will he not forsake me?

Am I to live, or die?−−nay, do I live? Or am I dead? for when he gave his answer,

Fate took the word, and then I lived or died.

CHARMION. I found him, madam−−

CLEOPATRA. A long speech preparing?

If thou bring’st comfort, haste, and give it me, For never was more need.

IRAS. I know he loves you.

CLEOPATRA. Had he been kind, her eyes had told me so,

Before her tongue could speak it: Now she studies,

To soften what he said; but give me death, Just as he sent it, Charmion, undisguised, And in the words he spoke.

CHARMION. I found him, then,

Encompassed round, I think, with iron statues;

So mute, so motionless his soldiers stood,

While awfully he cast his eyes about, And every leader’s hopes or fears surveyed:

Methought he looked resolved, and yet not pleased. When he beheld me struggling in the crowd, He blushed, and bade make way.

ALEXAS. There’s comfort yet.

CHARMION. Ventidius fixed his eyes upon my passage

Severely, as he meant to frown me back,

And sullenly gave place: I told my message,

Just as you gave it, broken and disordered;

I numbered in it all your sighs and tears,

And while I moved your pitiful request,

That you but only begged a last farewell,

He fetched an inward groan; and every time I named you, sighed, as if his heart were breaking, But, shunned my eyes, and guiltily looked down:

He seemed not now that awful Antony,

Who shook and armed assembly with his nod; But, making show as he would rub his eyes, Disguised and blotted out a falling tear.

CLEOPATRA. Did he then weep? And was I worth a tear?

If what thou hast to say be not as pleasing, Tell me no more, but let me die contented.

CHARMION. He bid me say,−−He knew himself so well,

He could deny you nothing, if he saw you;

And therefore−−

CLEOPATRA. Thou wouldst say, he would not see me?

CHARMION. And therefore begged you not to use a power, Which he could ill resist; yet he should ever Respect you, as he ought.

CLEOPATRA. Is that a word

For Antony to use to Cleopatra?

O that faint word, RESPECT! how I disdain it!

Disdain myself, for loving after it!

He should have kept that word for cold Octavia. Respect is for a wife: Am I that thing, That dull, insipid lump, without desires, And without power to give them?

ALEXAS. You misjudge;

You see through love, and that deludes your sight; As, what is straight, seems crooked through the water:

But I, who bear my reason undisturbed,

Can see this Antony, this dreaded man,

A fearful slave, who fain would run away,

And shuns his master’s eyes: If you pursue him, My life on’t, he still drags a chain along. That needs must clog his flight.

CLEOPATRA. Could I believe thee!−− ALEXAS. By every circumstance I know he loves.

True, he’s hard prest, by interest and by honour; Yet he but doubts, and parleys, and casts out Many a long look for succour.

CLEOPATRA. He sends word,

He fears to see my face.

ALEXAS. And would you more?

He shows his weakness who declines the combat,

And you must urge your fortune. Could he speak

More plainly? To my ears, the message sounds−−

Come to my rescue, Cleopatra, come; Come, free me from Ventidius; from my tyrant: See me, and give me a pretence to leave him!−− I hear his trumpets. This way he must pass. Please you, retire a while; I’ll work him first, That he may bend more easy.

CLEOPATRA. You shall rule me;

But all, I fear, in vain.

[Exit with CHARMION and IRAS.]

ALEXAS. I fear so too;

Though I concealed my thoughts, to make her bold; But ’tis our utmost means, and fate befriend it! [Withdraws.]

Enter Lictors with Fasces; one bearing the Eagle; then enter

ANTONY with VENTIDIUS, followed by other Commanders

ANTONY. Octavius is the minion of blind chance, But holds from virtue nothing.

VENTIDIUS. Has he courage?

ANTONY. But just enough to season him from coward.

Oh, ’tis the coldest youth upon a charge,

The most deliberate fighter! if he ventures

(As in Illyria once, they say, he did,

To storm a town), ’tis when he cannot choose;

When all the world have fixt their eyes upon him; And then he lives on that for seven years after; But, at a close revenge he never fails.

VENTIDIUS. I heard you challenged him.

ANTONY. I did, Ventidius.

What think’st thou was his answer? ‘Twas so tame!−− He said, he had more ways than one to die; I had not.


ANTONY. He has more ways than one;

But he would choose them all before that one.

VENTIDIUS. He first would choose an ague, or a fever.

ANTONY. No; it must be an ague, not a fever; He Has not warmth enough to die by that.

VENTIDIUS. Or old age and a bed.

ANTONY. Ay, there’s his choice,

He would live, like a lamp, to the last wink, And crawl the utmost verge of life.

O Hercules! Why should a man like this,

Who dares not trust his fate for one great action,

Be all the care of Heaven? Why should he lord it O’er fourscore thousand men, of whom each one Is braver than himself?

VENTIDIUS. You conquered for him:

Philippi knows it; there you shared with him That empire, which your sword made all your own.

ANTONY. Fool that I was, upon my eagle’s wings

I bore this wren, till I was tired with soaring, And now he mounts above me.

Good heavens, is this,−−is this the man who braves me?

Who bids my age make way? Drives me before him, To the world’s ridge, and sweeps me off like rubbish?

VENTIDIUS. Sir, we lose time; the troops are mounted all.

ANTONY. Then give the word to march: I long to leave this prison of a town,

To join thy legions; and, in open field, Once more to show my face. Lead, my deliverer.


ALEXAS. Great emperor,

In mighty arms renowned above mankind,

But, in soft pity to the opprest, a god; This message sends the mournful Cleopatra To her departing lord.

VENTIDIUS. Smooth sycophant!

ALEXAS. A thousand wishes, and ten thousand prayers,

Millions of blessings wait you to the wars;

Millions of sighs and tears she sends you too,

And would have sent

As many dear embraces to your arms,

As many parting kisses to your lips; But those, she fears, have wearied you already.

VENTIDIUS. [aside.] False crocodile!

ALEXAS. And yet she begs not now, you would not leave her;

That were a wish too mighty for her hopes,

Too presuming

For her low fortune, and your ebbing love; That were a wish for her more prosperous days,

Her blooming beauty, and your growing kindness.

ANTONY. [aside.] Well, I must man it out:−−What would the queen?

ALEXAS. First, to these noble warriors, who attend

Your daring courage in the chase of fame,−− Too daring, and too dangerous for her quiet,−−

She humbly recommends all she holds dear, All her own cares and fears,−−the care of you.

VENTIDIUS. Yes, witness Actium.

ANTONY. Let him speak, Ventidius.

ALEXAS. You, when his matchless valour bears him forward,

With ardour too heroic, on his foes, Fall down, as she would do, before his feet; Lie in his way, and stop the paths of death:

Tell him, this god is not invulnerable;

That absent Cleopatra bleeds in him;

And, that you may remember her petition,

She begs you wear these trifles, as a pawn,

Which, at your wished return, she will redeem [Gives jewels to the Commanders.] With all the wealth of Egypt:

This to the great Ventidius she presents, Whom she can never count her enemy, Because he loves her lord.

VENTIDIUS. Tell her, I’ll none on’t;

I’m not ashamed of honest poverty;

Not all the diamonds of the east can bribe

Ventidius from his faith. I hope to see

These and the rest of all her sparkling store,

Where they shall more deservingly be placed.

ANTONY. And who must wear them then?

VENTIDIUS. The wronged Octavia.

ANTONY. You might have spared that word.

VENTIDIUS. And he that bribe.

ANTONY. But have I no remembrance?

ALEXAS. Yes, a dear one;

Your slave the queen−− ANTONY. My mistress.

ALEXAS. Then your mistress;

Your mistress would, she says, have sent her soul,

But that you had long since; she humbly begs

This ruby bracelet, set with bleeding hearts, The emblems of her own, may bind your arm.

[Presenting a bracelet.]

VENTIDIUS. Now, my best lord,−−in honour’s name, I ask you,

For manhood’s sake, and for your own dear safety,−− Touch not these poisoned gifts,

Infected by the sender; touch them not;

Myriads of bluest plagues lie underneath them, And more than aconite has dipt the silk.

ANTONY. Nay, now you grow too cynical, Ventidius: A lady’s favours may be worn with honour.

What, to refuse her bracelet! On my soul,

When I lie pensive in my tent alone,

‘Twill pass the wakeful hours of winter nights,

To tell these pretty beads upon my arm,

To count for every one a soft embrace, A melting kiss at such and such a time: And now and then the fury of her love, When−−−−And what harm’s in this?

ALEXAS. None, none, my lord,

But what’s to her, that now ’tis past for ever.

ANTONY. [going to tie it.]

We soldiers are so awkward−−help me tie it.

ALEXAS. In faith, my lord, we courtiers too are awkward In these affairs: so are all men indeed:

Even I, who am not one. But shall I speak? ANTONY. Yes, freely.

ALEXAS. Then, my lord, fair hands alone

Are fit to tie it; she, who sent it can.

VENTIDIUS. Hell, death! this eunuch pander ruins you. You will not see her?

[ALEXAS whispers an ATTENDANT, who goes out.] ANTONY. But to take my leave.

VENTIDIUS. Then I have washed an Aethiop. You’re undone; Y’ are in the toils; y’ are taken; y’ are destroyed: Her eyes do Caesar’s work.

ANTONY. You fear too soon.

I’m constant to myself: I know my strength;

And yet she shall not think me barbarous neither, Born in the depths of Afric: I am a Roman, Bred in the rules of soft humanity.

A guest, and kindly used, should bid farewell.

VENTIDIUS. You do not know How weak you are to her, how much an infant:

You are not proof against a smile, or glance: A sigh will quite disarm you.

ANTONY. See, she comes!

Now you shall find your error.−−Gods, I thank you: I formed the danger greater than it was, And now ’tis near, ’tis lessened.

VENTIDIUS. Mark the end yet.

Enter CLEOPATRA, CHARMION, and IRAS ANTONY. Well, madam, we are met.

CLEOPATRA. Is this a meeting? Then, we must part?

ANTONY. We must.

CLEOPATRA. Who says we must?

ANTONY. Our own hard fates.

CLEOPATRA. We make those fates ourselves.

ANTONY. Yes, we have made them; we have loved each other, Into our mutual ruin.

CLEOPATRA. The gods have seen my joys with envious eyes; I have no friends in heaven; and all the world,

As ’twere the business of mankind to part us,

Is armed against my love: even you yourself Join with the rest; you, you are armed against me.

ANTONY. I will be justified in all I do To late posterity, and therefore hear me.

If I mix a lie

With any truth, reproach me freely with it; Else, favour me with silence.

CLEOPATRA. You command me, And I am dumb.

VENTIDIUS. I like this well; he shows authority.

ANTONY. That I derive my ruin

From you alone−−−− CLEOPATRA. O heavens! I ruin you!

ANTONY. You promised me your silence, and you break it Ere I have scarce begun.

CLEOPATRA. Well, I obey you.

ANTONY. When I beheld you first, it was in Egypt.

Ere Caesar saw your eyes, you gave me love,

And were too young to know it; that I settled Your father in his throne, was for your sake; I left the acknowledgment for time to ripen.

Caesar stept in, and, with a greedy hand,

Plucked the green fruit, ere the first blush of red,

Yet cleaving to the bough. He was my lord,

And was, beside, too great for me to rival; But, I deserved you first, though he enjoyed you.

When, after, I beheld you in Cilicia, An enemy to Rome, I pardoned you.

CLEOPATRA. I cleared myself−−−−

ANTONY. Again you break your promise.

I loved you still, and took your weak excuses,

Took you into my bosom, stained by Caesar,

And not half mine: I went to Egypt with you,

And hid me from the business of the world, Shut out inquiring nations from my sight, To give whole years to you.

VENTIDIUS. Yes, to your shame be’t spoken.


ANTONY. How I loved.

Witness, ye days and nights, and all ye hours,

That danced away with down upon your feet, As all your business were to count my passion! One day passed by, and nothing saw but love; Another came, and still ’twas only love: The suns were wearied out with looking on, And I untired with loving.

I saw you every day, and all the day;

And every day was still but as the first, So eager was I still to see you more.

VENTIDIUS. ‘Tis all too true.

ANTONY. Fulvia, my wife, grew jealous, (As she indeed had reason) raised a war In Italy, to call me back.

VENTIDIUS. But yet You went not.

ANTONY. While within your arms I lay, The world fell mouldering from my hands each hour, And left me scarce a grasp−−I thank your love for’t.

VENTIDIUS. Well pushed: that last was home.

CLEOPATRA. Yet may I speak?

ANTONY. If I have urged a falsehood, yes; else, not.

Your silence says, I have not. Fulvia died,

(Pardon, you gods, with my unkindness died);

To set the world at peace, I took Octavia,

This Caesar’s sister; in her pride of youth,

And flower of beauty, did I wed that lady, Whom blushing I must praise, because I left her.

You called; my love obeyed the fatal summons:

This raised the Roman arms; the cause was yours.

I would have fought by land, where I was stronger;

You hindered it: yet, when I fought at sea, Forsook me fighting; and (O stain to honour! O lasting shame!) I knew not that I fled; But fled to follow you.

VENTIDIUS. What haste she made to hoist her purple sails! And, to appear magnificent in flight, Drew half our strength away.

ANTONY. All this you caused.

And, would you multiply more ruins on me?

This honest man, my best, my only friend,

Has gathered up the shipwreck of my fortunes; Twelve legions I have left, my last recruits.

And you have watched the news, and bring your eyes To seize them too. If you have aught to answer, Now speak, you have free leave.

ALEXAS. [aside.] She stands confounded: Despair is in her eyes.

VENTIDIUS. Now lay a sigh in the way to stop his passage: Prepare a tear, and bid it for his legions; ‘Tis like they shall be sold.

CLEOPATRA. How shall I plead my cause, when you, my judge, Already have condemned me? Shall I bring The love you bore me for my advocate?

That now is turned against me, that destroys me;

For love, once past, is, at the best, forgotten; But oftener sours to hate: ’twill please my lord To ruin me, and therefore I’ll be guilty.

But, could I once have thought it would have pleased you,

That you would pry, with narrow searching eyes,

Into my faults, severe to my destruction,

And watching all advantages with care,

That serve to make me wretched? Speak, my lord, For I end here. Though I deserved this usage, Was it like you to give it?

ANTONY. Oh, you wrong me,

To think I sought this parting, or desired To accuse you more than what will clear myself, And justify this breach.

CLEOPATRA. Thus low I thank you; And, since my innocence will not offend, I shall not blush to own it.

VENTIDIUS. After this,

I think she’ll blush at nothing.

CLEOPATRA. You seem grieved

(And therein you are kind) that Caesar first Enjoyed my love, though you deserved it better: I grieve for that, my lord, much more than you;

For, had I first been yours, it would have saved

My second choice: I never had been his, And ne’er had been but yours. But Caesar first, You say, possessed my love. Not so, my lord:

He first possessed my person; you, my love: Caesar loved me; but I loved Antony.

If I endured him after, ’twas because

I judged it due to the first name of men; And, half constrained, I gave, as to a tyrant, What he would take by force.

VENTIDIUS. O Syren! Syren!

Yet grant that all the love she boasts were true, Has she not ruined you? I still urge that, The fatal consequence.

CLEOPATRA. The consequence indeed−−

For I dare challenge him, my greatest foe,

To say it was designed: ’tis true, I loved you, And kept you far from an uneasy wife,−− Such Fulvia was.

Yes, but he’ll say, you left Octavia for me;−− And, can you blame me to receive that love, Which quitted such desert, for worthless me?

How often have I wished some other Caesar,

Great as the first, and as the second young,

Would court my love, to be refused for you!

VENTIDIUS. Words, words; but Actium, sir; remember Actium.

CLEOPATRA. Even there, I dare his malice. True, I counselled To fight at sea; but I betrayed you not.

I fled, but not to the enemy. ‘Twas fear; Would I had been a man, not to have feared! For none would then have envied me your friendship, Who envy me your love.

ANTONY. We are both unhappy:

If nothing else, yet our ill fortune parts us.

Speak; would you have me perish by my stay?

CLEOPATRA. If, as a friend, you ask my judgment, go; If, as a lover, stay. If you must perish−− ‘Tis a hard word−−but stay.

VENTIDIUS. See now the effects of her so boasted love!

She strives to drag you down to ruin with her;

But, could she ‘scape without you, oh, how soon Would she let go her hold, and haste to shore, And never look behind!

CLEOPATRA. Then judge my love by this.

[Giving ANTONY a writing.] Could I have borne

A life or death, a happiness or woe,

From yours divided, this had given me means.

ANTONY. By Hercules, the writing of Octavius!

I know it well: ’tis that proscribing hand,

Young as it was, that led the way to mine,

And left me but the second place in murder.−− See, see, Ventidius! here he offers Egypt,

And joins all Syria to it, as a present; So, in requital, she forsake my fortunes, And join her arms with his.

CLEOPATRA. And yet you leave me!

You leave me, Antony; and yet I love you,

Indeed I do: I have refused a kingdom;

That is a trifle;

For I could part with life, with anything, But only you. Oh, let me die but with you! Is that a hard request?

ANTONY. Next living with you, ‘Tis all that Heaven can give.

ALEXAS. He melts; we conquer.


CLEOPATRA. No; you shall go: your interest calls you hence; Yes; your dear interest pulls too strong, for these Weak arms to hold you here.

[Takes his hand.]

Go; leave me, soldier

(For you’re no more a lover): leave me dying:

Push me, all pale and panting, from your bosom, And, when your march begins, let one run after, Breathless almost for joy, and cry−−She’s dead. The soldiers shout; you then, perhaps, may sigh, And muster all your Roman gravity: Ventidius chides; and straight your brow clears up, As I had never been.

ANTONY. Gods, ’tis too much; too much for man to bear.

CLEOPATRA. What is’t for me then,

A weak, forsaken woman, and a lover?−− Here let me breathe my last: envy me not

This minute in your arms: I’ll die apace, As fast as e’er I can, and end your trouble.

ANTONY. Die! rather let me perish; loosened nature Leap from its hinges, sink the props of heaven, And fall the skies, to crush the nether world! My eyes, my soul, my all!

[Embraces her.]

VENTIDIUS. And what’s this toy, In balance with your fortune, honour, fame?

ANTONY. What is’t, Ventidius?−−it outweighs them all; Why, we have more than conquered Caesar now:

My queen’s not only innocent, but loves me.

This, this is she, who drags me down to ruin!

“But, could she ‘scape without me, with what haste

Would she let slip her hold, and make to shore,

And never look behind!”

Down on thy knees, blasphemer as thou art,

And ask forgiveness of wronged innocence.

VENTIDIUS. I’ll rather die, than take it. Will you go?

ANTONY. Go! whither? Go from all that’s excellent?

Faith, honour, virtue, all good things forbid,

That I should go from her, who sets my love

Above the price of kingdoms! Give, you gods,

Give to your boy, your Caesar,

This rattle of a globe to play withal, This gewgaw world, and put him cheaply off: I’ll not be pleased with less than Cleopatra.

CLEOPATRA. She’s wholly yours. My heart’s so full of joy,

That I shall do some wild extravagance

Of love, in public; and the foolish world, Which knows not tenderness, will think me mad.

VENTIDIUS. O women! women! women! all the gods Have not such power of doing good to man, As you of doing harm.


ANTONY. Our men are armed:−−

Unbar the gate that looks to Caesar’s camp: I would revenge the treachery he meant me; And long security makes conquest easy.

I’m eager to return before I go;

For, all the pleasures I have known beat thick On my remembrance.−−How I long for night! That both the sweets of mutual love may try, And triumph once o’er Caesar ere we die.



Scene I

At one door enter CLEOPATRA, CHARMION, IRAS, and ALEXAS, a Train of EGYPTIANS: at the other ANTONY and ROMANS. The entrance on both sides is prepared by music; the trumpets first sounding on Antony’s part: then answered by timbrels, etc., on CLEOPATRA’S. CHARMION and IRAS hold a laurel wreath betwixt them. A Dance of EGYPTIANS. After the ceremony, CLEOPATRA crowns ANTONY.

ANTONY. I thought how those white arms would fold me in,

And strain me close, and melt me into love;

So pleased with that sweet image, I sprung forwards, And added all my strength to every blow.

CLEOPATRA. Come to me, come, my soldier, to my arms!

You’ve been too long away from my embraces;

But, when I have you fast, and all my own,

With broken murmurs, and with amorous sighs,

I’ll say, you were unkind, and punish you, And mark you red with many an eager kiss.

ANTONY. My brighter Venus!

CLEOPATRA. O my greater Mars!

ANTONY. Thou join’st us well, my love!

Suppose me come from the Phlegraean plains,

Where gasping giants lay, cleft by my sword,

And mountain−tops paired off each other blow, To bury those I slew. Receive me, goddess!

Let Caesar spread his subtle nets; like Vulcan,

In thy embraces I would be beheld

By heaven and earth at once;

And make their envy what they meant their sport Let those, who took us, blush; I would love on, With awful state, regardless of their frowns, As their superior gods.

There’s no satiety of love in thee:

Enjoyed, thou still art new; perpetual spring

Is in thy arms; the ripened fruit but falls, And blossoms rise to fill its empty place; And I grow rich by giving.

Enter VENTIDIUS, and stands apart

ALEXAS. Oh, now the danger’s past, your general comes!

He joins not in your joys, nor minds your triumphs; But, with contracted brows, looks frowning on, As envying your success.

ANTONY. Now, on my soul, he loves me; truly loves me:

He never flattered me in any vice, But awes me with his virtue: even this minute, Methinks, he has a right of chiding me. Lead to the temple: I’ll avoid his presence; It checks too strong upon me.

[Exeunt the rest.] [As ANTONY is going, VENTIDIUS pulls him by the robe.] VENTIDIUS. Emperor!

ANTONY. ‘Tis the old argument; I pr’ythee, spare me. [Looking back.]

VENTIDIUS. But this one hearing, emperor.

ANTONY. Let go

My robe; or, by my father Hercules−−

VENTIDIUS. By Hercules’ father, that’s yet greater, I bring you somewhat you would wish to know.

ANTONY. Thou see’st we are observed; attend me here, And I’ll return. [Exit.]

VENTIDIUS. I am waning in his favour, yet I love him;

I love this man, who runs to meet his ruin; And sure the gods, like me, are fond of him:

His virtues lie so mingled with his crimes, As would confound their choice to punish one, And not reward the other.


ANTONY. We can conquer, You see, without your aid.

We have dislodged their troops;

They look on us at distance, and, like curs

Scaped from the lion’s paws, they bay far off, And lick their wounds, and faintly threaten war. Five thousand Romans, with their faces upward, Lie breathless on the plain.

VENTIDIUS. ‘Tis well; and he,

Who lost them, could have spared ten thousand more. Yet if, by this advantage, you could gain

An easier peace, while Caesar doubts the chance Of arms−−

ANTONY. Oh, think not on’t, Ventidius! The boy pursues my ruin, he’ll no peace; His malice is considerable in advantage. Oh, he’s the coolest murderer! so staunch, He kills, and keeps his temper.

VENTIDIUS. Have you no friend In all his army, who has power to move him? Maecenas, or Agrippa, might do much.

ANTONY. They’re both too deep in Caesar’s interests. We’ll work it out by dint of sword, or perish.

VENTIDIUS. Fain I would find some other.

ANTONY. Thank thy love. Some four or five such victories as this Will save thy further pains.

VENTIDIUS. Expect no more; Caesar is on his guard:

I know, sir, you have conquered against odds;

But still you draw supplies from one poor town,

And of Egyptians: he has all the world, And, at his beck, nations come pouring in, To fill the gaps you make. Pray, think again.

ANTONY. Why dost thou drive me from myself, to search

For foreign aids?−−to hunt my memory, And range all o’er a waste and barren place, To find a friend? The wretched have no friends.

Yet I had one, the bravest youth of Rome, Whom Caesar loves beyond the love of women: He could resolve his mind, as fire does wax,

From that hard rugged image melt him down, And mould him in what softer form he pleased.

VENTIDIUS. Him would I see; that man, of all the world; Just such a one we want.

ANTONY. He loved me too;

I was his soul; he lived not but in me: We were so closed within each other’s breasts, The rivets were not found, that joined us first.

That does not reach us yet: we were so mixt,

As meeting streams, both to ourselves were lost; We were one mass; we could not give or take, But from the same; for he was I, I he.

VENTIDIUS. He moves as I would wish him.


ANTONY. After this,

I need not tell his name;−−’twas Dolabella.

VENTIDIUS. He’s now in Caesar’s camp.

ANTONY. No matter where,

Since he’s no longer mine. He took unkindly,

That I forbade him Cleopatra’s sight,

Because I feared he loved her: he confessed,

He had a warmth, which, for my sake, he stifled;

For ’twere impossible that two, so one, Should not have loved the same. When he departed, He took no leave; and that confirmed my thoughts.

VENTIDIUS. It argues, that he loved you more than her,

Else he had stayed; but he perceived you jealous,

And would not grieve his friend: I know he loves you.

ANTONY. I should have seen him, then, ere now.


He has thus long been labouring for your peace.

ANTONY. Would he were here!

VENTIDIUS. Would you believe he loved you?

I read your answer in your eyes, you would.

Not to conceal it longer, he has sent A messenger from Caesar’s camp, with letters.

ANTONY. Let him appear.

VENTIDIUS. I’ll bring him instantly.

[Exit VENTIDIUS, and re−enters immediately with DOLABELLA.]

ANTONY. ‘Tis he himself! himself, by holy friendship!

[Runs to embrace him.] Art thou returned at last, my better half?

Come, give me all myself!

Let me not live,

If the young bridegroom, longing for his night, Was ever half so fond.

DOLABELLA. I must be silent, for my soul is busy

About a nobler work; she’s new come home, Like a long−absent man, and wanders o’er Each room, a stranger to her own, to look If all be safe.

ANTONY. Thou hast what’s left of me;

For I am now so sunk from what I was, Thou find’st me at my lowest water−mark.

The rivers that ran in, and raised my fortunes, Are all dried up, or take another course:

What I have left is from my native spring; I’ve still a heart that swells, in scorn of fate, And lifts me to my banks.

DOLABELLA. Still you are lord of all the world to me.

ANTONY. Why, then I yet am so; for thou art all.

If I had any joy when thou wert absent,

I grudged it to myself; methought I robbed Thee of thy part. But, O my Dolabella!

Thou has beheld me other than I am. Hast thou not seen my morning chambers filled With sceptred slaves, who waited to salute me?

With eastern monarchs, who forgot the sun,

To worship my uprising?−−menial kings

Ran coursing up and down my palace−yard,

Stood silent in my presence, watched my eyes, And, at my least command, all started out, Like racers to the goal.

DOLABELLA. Slaves to your fortune.

ANTONY. Fortune is Caesar’s now; and what am I?

VENTIDIUS. What you have made yourself; I will not flatter. ANTONY. Is this friendly done?

DOLABELLA. Yes; when his end is so, I must join with him; Indeed I must, and yet you must not chide; Why am I else your friend?

ANTONY. Take heed, young man,

How thou upbraid’st my love: The queen has eyes,

And thou too hast a soul. Canst thou remember, When, swelled with hatred, thou beheld’st her first, As accessary to thy brother’s death?

DOLABELLA. Spare my remembrance; ’twas a guilty day, And still the blush hangs here.

ANTONY. To clear herself,

For sending him no aid, she came from Egypt.

Her galley down the silver Cydnus rowed,

The tackling silk, the streamers waved with gold;

The gentle winds were lodged in purple sails: Her nymphs, like Nereids, round her couch were placed; Where she, another sea−born Venus, lay.

DOLABELLA. No more; I would not hear it.

ANTONY. Oh, you must!

She lay, and leant her cheek upon her hand,

And cast a look so languishingly sweet,

As if, secure of all beholders’ hearts, Neglecting, she could take them: boys, like Cupids, Stood fanning, with their painted wings, the winds.

That played about her face. But if she smiled

A darting glory seemed to blaze abroad,

That men’s desiring eyes were never wearied,

But hung upon the object: To soft flutes

The silver oars kept time; and while they played,

The hearing gave new pleasure to the sight;

And both to thought. ‘Twas heaven, or somewhat more;

For she so charmed all hearts, that gazing crowds Stood panting on the shore, and wanted breath To give their welcome voice.

Then, Dolabella, where was then thy soul?

Was not thy fury quite disarmed with wonder?

Didst thou not shrink behind me from those eyes

And whisper in my ear−−Oh, tell her not

That I accused her with my brother’s death?

DOLABELLA. And should my weakness be a plea for yours?

Mine was an age when love might be excused,

When kindly warmth, and when my springing youth

Made it a debt to nature. Yours−−

VENTIDIUS. Speak boldly.

Yours, he would say, in your declining age,

When no more heat was left but what you forced,

When all the sap was needful for the trunk,

When it went down, then you constrained the course,

And robbed from nature, to supply desire; In you (I would not use so harsh a word) ‘Tis but plain dotage.


DOLABELLA. ‘Twas urged too home.−−

But yet the loss was private, that I made; ‘Twas but myself I lost: I lost no legions; I had no world to lose, no people’s love.

ANTONY. This from a friend?

DOLABELLA. Yes, Antony, a true one; A friend so tender, that each word I speak

Stabs my own heart, before it reach your ear.

Oh, judge me not less kind, because I chide! To Caesar I excuse you.

ANTONY. O ye gods!

Have I then lived to be excused to Caesar?

DOLABELLA. As to your equal.

ANTONY. Well, he’s but my equal:

While I wear this he never shall be more.

DOLABELLA. I bring conditions from him.

ANTONY. Are they noble?

Methinks thou shouldst not bring them else; yet he

Is full of deep dissembling; knows no honour Divided from his interest. Fate mistook him; For nature meant him for an usurer:

He’s fit indeed to buy, not conquer kingdoms.

VENTIDIUS. Then, granting this,

What power was theirs, who wrought so hard a temper To honourable terms?

ANTONY. I was my Dolabella, or some god.

DOLABELLA. Nor I, nor yet Maecenas, nor Agrippa:

They were your enemies; and I, a friend, Too weak alone; yet ’twas a Roman’s deed.

ANTONY. ‘Twas like a Roman done: show me that man, Who has preserved my life, my love, my honour; Let me but see his face.

VENTIDIUS. That task is mine, And, Heaven, thou know’st how pleasing.


DOLABELLA. You’ll remember To whom you stand obliged?

ANTONY. When I forget it

Be thou unkind, and that’s my greatest curse.

My queen shall thank him too,

DOLABELLA. I fear she will not.

ANTONY. But she shall do it: The queen, my Dolabella!

Hast thou not still some grudgings of thy fever?

DOLABELLA. I would not see her lost.

ANTONY. When I forsake her,

Leave me my better stars! for she has truth

Beyond her beauty. Caesar tempted her,

At no less price than kingdoms, to betray me; But she resisted all: and yet thou chidest me For loving her too well. Could I do so?

DOLABELLA. Yes; there’s my reason.

Re−enter VENTIDIUS, with OCTAVIA, leading ANTONY’S two little DAUGHTERS

ANTONY. Where?−−Octavia there!

[Starting back.]

VENTIDIUS. What, is she poison to you?−−a disease? Look on her, view her well, and those she brings: Are they all strangers to your eyes? has nature No secret call, no whisper they are yours?

DOLABELLA. For shame, my lord, if not for love, receive them

With kinder eyes. If you confess a man,

Meet them, embrace them, bid them welcome to you.

Your arms should open, even without your knowledge,

To clasp them in; your feet should turn to wings,

To bear you to them; and your eyes dart out

And aim a kiss, ere you could reach the lips.

ANTONY. I stood amazed, to think how they came hither.

VENTIDIUS. I sent for them; I brought them in unknown To Cleopatra’s guards.

DOLABELLA. Yet, are you cold?

OCTAVIA. Thus long I have attended for my welcome; Which, as a stranger, sure I might expect. Who am I?

ANTONY. Caesar’s sister.

OCTAVIA. That’s unkind.

Had I been nothing more than Caesar’s sister, Know, I had still remained in Caesar’s camp:

But your Octavia, your much injured wife, Though banished from your bed, driven from your house, In spite of Caesar’s sister, still is yours.

‘Tis true, I have a heart disdains your coldness,

And prompts me not to seek what you should offer; But a wife’s virtue still surmounts that pride.

I come to claim you as my own; to show My duty first; to ask, nay beg, your kindness:

Your hand, my lord; ’tis mine, and I will have it. [Taking his hand.]

VENTIDIUS. Do, take it; thou deserv’st it.

DOLABELLA. On my soul,

And so she does: she’s neither too submissive,

Nor yet too haughty; but so just a mean

Shows, as it ought, a wife and Roman too.

ANTONY. I fear, Octavia, you have begged my life.

OCTAVIA. Begged it, my lord?

ANTONY. Yes, begged it, my ambassadress; Poorly and basely begged it of your brother.

OCTAVIA. Poorly and basely I could never beg: Nor could my brother grant.

ANTONY. Shall I, who, to my kneeling slave, could say,

Rise up, and be a king; shall I fall down

And cry,−−Forgive me, Caesar! Shall I set

A man, my equal, in the place of Jove,

As he could give me being? No; that word, Forgive, would choke me up, And die upon my tongue.

DOLABELLA. You shall not need it.

ANTONY. I will not need it. Come, you’ve all betrayed me,−− My friend too!−−to receive some vile conditions. My wife has bought me, with her prayers and tears; And now I must become her branded slave.

In every peevish mood, she will upbraid The life she gave: if I but look awry, She cries−−I’ll tell my brother.

OCTAVIA. My hard fortune

Subjects me still to your unkind mistakes.

But the conditions I have brought are such,

Your need not blush to take: I love your honour,

Because ’tis mine; it never shall be said, Octavia’s husband was her brother’s slave.

Sir, you are free; free, even from her you loathe;

For, though my brother bargains for your love,

Makes me the price and cement of your peace,

I have a soul like yours; I cannot take Your love as alms, nor beg what I deserve.

I’ll tell my brother we are reconciled;

He shall draw back his troops, and you shall march

To rule the East: I may be dropt at Athens;

No matter where. I never will complain, But only keep the barren name of wife, And rid you of the trouble.

VENTIDIUS. Was ever such a strife of sullen honour! [Apart] Both scorn to be obliged.

DOLABELLA. Oh, she has touched him in the tenderest part;[Apart] See how he reddens with despite and shame, To be outdone in generosity!

VENTIDIUS. See how he winks! how he dries up a tear, [Apart] That fain would fall!

ANTONY. Octavia, I have heard you, and must praise

The greatness of your soul;

But cannot yield to what you have proposed: For I can ne’er be conquered but by love; And you do all for duty. You would free me, And would be dropt at Athens; was’t not so?

OCTAVIA. It was, my lord.

ANTONY. Then I must be obliged

To one who loves me not; who, to herself, May call me thankless and ungrateful man:−− I’ll not endure it; no.

VENTIDIUS. I am glad it pinches there.


OCTAVIA. Would you triumph o’er poor Octavia’s virtue?

That pride was all I had to bear me up;

That you might think you owed me for your life, And owed it to my duty, not my love.

I have been injured, and my haughty soul

Could brook but ill the man who slights my bed.

ANTONY. Therefore you love me not.

OCTAVIA. Therefore, my lord, I should not love you.

ANTONY. Therefore you would leave me?

OCTAVIA. And therefore I should leave you−−if I could.

DOLABELLA. Her soul’s too great, after such injuries, To say she loves; and yet she lets you see it. Her modesty and silence plead her cause.

ANTONY. O Dolabella, which way shall I turn?

I find a secret yielding in my soul;

But Cleopatra, who would die with me,

Must she be left? Pity pleads for Octavia; But does it not plead more for Cleopatra?

VENTIDIUS. Justice and pity both plead for Octavia; For Cleopatra, neither.

One would be ruined with you; but she first Had ruined you: The other, you have ruined, And yet she would preserve you.

In everything their merits are unequal.

ANTONY. O my distracted soul!

OCTAVIA. Sweet Heaven compose it!−− Come, come, my lord, if I can pardon you,

Methinks you should accept it. Look on these;

Are they not yours? or stand they thus neglected,

As they are mine? Go to him, children, go;

Kneel to him, take him by the hand, speak to him;

For you may speak, and he may own you too,

Without a blush; and so he cannot all

His children: go, I say, and pull him to me, And pull him to yourselves, from that bad woman.

You, Agrippina, hang upon his arms; And you, Antonia, clasp about his waist:

If he will shake you off, if he will dash you

Against the pavement, you must bear it, children; For you are mine, and I was born to suffer.

[Here the CHILDREN go to him, etc.] VENTIDIUS. Was ever sight so moving?−−Emperor!


OCTAVIA. Husband!


ANTONY. I am vanquished: take me,

Octavia; take me, children; share me all.

[Embracing them.]

I’ve been a thriftless debtor to your loves,

And run out much, in riot, from your stock; But all shall be amended.

OCTAVIA. O blest hour!

DOLABELLA. O happy change!

VENTIDIUS. My joy stops at my tongue; But it has found two channels here for one, And bubbles out above.


This is thy triumph; lead me where thou wilt; Even to thy brother’s camp.

OCTAVIA. All there are yours.

Enter ALEXAS hastily

ALEXAS. The queen, my mistress, sir, and yours−−

ANTONY. ‘Tis past.−−

Octavia, you shall stay this night: To−morrow, Caesar and we are one.

[Exit leading OCTAVIA; DOLABELLA and the CHILDREN follow.]

VENTIDIUS. There’s news for you; run, my officious eunuch, Be sure to be the first; haste forward:

Haste, my dear eunuch, haste.


ALEXAS. This downright fighting fool, this thick−skulled hero, This blunt, unthinking instrument of death, With plain dull virtue has outgone my wit.

Pleasure forsook my earliest infancy;

The luxury of others robbed my cradle, And ravished thence the promise of a man.

Cast out from nature, disinherited Of what her meanest children claim by kind, Yet greatness kept me from contempt: that’s gone.

Had Cleopatra followed my advice, Then he had been betrayed who now forsakes. She dies for love; but she has known its joys: Gods, is this just, that I, who know no joys, Must die, because she loves?


O madam, I have seen what blasts my eyes! Octavia’s here.

CLEOPATRA. Peace with that raven’s note. I know it too; and now am in The pangs of death.

ALEXAS. You are no more a queen;

Egypt is lost.

CLEOPATRA. What tell’st thou me of Egypt? My life, my soul is lost! Octavia has him!−− O fatal name to Cleopatra’s love!

My kisses, my embraces now are hers; While I−−But thou hast seen my rival; speak, Does she deserve this blessing? Is she fair?

Bright as a goddess? and is all perfection

Confined to her? It is. Poor I was made Of that coarse matter, which, when she was finished, The gods threw by for rubbish.

ALEXAS. She is indeed a very miracle.

CLEOPATRA. Death to my hopes, a miracle!

ALEXAS. A miracle;


I mean of goodness; for in beauty, madam, You make all wonders cease.

CLEOPATRA. I was too rash:

Take this in part of recompense. But, oh!

[Giving a ring.]

I fear thou flatterest me.

CHARMION. She comes! she’s here!

IRAS. Fly, madam, Caesar’s sister!

CLEOPATRA. Were she the sister of the thunderer Jove, And bore her brother’s lightning in her eyes, Thus would I face my rival.

[Meets OCTAVIA with VENTIDIUS. OCTAVIA bears up to her. Their Trains come up on either side.]

OCTAVIA. I need not ask if you are Cleopatra;

Your haughty carriage−−

CLEOPATRA. Shows I am a queen: Nor need I ask you, who you are.


A name, that makes and can unmake a queen.

CLEOPATRA. Your lord, the man who serves me, is a Roman.

OCTAVIA. He was a Roman, till he lost that name, To be a slave in Egypt; but I come To free him thence.

CLEOPATRA. Peace, peace, my lover’s Juno. When he grew weary of that household clog, He chose my easier bonds.

OCTAVIA. I wonder not

Your bonds are easy: you have long been practised

In that lascivious art: He’s not the first

For whom you spread your snares: Let Caesar witness.

CLEOPATRA. I loved not Caesar; ’twas but gratitude

I paid his love: The worst your malice can,

Is but to say the greatest of mankind

Has been my slave. The next, but far above him In my esteem, is he whom law calls yours, But whom his love made mine.

OCTAVIA. I would view nearer.

[Coming up close to her.]

That face, which has so long usurped my right,

To find the inevitable charms, that catch Mankind so sure, that ruined my dear lord.

CLEOPATRA. Oh, you do well to search; for had you known But half these charms, you had not lost his heart.

OCTAVIA. Far be their knowledge from a Roman lady,

Far from a modest wife! Shame of our sex, Dost thou not blush to own those black endearments, That make sin pleasing?

CLEOPATRA. You may blush, who want them. If bounteous nature, if indulgent Heaven

Have given me charms to please the bravest man, Should I not thank them? Should I be ashamed,

And not be proud? I am, that he has loved me; And, when I love not him, Heaven change this face For one like that.

OCTAVIA. Thou lov’st him not so well.

CLEOPATRA. I love him better, and deserve him more.

OCTAVIA. You do not; cannot: You have been his ruin.

Who made him cheap at Rome, but Cleopatra?

Who made him scorned abroad, but Cleopatra?

At Actium, who betrayed him? Cleopatra. Who made his children orphans, and poor me A wretched widow? only Cleopatra.

CLEOPATRA. Yet she, who loves him best, is Cleopatra.

If you have suffered, I have suffered more.

You bear the specious title of a wife, To gild your cause, and draw the pitying world To favour it: the world condemns poor me.

For I have lost my honour, lost my fame, And stained the glory of my royal house, And all to bear the branded name of mistress. There wants but life, and that too I would lose For him I love.

OCTAVIA. Be’t so, then; take thy wish. [Exit with her Train.]

CLEOPATRA. And ’tis my wish,

Now he is lost for whom alone I lived. My sight grows dim, and every object dances, And swims before me, in the maze of death. My spirits, while they were opposed, kept up; They could not sink beneath a rival’s scorn! But now she’s gone, they faint.

ALEXAS. Mine have had leisure

To recollect their strength, and furnish counsel, To ruin her, who else must ruin you.

CLEOPATRA. Vain promiser!

Lead me, my Charmion; nay, your hand too, Iras.

My grief has weight enough to sink you both.

Conduct me to some solitary chamber,

And draw the curtains round; Then leave me to myself, to take alone My fill of grief:

There I till death will his unkindness weep; As harmless infants moan themselves asleep.


Act IV

Scene I


DOLABELLA. Why would you shift it from yourself on me? Can you not tell her, you must part?

ANTONY. I cannot.

I could pull out an eye, and bid it go,

And t’other should not weep. O Dolabella,

How many deaths are in this word, DEPART! I dare not trust my tongue to tell her so: One look of hers would thaw me into tears, And I should melt, till I were lost again.

DOLABELLA. Then let Ventidius; He’s rough by nature.

ANTONY. Oh, he’ll speak too harshly; He’ll kill her with the news: Thou, only thou.

DOLABELLA. Nature has cast me in so soft a mould,

That but to hear a story, feigned for pleasure,

Of some sad lover’s death, moistens my eyes,

And robs me of my manhood. I should speak So faintly, with such fear to grieve her heart, She’d not believe it earnest.

ANTONY. Therefore,−−therefore

Thou only, thou art fit: Think thyself me;

And when thou speak’st (but let it first be long),

Take off the edge from every sharper sound,

And let our parting be as gently made, As other loves begin: Wilt thou do this?

DOLABELLA. What you have said so sinks into my soul, That, if I must speak, I shall speak just so.

ANTONY. I leave you then to your sad task: Farewell.

I sent her word to meet you.

[Goes to the door, and comes back.]

I forgot;

Let her be told, I’ll make her peace with mine,

Her crown and dignity shall be preserved, If I have power with Caesar.−−Oh, be sure To think on that.

DOLABELLA. Fear not, I will remember.

[ANTONY goes again to the door, and comes back.]

ANTONY. And tell her, too, how much I was constrained; I did not this, but with extremest force. Desire her not to hate my memory,

For I still cherish hers:−−insist on that.

DOLABELLA. Trust me. I’ll not forget it.

ANTONY. Then that’s all.

[Goes out, and returns again.]

Wilt thou forgive my fondness this once more?

Tell her, though we shall never meet again,

If I should hear she took another love,

The news would break my heart.−−Now I must go;

For every time I have returned, I feel My soul more tender; and my next command Would be, to bid her stay, and ruin both.


DOLABELLA. Men are but children of a larger growth;

Our appetites as apt to change as theirs,

And full as craving too, and full as vain; And yet the soul, shut up in her dark room, Viewing so clear abroad, at home sees nothing:

But, like a mole in earth, busy and blind,

Works all her folly up, and casts it outward To the world’s open view: Thus I discovered, And blamed the love of ruined Antony:

Yet wish that I were he, to be so ruined.

Enter VENTIDIUS above

VENTIDIUS. Alone, and talking to himself? concerned too? Perhaps my guess is right; he loved her once, And may pursue it still.

DOLABELLA. O friendship! friendship!

Ill canst thou answer this; and reason, worse: Unfaithful in the attempt; hopeless to win; And if I win, undone: mere madness all.

And yet the occasion’s fair. What injury To him, to wear the robe which he throws by!

VENTIDIUS. None, none at all. This happens as I wish, To ruin her yet more with Antony.

Enter CLEOPATRA talking with ALEXAS; CHARMION, IRAS on the other side.

DOLABELLA. She comes! What charms have sorrow on that face!

Sorrow seems pleased to dwell with so much sweetness;

Yet, now and then, a melancholy smile Breaks loose, like lightning in a winter’s night, And shows a moment’s day.

VENTIDIUS. If she should love him too! her eunuch there?

That porc’pisce bodes ill weather. Draw, draw nearer, Sweet devil, that I may hear.

ALEXAS. Believe me; try

[DOLABELLA goes over to CHARMION and IRAS;

seems to talk with them.]

To make him jealous; jealousy is like

A polished glass held to the lips when life’s in doubt; If there be breath, ’twill catch the damp, and show it.

CLEOPATRA. I grant you, jealousy’s a proof of love,

But ’tis a weak and unavailing medicine; It puts out the disease, and makes it show, But has no power to cure.

ALEXAS. ‘Tis your last remedy, and strongest too:

And then this Dolabella, who so fit

To practise on? He’s handsome, valiant, young, And looks as he were laid for nature’s bait, To catch weak women’s eyes.

He stands already more than half suspected Of loving you: the least kind word or glance, You give this youth, will kindle him with love: Then, like a burning vessel set adrift,

You’ll send him down amain before the wind, To fire the heart of jealous Antony.

CLEOPATRA. Can I do this? Ah, no, my love’s so true,

That I can neither hide it where it is,

Nor show it where it is not. Nature meant me

A wife; a silly, harmless, household dove,

Fond without art, and kind without deceit;

But Fortune, that has made a mistress of me, Has thrust me out to the wide world, unfurnished Of falsehood to be happy.

ALEXAS. Force yourself.

The event will be, your lover will return, Doubly desirous to possess the good Which once he feared to lose.

CLEOPATRA. I must attempt it; But oh, with what regret!

[Exit ALEXAS. She comes up to DOLABELLA.]

VENTIDIUS. So, now the scene draws near; they’re in my reach.


Discoursing with my women! might not I Share in your entertainment?

CHARMION. You have been

The subject of it, madam.

CLEOPATRA. How! and how!

IRAS. Such praises of your beauty!

CLEOPATRA. Mere poetry.

Your Roman wits, your Gallus and Tibullus, Have taught you this from Cytheris and Delia.

DOLABELLA. Those Roman wits have never been in Egypt; Cytheris and Delia else had been unsung: I, who have seen−−had I been born a poet, Should choose a nobler name.

CLEOPATRA. You flatter me.

But, ’tis your nation’s vice: All of your country

Are flatterers, and all false. Your friend’s like you. I’m sure, he sent you not to speak these words.

DOLABELLA. No, madam; yet he sent me−−

CLEOPATRA. Well, he sent you−− DOLABELLA. Of a less pleasing errand.

CLEOPATRA. How less pleasing?

Less to yourself, or me?

DOLABELLA. Madam, to both;

For you must mourn, and I must grieve to cause it.

CLEOPATRA. You, Charmion, and your fellow, stand at distance.−− Hold up, my spirits. [Aside.]−−Well, now your mournful matter; For I’m prepared, perhaps can guess it too.

DOLABELLA. I wish you would; for ’tis a thankless office, To tell ill news: And I, of all your sex, Most fear displeasing you.

CLEOPATRA. Of all your sex,

I soonest could forgive you, if you should.

VENTIDIUS. Most delicate advances! Women! women! Dear, damned, inconstant sex!

CLEOPATRA. In the first place, I am to be forsaken; is’t not so?

DOLABELLA. I wish I could not answer to that question.

CLEOPATRA. Then pass it o’er, because it troubles you:

I should have been more grieved another time.

Next I’m to lose my kingdom−−Farewell, Egypt! Yet, is there ary more?

DOLABELLA. Madam, I fear

Your too deep sense of grief has turned your reason.

CLEOPATRA. No, no, I’m not run mad; I can bear fortune: And love may be expelled by other love, As poisons are by poisons.

DOLABELLA. You o’erjoy me, madam,

To find your griefs so moderately borne.

You’ve heard the worst; all are not false like him.

CLEOPATRA. No; Heaven forbid they should.

DOLABELLA. Some men are constant.

CLEOPATRA. And constancy deserves reward, that’s certain.

DOLABELLA. Deserves it not; but give it leave to hope.

VENTIDIUS. I’ll swear, thou hast my leave. I have enough:

But how to manage this! Well, I’ll consider.


DOLABELLA. I came prepared To tell you heavy news; news, which I thought Would fright the blood from your pale cheeks to hear:

But you have met it with a cheerfulness,

That makes my task more easy; and my tongue, Which on another’s message was employed, Would gladly speak its own.

CLEOPATRA. Hold, Dolabella.

First tell me, were you chosen by my lord? Or sought you this employment?

DOLABELLA. He picked me out; and, as his bosom friend, He charged me with his words.

CLEOPATRA. The message then I know was tender, and each accent smooth, To mollify that rugged word, DEPART.

DOLABELLA. Oh, you mistake: He chose the harshest words;

With fiery eyes, and contracted brows,

He coined his face in the severest stamp;

And fury shook his fabric, like an earthquake;

He heaved for vent, and burst like bellowing Aetna,

In sounds scarce human−−”Hence away for ever,

Let her begone, the blot of my renown,

And bane of all my hopes!”

[All the time of this speech, CLEOPATRA seems more and more concerned, till she sinks quite down.] “Let her be driven, as far as men can think,

From man’s commerce! she’ll poison to the centre.” CLEOPATRA. Oh, I can bear no more!

DOLABELLA. Help, help!−−O wretch! O cursed, cursed wretch! What have I done!

CHARMION. Help, chafe her temples, Iras.

IRAS. Bend, bend her forward quickly.

CHARMION. Heaven be praised, She comes again.

CLEOPATRA. Oh, let him not approach me.

Why have you brought me back to this loathed being;

The abode of falsehood, violated vows,

And injured love? For pity, let me go;

For, if there be a place of long repose,

I’m sure I want it. My disdainful lord

Can never break that quiet; nor awake The sleeping soul, with hollowing in my tomb Such words as fright her hence.−−Unkind, unkind!

DOLABELLA. Believe me, ’tis against myself I speak;


That sure desires belief; I injured him:

My friend ne’er spoke those words. Oh, had you seen

How often he came back, and every time

With something more obliging and more kind,

To add to what he said; what dear farewells; How almost vanquished by his love he parted, And leaned to what unwillingly he left!

I, traitor as I was, for love of you

(But what can you not do, who made me false?) I forged that lie; for whose forgiveness kneels This self−accused, self−punished criminal.

CLEOPATRA. With how much ease believe we what we wish!

Rise, Dolabella; if you have been guilty, I have contributed, and too much love Has made me guilty too.

The advance of kindness, which I made, was feigned,

To call back fleeting love by jealousy;

But ‘twould not last. Oh, rather let me lose, Than so ignobly trifle with his heart.

DOLABELLA. I find your breast fenced round from human reach,

Transparent as a rock of solid crystal;

Seen through, but never pierced. My friend, my friend,

What endless treasure hast thou thrown away;

And scattered, like an infant, in the ocean, Vain sums of wealth, which none can gather thence!

CLEOPATRA. Could you not beg

An hour’s admittance to his private ear?

Like one, who wanders through long barren wilds

And yet foreknows no hospitable inn

Is near to succour hunger, eats his fill,

Before his painful march;

So would I feed a while my famished eyes

Before we part; for I have far to go, If death be far, and never must return.


VENTIDIUS. From hence you may discover−−oh, sweet, sweet! Would you indeed? The pretty hand in earnest?

DOLABELLA. I will, for this reward.

[Takes her hand.] Draw it not back.

‘Tis all I e’er will beg.

VENTIDIUS. They turn upon us.

OCTAVIA. What quick eyes has guilt!

VENTIDIUS. Seem not to have observed them, and go on.

[They enter.]

DOLABELLA. Saw you the emperor, Ventidius?


I sought him; but I heard that he was private, None with him but Hipparchus, his freedman.

DOLABELLA. Know you his business?

VENTIDIUS. Giving him instructions, And letters to his brother Caesar.


He must be found.

[Exeunt DOLABELLA and CLEOPATRA.] OCTAVIA. Most glorious impudence!

VENTIDIUS. She looked, methought,

As she would say−−Take your old man, Octavia;

Thank you, I’m better here.−−

Well, but what use Make we of this discovery?

OCTAVIA. Let it die.

VENTIDIUS. I pity Dolabella; but she’s dangerous:

Her eyes have power beyond Thessalian charms,

To draw the moon from heaven; for eloquence,

The sea−green Syrens taught her voice their flattery;

And, while she speaks, night steals upon the day, Unmarked of those that hear. Then she’s so charming, Age buds at sight of her, and swells to youth:

The holy priests gaze on her when she smiles;

And with heaved hands, forgetting gravity,

They bless her wanton eyes: Even I, who hate her,

With a malignant joy behold such beauty;

And, while I curse, desire it. Antony

Must needs have some remains of passion still,

Which may ferment into a worse relapse,

If now not fully cured. I know, this minute, With Caesar he’s endeavouring her peace.

OCTAVIA. You have prevailed:−−But for a further purpose

[Walks off.]

I’ll prove how he will relish this discovery.

What, make a strumpet’s peace! it swells my heart: It must not, shall not be.

VENTIDIUS. His guards appear.

Let me begin, and you shall second me.


ANTONY. Octavia, I was looking you, my love: What, are your letters ready? I have given My last instructions.

OCTAVIA. Mine, my lord, are written.

ANTONY. Ventidius.

[Drawing him aside.]


ANTONY. A word in private.−− When saw you Dolabella?

VENTIDIUS. Now, my lord,

He parted hence; and Cleopatra with him.

ANTONY. Speak softly.−−’Twas by my command he went, To bear my last farewell.

VENTIDIUS. It looked indeed


Like your farewell.

ANTONY. More softly.−−My farewell? What secret meaning have you in those words Of−−My farewell? He did it by my order.

VENTIDIUS. Then he obeyed your order. I suppose


You bid him do it with all gentleness, All kindness, and all−−love.

ANTONY. How she mourned,

The poor forsaken creature!

VENTIDIUS. She took it as she ought; she bore your parting As she did Caesar’s, as she would another’s, Were a new love to come.

ANTONY. Thou dost belie her;


Most basely, and maliciously belie her.

VENTIDIUS. I thought not to displease you; I have done.

OCTAVIA. You seemed disturbed, my Lord.

[Coming up.]

ANTONY. A very trifle. Retire, my love.

VENTIDIUS. It was indeed a trifle.

He sent−−

ANTONY. No more. Look how thou disobey’st me;


Thy life shall answer it.

OCTAVIA. Then ’tis no trifle.


‘Tis less; a very nothing: You too saw it, As well as I, and therefore ’tis no secret.

ANTONY. She saw it!

VENTIDIUS. Yes: She saw young Dolabella−− ANTONY. Young Dolabella!

VENTIDIUS. Young, I think him young, And handsome too; and so do others think him. But what of that? He went by your command,

Indeed ’tis probable, with some kind message;

For she received it graciously; she smiled;

And then he grew familiar with her hand,

Squeezed it, and worried it with ravenous kisses;

She blushed, and sighed, and smiled, and blushed again;

At last she took occasion to talk softly,

And brought her cheek up close, and leaned on his;

At which, he whispered kisses back on hers; And then she cried aloud−−That constancy Should be rewarded.

OCTAVIA. This I saw and heard.

ANTONY. What woman was it, whom you heard and saw So playful with my friend? Not Cleopatra?

VENTIDIUS. Even she, my lord.

ANTONY. My Cleopatra?

VENTIDIUS. Your Cleopatra; Dolabella’s Cleopatra; every man’s Cleopatra.

ANTONY. Thou liest.

VENTIDIUS. I do not lie, my lord. Is this so strange? Should mistresses be left, And not provide against a time of change?

You know she’s not much used to lonely nights.

ANTONY. I’ll think no more on’t. I know ’tis false, and see the plot betwixt you.−− You needed not have gone this way, Octavia.

What harms it you that Cleopatra’s just?

She’s mine no more. I see, and I forgive: Urge it no further, love.

OCTAVIA. Are you concerned,

That she’s found false?

ANTONY. I should be, were it so;

For, though ’tis past, I would not that the world Should tax my former choice, that I loved one Of so light note; but I forgive you both.

VENTIDIUS. What has my age deserved, that you should think I would abuse your ears with perjury? If Heaven be true, she’s false.

ANTONY. Though heaven and earth

Should witness it, I’ll not believe her tainted.

VENTIDIUS. I’ll bring you, then, a witness

From hell, to prove her so.−−Nay, go not back; [Seeing ALEXAS just entering, and starting back.] For stay you must and shall.

ALEXAS. What means my lord?

VENTIDIUS. To make you do what most you hate,−−speak truth.

You are of Cleopatra’s private counsel,

Of her bed−counsel, her lascivious hours;

Are conscious of each nightly change she makes,

And watch her, as Chaldaeans do the moon, Can tell what signs she passes through, what day.

ALEXAS. My noble lord!

VENTIDIUS. My most illustrious pander,

No fine set speech, no cadence, no turned periods, But a plain homespun truth, is what I ask.

I did, myself, o’erhear your queen make love

To Dolabella. Speak; for I will know,

By your confession, what more passed betwixt them; How near the business draws to your employment; And when the happy hour.

ANTONY. Speak truth, Alexas; whether it offend

Or please Ventidius, care not: Justify Thy injured queen from malice: Dare his worst.

OCTAVIA. [aside.] See how he gives him courage! how he fears To find her false! and shuts his eyes to truth, Willing to be misled!

ALEXAS. As far as love may plead for woman’s frailty,

Urged by desert and greatness of the lover,

So far, divine Octavia, may my queen

Stand even excused to you for loving him

Who is your lord: so far, from brave Ventidius, May her past actions hope a fair report.

ANTONY. ‘Tis well, and truly spoken: mark, Ventidius.

ALEXAS. To you, most noble emperor, her strong passion Stands not excused, but wholly justified.

Her beauty’s charms alone, without her crown,

From Ind and Meroe drew the distant vows

Of sighing kings; and at her feet were laid The sceptres of the earth, exposed on heaps, To choose where she would reign:

She thought a Roman only could deserve her,

And, of all Romans, only Antony; And, to be less than wife to you, disdained Their lawful passion.

ANTONY. ‘Tis but truth.

ALEXAS. And yet, though love, and your unmatched desert,

Have drawn her from the due regard of honour,

At last Heaven opened her unwilling eyes

To see the wrongs she offered fair Octavia, Whose holy bed she lawlessly usurped. The sad effects of this improsperous war Confirmed those pious thoughts.

VENTIDIUS. [aside.] Oh, wheel you there?

Observe him now; the man begins to mend,

And talk substantial reason.−−Fear not, eunuch; The emperor has given thee leave to speak.

ALEXAS. Else had I never dared to offend his ears

With what the last necessity has urged

On my forsaken mistress; yet I must not Presume to say, her heart is wholly altered.

ANTONY. No, dare not for thy life, I charge thee dare not Pronounce that fatal word!

OCTAVIA. Must I bear this? Good Heaven, afford me patience.


VENTIDIUS. On, sweet eunuch; my dear half−man, proceed.

ALEXAS. Yet Dolabella

Has loved her long; he, next my god−like lord,

Deserves her best; and should she meet his passion,

Rejected, as she is, by him she loved−−−− ANTONY. Hence from my sight! for I can bear no more:

Let furies drag thee quick to hell; let all

The longer damned have rest; each torturing hand

Do thou employ, till Cleopatra comes; Then join thou too, and help to torture her! [Exit ALEXAS, thrust out by ANTONY.]

OCTAVIA. ‘Tis not well.

Indeed, my lord, ’tis much unkind to me,

To show this passion, this extreme concernment, For an abandoned, faithless prostitute.

ANTONY. Octavia, leave me; I am much disordered: Leave me, I say.

OCTAVIA. My lord!

ANTONY. I bid you leave me.

VENTIDIUS. Obey him, madam: best withdraw a while, And see how this will work.

OCTAVIA. Wherein have I offended you, my lord, That I am bid to leave you? Am I false, Or infamous? Am I a Cleopatra?

Were I she,

Base as she is, you would not bid me leave you; But hang upon my neck, take slight excuses, And fawn upon my falsehood.

ANTONY. ‘Tis too much.

Too much, Octavia; I am pressed with sorrows Too heavy to be borne; and you add more: I would retire, and recollect what’s left Of man within, to aid me.

OCTAVIA. You would mourn,

In private, for your love, who has betrayed you. You did but half return to me: your kindness

Lingered behind with her, I hear, my lord,

You make conditions for her, And would include her treaty. Wondrous proofs Of love to me!

ANTONY. Are you my friend, Ventidius? Or are you turned a Dolabella too, And let this fury loose?

VENTIDIUS. Oh, be advised, Sweet madam, and retire.

OCTAVIA. Yes, I will go; but never to return.

You shall no more be haunted with this Fury.

My lord, my lord, love will not always last, When urged with long unkindness and disdain:

Take her again, whom you prefer to me; She stays but to be called. Poor cozened man!

Let a feigned parting give her back your heart,

Which a feigned love first got; for injured me, Though my just sense of wrongs forbid my stay, My duty shall be yours.

To the dear pledges of our former love My tenderness and care shall be transferred, And they shall cheer, by turns, my widowed nights:

So, take my last farewell; for I despair To have you whole, and scorn to take you half.


VENTIDIUS. I combat Heaven, which blasts my best designs; My last attempt must be to win her back; But oh! I fear in vain.


ANTONY. Why was I framed with this plain, honest heart, Which knows not to disguise its griefs and weakness, But bears its workings outward to the world?

I should have kept the mighty anguish in,

And forced a smile at Cleopatra’s falsehood: Octavia had believed it, and had stayed.

But I am made a shallow−forded stream,

Seen to the bottom: all my clearness scorned,

And all my faults exposed.−−See where he comes,


Who has profaned the sacred name of friend, And worn it into vileness!

With how secure a brow, and specious form, He gilds the secret villain! Sure that face

Was meant for honesty; but Heaven mismatched it, And furnished treason out with nature’s pomp, To make its work more easy.

DOLABELLA. O my friend!

ANTONY. Well, Dolabella, you performed my message?

DOLABELLA. I did, unwillingly.

ANTONY. Unwillingly?

Was it so hard for you to bear our parting? You should have wished it.


ANTONY. Because you love me.

And she received my message with as true,

With as unfeigned a sorrow as you brought it?

DOLABELLA. She loves you, even to madness.

ANTONY. Oh, I know it.

You, Dolabella, do not better know

How much she loves me. And should I Forsake this beauty? This all−perfect creature?

DOLABELLA. I could not, were she mine.

ANTONY. And yet you first

Persuaded me: How come you altered since?

DOLABELLA. I said at first I was not fit to go:

I could not hear her sighs, and see her tears,

But pity must prevail: And so, perhaps,

It may again with you; for I have promised, That she should take her last farewell: And, see, She comes to claim my word.

Enter CLEOPATRA ANTONY. False Dolabella!

DOLABELLA. What’s false, my lord?

ANTONY. Why, Dolabella’s false,

And Cleopatra’s false; both false and faithless.

Draw near, you well−joined wickedness, you serpents,

Whom I have in my kindly bosom warmed, Till I am stung to death.

DOLABELLA. My lord, have I Deserved to be thus used?

CLEOPATRA. Can Heaven prepare

A newer torment? Can it find a curse Beyond our separation?

ANTONY. Yes, if fate

Be just, much greater: Heaven should be ingenious

In punishing such crimes. The rolling stone,

And gnawing vulture, were slight pains, invented

When Jove was young, and no examples known

Of mighty ills; but you have ripened sin,

To such a monstrous growth, ’twill pose the gods

To find an equal torture. Two, two such!−− Oh, there’s no further name,−−two such! to me,

To me, who locked my soul within your breasts,

Had no desires, no joys, no life, but you;

When half the globe was mine, I gave it you

In dowry with my heart; I had no use, No fruit of all, but you: A friend and mistress Was what the world could give. O Cleopatra!

O Dolabella! how could you betray

This tender heart, which with an infant fondness Lay lulled betwixt your bosoms, and there slept, Secure of injured faith?

DOLABELLA. If she has wronged you, Heaven, hell, and you revenge it.

ANTONY. If she has wronged me! Thou wouldst evade thy part of guilt; but swear Thou lov’st not her.

DOLABELLA. Not so as I love you.

ANTONY. Not so? Swear, swear, I say, thou dost not love her.

DOLABELLA. No more than friendship will allow.

ANTONY. No more?

Friendship allows thee nothing: Thou art perjured−−

And yet thou didst not swear thou lov’st her not;

But not so much, no more. O trifling hypocrite,

Who dar’st not own to her, thou dost not love, Nor own to me, thou dost! Ventidius heard it; Octavia saw it.

CLEOPATRA. They are enemies.

ANTONY. Alexas is not so: He, he confessed it; He, who, next hell, best knew it, he avowed it.

Why do I seek a proof beyond yourself?


You, whom I sent to bear my last farewell, Returned, to plead her stay.

DOLABELLA. What shall I answer?

If to have loved be guilt, then I have sinned;

But if to have repented of that love Can wash away my crime, I have repented. Yet, if I have offended past forgiveness, Let not her suffer: She is innocent.

CLEOPATRA. Ah, what will not a woman do, who loves?

What means will she refuse, to keep that heart,

Where all her joys are placed? ‘Twas I encouraged, ‘Twas I blew up the fire that scorched his soul, To make you jealous, and by that regain you.

But all in vain; I could not counterfeit:

In spite of all the dams my love broke o’er,

And drowned by heart again: fate took the occasion; And thus one minute’s feigning has destroyed My whole life’s truth.

ANTONY. Thin cobweb arts of falsehood; Seen, and broke through at first.

DOLABELLA. Forgive your mistress.

CLEOPATRA. Forgive your friend.

ANTONY. You have convinced yourselves. You plead each other’s cause: What witness have you, That you but meant to raise my jealousy?

CLEOPATRA. Ourselves, and Heaven.

ANTONY. Guilt witnesses for guilt. Hence, love and friendship!

You have no longer place in human breasts, These two have driven you out: Avoid my sight! I would not kill the man whom I have loved, And cannot hurt the woman; but avoid me:

I do not know how long I can be tame;

For, if I stay one minute more, to think

How I am wronged, my justice and revenge Will cry so loud within me, that my pity Will not be heard for either.

DOLABELLA. Heaven has but

Our sorrow for our sins; and then delights

To pardon erring man: Sweet mercy seems

Its darling attribute, which limits justice;

As if there were degrees in infinite, And infinite would rather want perfection Than punish to extent.

ANTONY. I can forgive

A foe; but not a mistress and a friend.

Treason is there in its most horrid shape,

Where trust is greatest; and the soul resigned, Is stabbed by its own guards: I’ll hear no more; Hence from my sight for ever!

CLEOPATRA. How? for ever!

I cannot go one moment from your sight,

And must I go for ever?

My joys, my only joys, are centred here:

What place have I to go to? My own kingdom? That I have lost for you: Or to the Romans?

They hate me for your sake: Or must I wander

The wide world o’er, a helpless, banished woman, Banished for love of you; banished from you?

Ay, there’s the banishment! Oh, hear me; hear me,

With strictest justice: For I beg no favour; And if I have offended you, then kill me, But do not banish me.

ANTONY. I must not hear you. I have a fool within me takes your part; But honour stops my ears.

CLEOPATRA. For pity hear me!

Would you cast off a slave who followed you?

Who crouched beneath your spurn?−−He has no pity!

See, if he gives one tear to my departure; One look, one kind farewell: O iron heart! Let all the gods look down, and judge betwixt us, If he did ever love!

ANTONY. No more: Alexas!

DOLABELLA. A perjured villain!

ANTONY. [to CLEOPATRA.] Your Alexas; yours.

CLEOPATRA. Oh, ’twas his plot; his ruinous design, To engage you in my love by jealousy.

Hear him; confront him with me; let him speak.

ANTONY. I have; I have.

CLEOPATRA. And if he clear me not−−

ANTONY. Your creature! one, who hangs upon your smiles!

Watches your eye, to say or to unsay,

Whate’er you please! I am not to be moved.

CLEOPATRA. Then must we part? Farewell, my cruel lord! The appearance is against me; and I go, Unjustified, for ever from your sight. How I have loved, you know; how yet I love, My only comfort is, I know myself:

I love you more, even now you are unkind,

Then when you loved me most; so well, so truly

I’ll never strive against it; but die pleased, To think you once were mine.

ANTONY. Good heaven, they weep at parting! Must I weep too? that calls them innocent.

I must not weep; and yet I must, to think

That I must not forgive.−−

Live, but live wretched; ’tis but just you should, Who made me so: Live from each other’s sight:

Let me not hear you meet. Set all the earth,

And all the seas, betwixt your sundered loves:

View nothing common but the sun and skies.

Now, all take several ways;

And each your own sad fate, with mine, deplore; That you were false, and I could trust no more.

[Exeunt severally.]

Act V

Scene I


CHARMION. Be juster, Heaven; such virtue punished thus,

Will make us think that chance rules all above, And shuffles, with a random hand, the lots, Which man is forced to draw.

CLEOPATRA. I could tear out these eyes, that gained his heart, And had not power to keep it. O the curse Of doting on, even when I find it dotage!

Bear witness, gods, you heard him bid me go;

You, whom he mocked with imprecating vows Of promised faith!−−I’ll die; I will not bear it.

You may hold me−−

[She pulls out her dagger, and they hold her.] But I can keep my breath; I can die inward, And choke this love.


IRAS. Help, O Alexas, help!

The queen grows desperate; her soul struggles in her With all the agonies of love and rage, And strives to force its passage.

CLEOPATRA. Let me go.

Art thou there, traitor!−−O,

O for a little breath, to vent my rage, Give, give me way, and let me loose upon him.

ALEXAS. Yes, I deserve it, for my ill−timed truth.

Was it for me to prop The ruins of a falling majesty?

To place myself beneath the mighty flaw,

Thus to be crushed, and pounded into atoms,

By its o’erwhelming weight? ‘Tis too presuming For subjects to preserve that wilful power, Which courts its own destruction.

CLEOPATRA. I would reason

More calmly with you. Did not you o’errule, And force my plain, direct, and open love, Into these crooked paths of jealousy?

Now, what’s the event? Octavia is removed;

But Cleopatra’s banished. Thou, thou villain, Hast pushed my boat to open sea; to prove, At my sad cost, if thou canst steer it back.

It cannot be; I’m lost too far; I’m ruined:

Hence, thou impostor, traitor, monster, devil!−−

I can no more: Thou, and my griefs, have sunk Me down so low, that I want voice to curse thee.

ALEXAS. Suppose some shipwrecked seaman near the shore,

Dropping and faint, with climbing up the cliff,

If, from above, some charitable hand

Pull him to safety, hazarding himself,

To draw the other’s weight; would he look back,

And curse him for his pains? The case is yours; But one step more, and you have gained the height.

CLEOPATRA. Sunk, never more to rise.

ALEXAS. Octavia’s gone, and Dolabella banished. Believe me, madam, Antony is yours.

His heart was never lost, but started off

To jealousy, love’s last retreat and covert; Where it lies hid in shades, watchful in silence, And listening for the sound that calls it back. Some other, any man (’tis so advanced),

May perfect this unfinished work, which I (Unhappy only to myself) have left So easy to his hand.

CLEOPATRA. Look well thou do’t; else−−

ALEXAS. Else, what your silence threatens.−−Antony

Is mounted up the Pharos; from whose turret,

He stands surveying our Egyptian galleys,

Engaged with Caesar’s fleet. Now death or conquest! If the first happen, fate acquits my promise; If we o’ercome, the conqueror is yours. [A distant shout within.]

CHARMION. Have comfort, madam: Did you mark that shout?

[Second shout nearer.]

IRAS. Hark! they redouble it.

ALEXAS. ‘Tis from the port.

The loudness shows it near: Good news, kind heavens!

CLEOPATRA. Osiris make it so!


SERAPION. Where, where’s the queen?

ALEXAS. How frightfully the holy coward stares

As if not yet recovered of the assault, When all his gods, and, what’s more dear to him, His offerings, were at stake.

SERAPION. O horror, horror!

Egypt has been; our latest hour has come: The queen of nations, from her ancient seat, Is sunk for ever in the dark abyss: Time has unrolled her glories to the last, And now closed up the volume.

CLEOPATRA. Be more plain:

Say, whence thou comest; though fate is in thy face, Which from the haggard eyes looks wildly out, And threatens ere thou speakest.

SERAPION. I came from Pharos;

From viewing (spare me, and imagine it)

Our land’s last hope, your navy−−

CLEOPATRA. Vanquished?


They fought not.

CLEOPATRA. Then they fled.

SERAPION. Nor that. I saw,

With Antony, your well−appointed fleet

Row out; and thrice he waved his hand on high,

And thrice with cheerful cries they shouted back:

‘Twas then false Fortune, like a fawning strumpet,

About to leave the bankrupt prodigal,

With a dissembled smile would kiss at parting,

And flatter to the last; the well−timed oars,

Now dipt from every bank, now smoothly run

To meet the foe; and soon indeed they met,

But not as foes. In few, we saw their caps

On either side thrown up; the Egyptian galleys,

Received like friends, passed through, and fell behind The Roman rear: And now, they all come forward, And ride within the port.

CLEOPATRA. Enough, Serapion:

I’ve heard my doom.−−This needed not, you gods:

When I lost Antony, your work was done; ‘Tis but superfluous malice.−−Where’s my lord? How bears he this last blow?

SERAPION. His fury cannot be expressed by words:

Thrice he attempted headlong to have fallen Full on his foes, and aimed at Caesar’s galley:

Withheld, he raves on you; cries,−−He’s betrayed. Should he now find you−−

ALEXAS. Shun him; seek your safety, Till you can clear your innocence.

CLEOPATRA. I’ll stay.

ALEXAS. You must not; haste you to your monument, While I make speed to Caesar.

CLEOPATRA. Caesar! No,

I have no business with him.

ALEXAS. I can work him

To spare your life, and let this madman perish.

CLEOPATRA. Base fawning wretch! wouldst thou betray him too?

Hence from my sight! I will not hear a traitor; ‘Twas thy design brought all this ruin on us.−− Serapion, thou art honest; counsel me: But haste, each moment’s precious.

SERAPION. Retire; you must not yet see Antony.

He who began this mischief,

‘Tis just he tempt the danger; let him clear you:

And, since he offered you his servile tongue, To gain a poor precarious life from Caesar, Let him expose that fawning eloquence, And speak to Antony.

ALEXAS. O heavens! I dare not; I meet my certain death.

CLEOPATRA. Slave, thou deservest it.−−

Not that I fear my lord, will I avoid him;

I know him noble: when he banished me,

And thought me false, he scorned to take my life; But I’ll be justified, and then die with him.

ALEXAS. O pity me, and let me follow you.

CLEOPATRA. To death, if thou stir hence. Speak, if thou canst,

Now for thy life, which basely thou wouldst save; While mine I prize at−−this! Come, good Serapion.


ALEXAS. O that I less could fear to lose this being,

Which, like a snowball in my coward hand,

The more ’tis grasped, the faster melts away.

Poor reason! what a wretched aid art thou!

For still, in spite of thee,

These two long lovers, soul and body, dread Their final separation. Let me think:

What can I say, to save myself from death? No matter what becomes of Cleopatra.

ANTONY. Which way? where?


VENTIDIUS. This leads to the monument.


ALEXAS. Ah me! I hear him; yet I’m unprepared: My gift of lying’s gone;

And this court−devil, which I so oft have raised, Forsakes me at my need. I dare not stay; Yet cannot far go hence.



ANTONY. O happy Caesar! thou hast men to lead:

Think not ’tis thou hast conquered Antony; But Rome has conquered Egypt. I’m betrayed.

VENTIDIUS. Curse on this treacherous train!

Their soil and heaven infect them all with baseness: And their young souls come tainted to the world With the first breath they draw.

ANTONY. The original villain sure no god created;

He was a bastard of the sun, by Nile, Aped into man; with all his mother’s mud Crusted about his soul.

VENTIDIUS. The nation is One universal traitor; and their queen The very spirit and extract of them all.

ANTONY. Is there yet left

A possibility of aid from valour?

Is there one god unsworn to my destruction?

The least unmortgaged hope? for, if there be, Methinks I cannot fall beneath the fate Of such a boy as Caesar.

The world’s one half is yet in Antony; And from each limb of it, that’s hewed away, The soul comes back to me.

VENTIDIUS. There yet remain

Three legions in the town. The last assault

Lopt off the rest; if death be your design,−− As I must wish it now,−−these are sufficient To make a heap about us of dead foes, An honest pile for burial.

ANTONY. They are enough.

We’ll not divide our stars; but, side by side,

Fight emulous, and with malicious eyes

Survey each other’s acts: So every death Thou giv’st, I’ll take on me, as a just debt, And pay thee back a soul.

VENTIDIUS. Now you shall see I love you. Not a word

Of chiding more. By my few hours of life,

I am so pleased with this brave Roman fate, That I would not be Caesar, to outlive you.

When we put off this flesh, and mount together, I shall be shown to all the ethereal crowd,−− Lo, this is he who died with Antony!

ANTONY. Who knows, but we may pierce through all their troops,

And reach my veterans yet? ’tis worth the ‘tempting,

To o’erleap this gulf of fate,

And leave our wandering destinies behind.

Enter ALEXAS, trembling

VENTIDIUS. See, see, that villain!

See Cleopatra stamped upon that face,

With all her cunning, all her arts of falsehood!

How she looks out through those dissembling eyes! How he sets his countenance for deceit, And promises a lie, before he speaks!

Let me despatch him first. [Drawing.]

ALEXAS. O spare me, spare me!

ANTONY. Hold; he’s not worth your killing.−−On thy life,

Which thou may’st keep, because I scorn to take it, No syllable to justify thy queen; Save thy base tongue its office.

ALEXAS. Sir, she is gone. Where she shall never be molested more By love, or you.

ANTONY. Fled to her Dolabella!

Die, traitor! I revoke my promise! die! [Going to kill him.]

ALEXAS. O hold! she is not fled.

ANTONY. She is: my eyes

Are open to her falsehood; my whole life

Has been a golden dream of love and friendship;

But, now I wake, I’m like a merchant, roused

From soft repose, to see his vessel sinking, And all his wealth cast over. Ungrateful woman!

Who followed me, but as the swallow summer, Hatching her young ones in my kindly beams, Singing her flatteries to my morning wake: But, now my winter comes, she spreads her wings, And seeks the spring of Caesar.

ALEXAS. Think not so;

Her fortunes have, in all things, mixed with yours.

Had she betrayed her naval force to Rome, How easily might she have gone to Caesar, Secure by such a bribe!

VENTIDIUS. She sent it first, To be more welcome after.

ANTONY. ‘Tis too plain;

Else would she have appeared, to clear herself.

ALEXAS. Too fatally she has: she could not bear

To be accused by you; but shut herself

Within her monument; looked down and sighed;

While, from her unchanged face, the silent tears

Dropt, as they had not leave, but stole their parting.

Some indistinguished words she only murmured;

At last, she raised her eyes; and, with such looks As dying Lucrece cast−−

ANTONY. My heart forebodes−− VENTIDIUS. All for the best:−−Go on.

ALEXAS. She snatched her poniard, And, ere we could prevent the fatal blow, Plunged it within her breast; then turned to me: Go, bear my lord, said she, my last farewell; And ask him, if he yet suspect my faith.

More she was saying, but death rushed betwixt. She half pronounced your name with her last breath, And buried half within her.

VENTIDIUS. Heaven be praised!

ANTONY. Then art thou innocent, my poor dear love, And art thou dead?

O those two words! their sound should be divided: Hadst thou been false, and died; or hadst thou lived, And hadst been true−−But innocence and death! This shows not well above. Then what am I, The murderer of this truth, this innocence! Thoughts cannot form themselves in words so horrid As can express my guilt!

VENTIDIUS. Is’t come to this? The gods have been too gracious; And thus you thank them for it!

ANTONY. [to ALEXAS.] Why stayest thou here? Is it for thee to spy upon my soul,

And see its inward mourning? Get thee hence; Thou art not worthy to behold, what now Becomes a Roman emperor to perform.

ALEXAS. He loves her still:

His grief betrays it. Good! the joy to find

She’s yet alive, completes the reconcilement.

I’ve saved myself, and her. But, oh! the Romans!

Fate comes too fast upon my wit,

Hunts me too hard, and meets me at each double.

[Aside.] [Exit.]

VENTIDIUS. Would she had died a little sooner, though!

Before Octavia went, you might have treated:

Now ’twill look tame, and would not be received.

Come, rouse yourself, and let’s die warm together.

ANTONY. I will not fight: there’s no more work for war. The business of my angry hours is done.

VENTIDIUS. Caesar is at your gates.

ANTONY. Why, let him enter; He’s welcome now.

VENTIDIUS. What lethargy has crept into your soul?

ANTONY. ‘Tis but a scorn of life, and just desire To free myself from bondage.

VENTIDIUS. Do it bravely.

ANTONY. I will; but not by fighting. O Ventidius! What should I fight for now?−−my queen is dead.

I was but great for her; my power, my empire,

Were but my merchandise to buy her love;

And conquered kings, my factors. Now she’s dead,

Let Caesar take the world,−− An empty circle, since the jewel’s gone

Which made it worth my strife: my being’s nauseous; For all the bribes of life are gone away.

VENTIDIUS. Would you be taken?

ANTONY. Yes, I would be taken; But, as a Roman ought,−−dead, my Ventidius: For I’ll convey my soul from Caesar’s reach,

And lay down life myself. ‘Tis time the world Should have a lord, and know whom to obey.

We two have kept its homage in suspense,

And bent the globe, on whose each side we trod, Till it was dented inwards. Let him walk Alone upon’t: I’m weary of my part. My torch is out; and the world stands before me, Like a black desert at the approach of night: I’ll lay me down, and stray no farther on.

VENTIDIUS. I could be grieved,

But that I’ll not outlive you: choose your death;

For, I have seen him in such various shapes, I care not which I take: I’m only troubled,

The life I bear is worn to such a rag,

‘Tis scarce worth giving. I could wish, indeed,

We threw it from us with a better grace;

That, like two lions taken in the toils,

We might at last thrust out our paws, and wound

The hunters that inclose us.

ANTONY. I have thought on it. Ventidius, you must live.

VENTIDIUS. I must not, sir.

ANTONY. Wilt thou not live, to speak some good of me? To stand by my fair fame, and guard the approaches From the ill tongues of men?

VENTIDIUS. Who shall guard mine, For living after you?

ANTONY. Say, I command it.

VENTIDIUS. If we die well, our deaths will speak themselves And need no living witness.

ANTONY. Thou hast loved me,

And fain I would reward thee. I must die; Kill me, and take the merit of my death, To make thee friends with Caesar.

VENTIDIUS. Thank your kindness.

You said I loved you; and in recompense,

You bid me turn a traitor: Did I think You would have used me thus?−−that I should die With a hard thought of you?

ANTONY. Forgive me, Roman.

Since I have heard of Cleopatra’s death,

My reason bears no rule upon my tongue,

But lets my thoughts break all at random out. I’ve thought better; do not deny me twice.

VENTIDIUS. By Heaven I will not. Let it not be to outlive you.

ANTONY. Kill me first,

And then die thou; for ’tis but just thou serve Thy friend, before thyself.

VENTIDIUS. Give me your hand.

We soon shall meet again. Now, farewell, emperor!−−


Methinks that word’s too cold to be my last:

Since death sweeps all distinctions, farewell, friend!

That’s all−−

I will not make a business of a trifle;

And yet I cannot look on you, and kill you;

Pray turn your face.

ANTONY. I do: strike home, be sure.

VENTIDIUS. Home as my sword will reach.

[Kills himself.]

ANTONY. Oh, thou mistak’st;

That wound was not of thine; give it me back: Thou robb’st me of my death.

VENTIDIUS. I do indeed;

But think ’tis the first time I e’er deceived you,

If that may plead my pardon.−−And you, gods, Forgive me, if you will; for I die perjured, Rather than kill my friend.


ANTONY. Farewell! Ever my leader, even in death! My queen and thou have got the start of me,

And I’m the lag of honour.−−Gone so soon?

Is Death no more? he used him carelessly,

With a familiar kindness: ere he knocked,

Ran to the door, and took him in his arms,

As who should say−−You’re welcome at all hours, A friend need give no warning. Books had spoiled him; For all the learned are cowards by profession.

‘Tis not worth

My further thought; for death, for aught I know, Is but to think no more. Here’s to be satisfied.

[Falls on his sword.] I’ve missed my heart. O unperforming hand!

Thou never couldst have erred in a worse time.

My fortune jades me to the last; and death,

Like a great man, takes state, and makes me wait

For my admittance.−− [Trampling within.]

Some, perhaps, from Caesar:

If he should find me living, and suspect That I played booty with my life! I’ll mend My work, ere they can reach me. [Rises upon his knees.]

Enter CLEOPATRA, CHARMION, and IRAS CLEOPATRA. Where is my lord? where is he?

CHARMION. There he lies, And dead Ventidius by him.

CLEOPATRA. My tears were prophets; I am come too late.

O that accursed Alexas! [Runs to him.]

ANTONY. Art thou living? Or am I dead before I knew, and thou The first kind ghost that meets me?

CLEOPATRA. Help me seat him.

Send quickly, send for help! [They place him in a chair.]

ANTONY. I am answered.

We live both. Sit thee down, my Cleopatra:

I’ll make the most I can of life, to stay A moment more with thee.

CLEOPATRA. How is it with you?

ANTONY. ‘Tis as with a man

Removing in a hurry; all packed up,

But one dear jewel that his haste forgot; And he, for that, returns upon the spur: So I come back for thee.

CLEOPATRA. Too long, ye heavens, you have been cruel to me:

Now show your mended faith, and give me back His fleeting life!

ANTONY. It will not be, my love; I keep my soul by force.

Say but, thou art not false.

CLEOPATRA. ‘Tis now too late

To say I’m true: I’ll prove it, and die with you. Unknown to me, Alexas feigned my death: Which, when I knew, I hasted to prevent This fatal consequence. My fleet betrayed Both you and me.

ANTONY. And Dolabella−−


Esteemed before he loved; but hated now.

ANTONY. Enough: my life’s not long enough for more.

Thou say’st, thou wilt come after: I believe thee; For I can now believe whate’er thou sayest, That we may part more kindly.

CLEOPATRA. I will come:

Doubt not, my life, I’ll come, and quickly too:

Caesar shall triumph o’er no part of thee.

ANTONY. But grieve not, while thou stayest, My last disastrous times:

Think we have had a clear and glorious day

And Heaven did kindly to delay the storm,

Just till our close of evening. Ten years’ love,

And not a moment lost, but all improved To the utmost joys,−−what ages have we lived?

And now to die each other’s; and, so dying,

While hand in hand we walk in groves below, Whole troops of lovers’ ghosts shall flock about us, And all the train be ours.

CLEOPATRA. Your words are like the notes of dying swans, Too sweet to last. Were there so many hours For your unkindness, and not one for love?

ANTONY. No, not a minute.−−This one kiss−−more worth Than all I leave to Caesar.


CLEOPATRA. O tell me so again,

And take ten thousand kisses for that word.

My lord, my lord! speak, if you yet have being;

Sign to me, if you cannot speak; or cast One look! Do anything that shows you live.

IRAS. He’s gone too far to hear you; And this you see, a lump of senseless clay, The leavings of a soul.

CHARMION. Remember, madam,

He charged you not to grieve.

CLEOPATRA. And I’ll obey him.

I have not loved a Roman, not to know

What should become his wife; his wife, my Charmion!

For ’tis to that high title I aspire;

And now I’ll not die less. Let dull Octavia

Survive, to mourn him dead: My nobler fate Shall knit our spousals with a tie, too strong For Roman laws to break.

IRAS. Will you then die?

CLEOPATRA. Why shouldst thou make that question?

IRAS. Caesar is merciful.

CLEOPATRA. Let him be so

To those that want his mercy: My poor lord Made no such covenant with him, to spare me When he was dead. Yield me to Caesar’s pride?

What! to be led in triumph through the streets,

A spectacle to base plebeian eyes;

While some dejected friend of Antony’s,

Close in a corner, shakes his head, and mutters A secret curse on her who ruined him! I’ll none of that.

CHARMION. Whatever you resolve,

I’ll follow, even to death.

IRAS. I only feared

For you; but more should fear to live without you.

CLEOPATRA. Why, now, ’tis as it should be. Quick, my friends, Despatch; ere this, the town’s in Caesar’s hands:

My lord looks down concerned, and fears my stay,

Lest I should be surprised;

Keep him not waiting for his love too long.

You, Charmion, bring my crown and richest jewels;

With them, the wreath of victory I made

(Vain augury!) for him, who now lies dead: You, Iras, bring the cure of all our ills.

IRAS. The aspics, madam?

CLEOPATRA. Must I bid you twice?


‘Tis sweet to die, when they would force life on me,

To rush into the dark abode of death, And seize him first; if he be like my love, He is not frightful, sure.

We’re now alone, in secrecy and silence;

And is not this like lovers? I may kiss These pale, cold lips; Octavia does not see me:

And, oh! ’tis better far to have him thus,

Than see him in her arms.−−Oh, welcome, welcome!

Enter CHARMION and IRAS CHARMION. What must be done?

CLEOPATRA. Short ceremony, friends;

But yet it must be decent. First, this laurel

Shall crown my hero’s head: he fell not basely,

Nor left his shield behind him.−−Only thou Couldst triumph o’er thyself; and thou alone Wert worthy so to triumph.

CHARMION. To what end

These ensigns of your pomp and royalty?

CLEOPATRA. Dull, that thou art! why ’tis to meet my love;

As when I saw him first, on Cydnus’ bank,

All sparkling, like a goddess: so adorned,

I’ll find him once again; my second spousals Shall match my first in glory. Haste, haste, both, And dress the bride of Antony.

CHARMION. ‘Tis done.

CLEOPATRA. Now seat me by my lord. I claim this place,

For I must conquer Caesar too, like him, And win my share of the world.−−Hail, you dear relics Of my immortal love!

O let no impious hand remove you hence:

But rest for ever here! Let Egypt give His death that peace, which it denied his life.−− Reach me the casket.

IRAS. Underneath the fruit The aspic lies.

CLEOPATRA. Welcome, thou kind deceiver!

[Putting aside the leaves.]

Thou best of thieves: who, with an easy key,

Dost open life, and, unperceived by us,

Even steal us from ourselves; discharging so

Death’s dreadful office, better than himself;

Touching our limbs so gently into slumber, That Death stands by, deceived by his own image, And thinks himself but sleep.

SERAPION. The queen, where is she?


The town is yielded, Caesar’s at the gates.

CLEOPATRA. He comes too late to invade the rights of death! Haste, bare my arm, and rouse the serpent’s fury.

[Holds out her arm, and draws it back.] Coward flesh,

Wouldst thou conspire with Caesar to betray me,

As thou wert none of mine? I’ll force thee to it,

And not be sent by him,

But bring, myself, my soul to Antony. [Turns aside, and then shows her arm bloody.] Take hence; the work is done.

SERAPION. Break ope the door,


And guard the traitor well.

CHARMION. The next is ours.

IRAS. Now, Charmion, to be worthy Of our great queen and mistress. [They apply the aspics.]

CLEOPATRA. Already, death, I feel thee in my veins: I go with such a will to find my lord, That we shall quickly meet.

A heavy numbness creeps through every limb,

And now ’tis at my head: My eyelids fall, And my dear love is vanquished in a mist.

Where shall I find him, where? O turn me to him, And lay me on his breast!−−Caesar, thy worst; Now part us, if thou canst.

[Dies.] [IRAS sinks down at her feet, and dies;

CHARMION stands behind her chair, as dressing her head.]


PRIEST. Behold, Serapion, What havoc death has made!

SERAPION. ‘Twas what I feared.−− Charmion, is this well done?

CHARMION. Yes, ’tis well done, and like a queen, the last Of her great race: I follow her.

[Sinks down: dies.]

ALEXAS. ‘Tis true,

She has done well: Much better thus to die, Than live to make a holiday in Rome.

SERAPION. See how the lovers sit in state together, As they were giving laws to half mankind!

The impression of a smile, left in her face,

Shows she died pleased with him for whom she lived, And went to charm him in another world.

Caesar’s just entering: grief has now no leisure. Secure that villain, as our pledge of safety,

To grace the imperial triumph.−−Sleep, blest pair,

Secure from human chance, long ages out,

While all the storms of fate fly o’er your tomb;

And fame to late posterity shall tell, No lovers lived so great, or died so well. [Exeunt.]


Poets, like disputants, when reasons fail, Have one sure refuge left−−and that’s to rail. Fop, coxcomb, fool, are thundered through the pit; And this is all their equipage of wit. We wonder how the devil this difference grows Betwixt our fools in verse, and yours in prose:

For, ‘faith, the quarrel rightly understood, ‘Tis civil war with their own flesh and blood.

The threadbare author hates the gaudy coat; And swears at the gilt coach, but swears afoot:

For ’tis observed of every scribbling man,

He grows a fop as fast as e’er he can;

Prunes up, and asks his oracle, the glass, If pink or purple best become his face.

For our poor wretch, he neither rails nor prays; Nor likes your wit just as you like his plays; He has not yet so much of Mr Bayes.

He does his best; and if he cannot please,

Would quietly sue out his WRIT OF EASE. Yet, if he might his own grand jury call, By the fair sex he begs to stand or fall.

Let Caesar’s power the men’s ambition move, But grace you him who lost the world for love!

Yet if some antiquated lady say,

The last age is not copied in his play;

Heaven help the man who for that face must drudge, Which only has the wrinkles of a judge.

Let not the young and beauteous join with those;

For should you raise such numerous hosts of foes,

Young wits and sparks he to his aid must call;

‘Tis more than one man’s work to please you all.

Adonais_ An Elegy on the Death of John Keats by… _ Poetry Foundation

Adonais: An Elegy on the Death of John Keats



I weep for Adonais—he is dead!

Oh, weep for Adonais! though our tears

Thaw not the frost which binds so dear a head!

And thou, sad Hour, selected from all years

To mourn our loss, rouse thy obscure compeers,

And teach them thine own sorrow, say: “With me

Died Adonais; till the Future dares

Forget the Past, his fate and fame shall be

An echo and a light unto eternity!”


Where wert thou, mighty Mother, when he lay,

When thy Son lay, pierc’d by the shaft which flies

In darkness? where was lorn Urania

When Adonais died? With veiled eyes,

‘Mid listening Echoes, in her Paradise

She sate, while one, with soft enamour’d breath,

Rekindled all the fading melodies,

With which, like flowers that mock the corse beneath, He had adorn’d and hid the coming bulk of Death.


Oh, weep for Adonais—he is dead!

Wake, melancholy Mother, wake and weep!

Yet wherefore? Quench within their burning bed

Thy fiery tears, and let thy loud heart keep

Like his, a mute and uncomplaining sleep;

For he is gone, where all things wise and fair

Descend—oh, dream not that the amorous Deep

Will yet restore him to the vital air;

Death feeds on his mute voice, and laughs at our despair.


Most musical of mourners, weep again! Lament anew, Urania! He died,

Who was the Sire of an immortal strain,

Blind, old and lonely, when his country’s pride,

The priest, the slave and the liberticide,

Trampled and mock’d with many a loathed rite Of lust and blood; he went, unterrified,

Into the gulf of death; but his clear Sprite Yet reigns o’er earth; the third among the sons of light.


Most musical of mourners, weep anew!

Not all to that bright station dar’d to climb;

And happier they their happiness who knew,

Whose tapers yet burn through that night of time

In which suns perish’d; others more sublime, Struck by the envious wrath of man or god, Have sunk, extinct in their refulgent prime;

And some yet live, treading the thorny road,

Which leads, through toil and hate, to Fame’s serene abode.


But now, thy youngest, dearest one, has perish’d, The nursling of thy widowhood, who grew,

Like a pale flower by some sad maiden cherish’d, And fed with true-love tears, instead of dew; Most musical of mourners, weep anew!

Thy extreme hope, the loveliest and the last,

The bloom, whose petals nipp’d before they blew Died on the promise of the fruit, is waste; The broken lily lies—the storm is overpast.


To that high Capital, where kingly Death

Keeps his pale court in beauty and decay,

He came; and bought, with price of purest breath, A grave among the eternal.—Come away!

Haste, while the vault of blue Italian day

Is yet his fitting charnel-roof! while still

He lies, as if in dewy sleep he lay; Awake him not! surely he takes his fill Of deep and liquid rest, forgetful of all ill.


He will awake no more, oh, never more!

Within the twilight chamber spreads apace

The shadow of white Death, and at the door

Invisible Corruption waits to trace

His extreme way to her dim dwelling-place;

The eternal Hunger sits, but pity and awe

Soothe her pale rage, nor dares she to deface

So fair a prey, till darkness and the law

Of change shall o’er his sleep the mortal curtain draw.


Oh, weep for Adonais! The quick Dreams,

The passion-winged Ministers of thought,

Who were his flocks, whom near the living streams Of his young spirit he fed, and whom he taught

The love which was its music, wander not— Wander no more, from kindling brain to brain,

But droop there, whence they sprung; and mourn their lot Round the cold heart, where, after their sweet pain, They ne’er will gather strength, or find a home again.


And one with trembling hands clasps his cold head,

And fans him with her moonlight wings, and cries,

“Our love, our hope, our sorrow, is not dead; See, on the silken fringe of his faint eyes,

Like dew upon a sleeping flower, there lies A tear some Dream has loosen’d from his brain.” Lost Angel of a ruin’d Paradise!

She knew not ’twas her own; as with no stain She faded, like a cloud which had outwept its rain.


One from a lucid urn of starry dew

Wash’d his light limbs as if embalming them;

Another clipp’d her profuse locks, and threw

The wreath upon him, like an anadem,

Which frozen tears instead of pearls begem;

Another in her wilful grief would break

Her bow and winged reeds, as if to stem A greater loss with one which was more weak; And dull the barbed fire against his frozen cheek.


Another Splendour on his mouth alit,

That mouth, whence it was wont to draw the breath

Which gave it strength to pierce the guarded wit,

And pass into the panting heart beneath

With lightning and with music: the damp death

Quench’d its caress upon his icy lips;

And, as a dying meteor stains a wreath Of moonlight vapour, which the cold night clips, It flush’d through his pale limbs, and pass’d to its eclipse.


And others came . . . Desires and Adorations,

Winged Persuasions and veil’d Destinies,

Splendours, and Glooms, and glimmering Incarnations

Of hopes and fears, and twilight Phantasies; And Sorrow, with her family of Sighs,

And Pleasure, blind with tears, led by the gleam

Of her own dying smile instead of eyes,

Came in slow pomp; the moving pomp might seem Like pageantry of mist on an autumnal stream.


All he had lov’d, and moulded into thought,

From shape, and hue, and odour, and sweet sound,

Lamented Adonais. Morning sought

Her eastern watch-tower, and her hair unbound,

Wet with the tears which should adorn the ground,

Dimm’d the aëreal eyes that kindle day;

Afar the melancholy thunder moan’d,

Pale Ocean in unquiet slumber lay,

And the wild Winds flew round, sobbing in their dismay.


Lost Echo sits amid the voiceless mountains,

And feeds her grief with his remember’d lay,

And will no more reply to winds or fountains,

Or amorous birds perch’d on the young green spray,

Or herdsman’s horn, or bell at closing day;

Since she can mimic not his lips, more dear

Than those for whose disdain she pin’d away

Into a shadow of all sounds: a drear

Murmur, between their songs, is all the woodmen hear.


Grief made the young Spring wild, and she threw down

Her kindling buds, as if she Autumn were,

Or they dead leaves; since her delight is flown, For whom should she have wak’d the sullen year? To Phoebus was not Hyacinth so dear

Nor to himself Narcissus, as to both

Thou, Adonais: wan they stand and sere

Amid the faint companions of their youth, With dew all turn’d to tears; odour, to sighing ruth.


Thy spirit’s sister, the lorn nightingale

Mourns not her mate with such melodious pain;

Not so the eagle, who like thee could scale

Heaven, and could nourish in the sun’s domain

Her mighty youth with morning, doth complain,

Soaring and screaming round her empty nest,

As Albion wails for thee: the curse of Cain Light on his head who pierc’d thy innocent breast, And scar’d the angel soul that was its earthly guest!


Ah, woe is me! Winter is come and gone,

But grief returns with the revolving year;

The airs and streams renew their joyous tone;

The ants, the bees, the swallows reappear;

Fresh leaves and flowers deck the dead Seasons’ bier; The amorous birds now pair in every brake,

And build their mossy homes in field and brere; And the green lizard, and the golden snake, Like unimprison’d flames, out of their trance awake.


Through wood and stream and field and hill and Ocean

A quickening life from the Earth’s heart has burst

As it has ever done, with change and motion,

From the great morning of the world when first God dawn’d on Chaos; in its stream immers’d,

The lamps of Heaven flash with a softer light;

All baser things pant with life’s sacred thirst;

Diffuse themselves; and spend in love’s delight, The beauty and the joy of their renewed might.


The leprous corpse, touch’d by this spirit tender,

Exhales itself in flowers of gentle breath;

Like incarnations of the stars, when splendour

Is chang’d to fragrance, they illumine death

And mock the merry worm that wakes beneath;

Nought we know, dies. Shall that alone which knows

Be as a sword consum’d before the sheath By sightless lightning?—the intense atom glows A moment, then is quench’d in a most cold repose.


Alas! that all we lov’d of him should be, But for our grief, as if it had not been, And grief itself be mortal! Woe is me!

Whence are we, and why are we? of what scene

The actors or spectators? Great and mean

Meet mass’d in death, who lends what life must borrow.

As long as skies are blue, and fields are green,

Evening must usher night, night urge the morrow, Month follow month with woe, and year wake year to sorrow.


He will awake no more, oh, never more!

“Wake thou,” cried Misery, “childless Mother, rise

Out of thy sleep, and slake, in thy heart’s core,

A wound more fierce than his, with tears and sighs.”

And all the Dreams that watch’d Urania’s eyes,

And all the Echoes whom their sister’s song

Had held in holy silence, cried: “Arise!”

Swift as a Thought by the snake Memory stung, From her ambrosial rest the fading Splendour sprung.


She rose like an autumnal Night, that springs

Out of the East, and follows wild and drear

The golden Day, which, on eternal wings,

Even as a ghost abandoning a bier,

Had left the Earth a corpse. Sorrow and fear

So struck, so rous’d, so rapt Urania;

So sadden’d round her like an atmosphere Of stormy mist; so swept her on her way Even to the mournful place where Adonais lay.


Out of her secret Paradise she sped,

Through camps and cities rough with stone, and steel,

And human hearts, which to her aery tread Yielding not, wounded the invisible Palms of her tender feet where’er they fell:

And barbed tongues, and thoughts more sharp than they,

Rent the soft Form they never could repel,

Whose sacred blood, like the young tears of May, Pav’d with eternal flowers that undeserving way.


In the death-chamber for a moment Death,

Sham’d by the presence of that living Might,

Blush’d to annihilation, and the breath

Revisited those lips, and Life’s pale light

Flash’d through those limbs, so late her dear delight. “Leave me not wild and drear and comfortless, As silent lightning leaves the starless night!

Leave me not!” cried Urania: her distress

Rous’d Death: Death rose and smil’d, and met her vain caress.


“Stay yet awhile! speak to me once again; Kiss me, so long but as a kiss may live;

And in my heartless breast and burning brain

That word, that kiss, shall all thoughts else survive,

With food of saddest memory kept alive,

Now thou art dead, as if it were a part Of thee, my Adonais! I would give

All that I am to be as thou now art!

But I am chain’d to Time, and cannot thence depart!


“O gentle child, beautiful as thou wert,

Why didst thou leave the trodden paths of men Too soon, and with weak hands though mighty heart Dare the unpastur’d dragon in his den?

Defenceless as thou wert, oh, where was then Wisdom the mirror’d shield, or scorn the spear?

Or hadst thou waited the full cycle, when

Thy spirit should have fill’d its crescent sphere, The monsters of life’s waste had fled from thee like deer.


“The herded wolves, bold only to pursue;

The obscene ravens, clamorous o’er the dead;

The vultures to the conqueror’s banner true

Who feed where Desolation first has fed,

And whose wings rain contagion; how they fled,

When, like Apollo, from his golden bow

The Pythian of the age one arrow sped

And smil’d! The spoilers tempt no second blow,

They fawn on the proud feet that spurn them lying low.


“The sun comes forth, and many reptiles spawn;

He sets, and each ephemeral insect then

Is gather’d into death without a dawn, And the immortal stars awake again; So is it in the world of living men:

A godlike mind soars forth, in its delight

Making earth bare and veiling heaven, and when

It sinks, the swarms that dimm’d or shar’d its light Leave to its kindred lamps the spirit’s awful night.”


Thus ceas’d she: and the mountain shepherds came,

Their garlands sere, their magic mantles rent;

The Pilgrim of Eternity, whose fame

Over his living head like Heaven is bent,

An early but enduring monument,

Came, veiling all the lightnings of his song

In sorrow; from her wilds Ierne sent

The sweetest lyrist of her saddest wrong,

And Love taught Grief to fall like music from his tongue.


Midst others of less note, came one frail Form,

A phantom among men; companionless

As the last cloud of an expiring storm

Whose thunder is its knell; he, as I guess,

Had gaz’d on Nature’s naked loveliness,

Actaeon-like, and now he fled astray

With feeble steps o’er the world’s wilderness, And his own thoughts, along that rugged way, Pursu’d, like raging hounds, their father and their prey.


A pardlike Spirit beautiful and swift— A Love in desolation mask’d—a Power

Girt round with weakness—it can scarce uplift

The weight of the superincumbent hour;

It is a dying lamp, a falling shower,

A breaking billow; even whilst we speak

Is it not broken? On the withering flower

The killing sun smiles brightly: on a cheek

The life can burn in blood, even while the heart may break.


His head was bound with pansies overblown,

And faded violets, white, and pied, and blue;

And a light spear topp’d with a cypress cone,

Round whose rude shaft dark ivy-tresses grew

Yet dripping with the forest’s noonday dew,

Vibrated, as the ever-beating heart

Shook the weak hand that grasp’d it; of that crew He came the last, neglected and apart; A herd-abandon’d deer struck by the hunter’s dart.


All stood aloof, and at his partial moan

Smil’d through their tears; well knew that gentle band

Who in another’s fate now wept his own,

As in the accents of an unknown land

He sung new sorrow; sad Urania scann’d

The Stranger’s mien, and murmur’d: “Who art thou?”

He answer’d not, but with a sudden hand

Made bare his branded and ensanguin’d brow, Which was like Cain’s or Christ’s—oh! that it should be so!


What softer voice is hush’d over the dead?

Athwart what brow is that dark mantle thrown?

What form leans sadly o’er the white death-bed, In mockery of monumental stone, The heavy heart heaving without a moan?

If it be He, who, gentlest of the wise,

Taught, sooth’d, lov’d, honour’d the departed one, Let me not vex, with inharmonious sighs, The silence of that heart’s accepted sacrifice.


Our Adonais has drunk poison—oh! What deaf and viperous murderer could crown Life’s early cup with such a draught of woe?

The nameless worm would now itself disown: It felt, yet could escape, the magic tone

Whose prelude held all envy, hate and wrong,

But what was howling in one breast alone,

Silent with expectation of the song,

Whose master’s hand is cold, whose silver lyre unstrung.


Live thou, whose infamy is not thy fame! Live! fear no heavier chastisement from me, Thou noteless blot on a remember’d name!

But be thyself, and know thyself to be! And ever at thy season be thou free

To spill the venom when thy fangs o’erflow;

Remorse and Self-contempt shall cling to thee; Hot Shame shall burn upon thy secret brow, And like a beaten hound tremble thou shalt—as now.


Nor let us weep that our delight is fled

Far from these carrion kites that scream below; He wakes or sleeps with the enduring dead; Thou canst not soar where he is sitting now.

Dust to the dust! but the pure spirit shall flow Back to the burning fountain whence it came, A portion of the Eternal, which must glow Through time and change, unquenchably the same, Whilst thy cold embers choke the sordid hearth of shame.


Peace, peace! he is not dead, he doth not sleep,

He hath awaken’d from the dream of life;

‘Tis we, who lost in stormy visions, keep

With phantoms an unprofitable strife,

And in mad trance, strike with our spirit’s knife

Invulnerable nothings. We decay

Like corpses in a charnel; fear and grief

Convulse us and consume us day by day,

And cold hopes swarm like worms within our living clay.


He has outsoar’d the shadow of our night;

Envy and calumny and hate and pain,

And that unrest which men miscall delight,

Can touch him not and torture not again;

From the contagion of the world’s slow stain

He is secure, and now can never mourn

A heart grown cold, a head grown gray in vain; Nor, when the spirit’s self has ceas’d to burn, With sparkless ashes load an unlamented urn.


He lives, he wakes—’tis Death is dead, not he;

Mourn not for Adonais. Thou young Dawn,

Turn all thy dew to splendour, for from thee The spirit thou lamentest is not gone; Ye caverns and ye forests, cease to moan!

Cease, ye faint flowers and fountains, and thou Air,

Which like a mourning veil thy scarf hadst thrown O’er the abandon’d Earth, now leave it bare Even to the joyous stars which smile on its despair!


He is made one with Nature: there is heard

His voice in all her music, from the moan

Of thunder, to the song of night’s sweet bird;

He is a presence to be felt and known

In darkness and in light, from herb and stone,

Spreading itself where’er that Power may move

Which has withdrawn his being to its own;

Which wields the world with never-wearied love, Sustains it from beneath, and kindles it above.


He is a portion of the loveliness

Which once he made more lovely: he doth bear

His part, while the one Spirit’s plastic stress

Sweeps through the dull dense world, compelling there

All new successions to the forms they wear;

Torturing th’ unwilling dross that checks its flight

To its own likeness, as each mass may bear; And bursting in its beauty and its might

From trees and beasts and men into the Heaven’s light.


The splendours of the firmament of time

May be eclips’d, but are extinguish’d not;

Like stars to their appointed height they climb,

And death is a low mist which cannot blot

The brightness it may veil. When lofty thought

Lifts a young heart above its mortal lair,

And love and life contend in it for what

Shall be its earthly doom, the dead live there And move like winds of light on dark and stormy air.


The inheritors of unfulfill’d renown

Rose from their thrones, built beyond mortal thought,

Far in the Unapparent. Chatterton

Rose pale, his solemn agony had not

Yet faded from him; Sidney, as he fought And as he fell and as he liv’d and lov’d Sublimely mild, a Spirit without spot, Arose; and Lucan, by his death approv’d:

Oblivion as they rose shrank like a thing reprov’d.


And many more, whose names on Earth are dark,

But whose transmitted effluence cannot die So long as fire outlives the parent spark, Rose, rob’d in dazzling immortality.

“Thou art become as one of us,” they cry,

“It was for thee yon kingless sphere has long Swung blind in unascended majesty,

Silent alone amid a Heaven of Song.

Assume thy winged throne, thou Vesper of our throng!”


Who mourns for Adonais? Oh, come forth, Fond wretch! and know thyself and him aright.

Clasp with thy panting soul the pendulous Earth;

As from a centre, dart thy spirit’s light

Beyond all worlds, until its spacious might

Satiate the void circumference: then shrink

Even to a point within our day and night;

And keep thy heart light lest it make thee sink When hope has kindled hope, and lur’d thee to the brink.


Or go to Rome, which is the sepulchre,

Oh, not of him, but of our joy: ’tis nought

That ages, empires and religions there

Lie buried in the ravage they have wrought;

For such as he can lend—they borrow not

Glory from those who made the world their prey;

And he is gather’d to the kings of thought

Who wag’d contention with their time’s decay, And of the past are all that cannot pass away.


Go thou to Rome—at once the Paradise,

The grave, the city, and the wilderness;

And where its wrecks like shatter’d mountains rise,

And flowering weeds, and fragrant copses dress

The bones of Desolation’s nakedness

Pass, till the spirit of the spot shall lead

Thy footsteps to a slope of green access

Where, like an infant’s smile, over the dead

A light of laughing flowers along the grass is spread;


And gray walls moulder round, on which dull Time

Feeds, like slow fire upon a hoary brand;

And one keen pyramid with wedge sublime,

Pavilioning the dust of him who plann’d

This refuge for his memory, doth stand

Like flame transform’d to marble; and beneath,

A field is spread, on which a newer band Have pitch’d in Heaven’s smile their camp of death, Welcoming him we lose with scarce extinguish’d breath.


Here pause: these graves are all too young as yet

To have outgrown the sorrow which consign’d

Its charge to each; and if the seal is set,

Here, on one fountain of a mourning mind, Break it not thou! too surely shalt thou find

Thine own well full, if thou returnest home, Of tears and gall. From the world’s bitter wind Seek shelter in the shadow of the tomb. What Adonais is, why fear we to become?


The One remains, the many change and pass;

Heaven’s light forever shines, Earth’s shadows fly;

Life, like a dome of many-colour’d glass,

Stains the white radiance of Eternity, Until Death tramples it to fragments.—Die, If thou wouldst be with that which thou dost seek!

Follow where all is fled!—Rome’s azure sky, Flowers, ruins, statues, music, words, are weak The glory they transfuse with fitting truth to speak.


Why linger, why turn back, why shrink, my Heart? Thy hopes are gone before: from all things here They have departed; thou shouldst now depart!

A light is pass’d from the revolving year,

And man, and woman; and what still is dear

Attracts to crush, repels to make thee wither.

The soft sky smiles, the low wind whispers near:

‘Tis Adonais calls! oh, hasten thither,

No more let Life divide what Death can join together.


That Light whose smile kindles the Universe,

That Beauty in which all things work and move,

That Benediction which the eclipsing Curse

Of birth can quench not, that sustaining Love

Which through the web of being blindly wove

By man and beast and earth and air and sea,

Burns bright or dim, as each are mirrors of

The fire for which all thirst; now beams on me, Consuming the last clouds of cold mortality.


The breath whose might I have invok’d in song

Descends on me; my spirit’s bark is driven,

Far from the shore, far from the trembling throng Whose sails were never to the tempest given; The massy earth and sphered skies are riven!

I am borne darkly, fearfully, afar;

Whilst, burning through the inmost veil of Heaven,

The soul of Adonais, like a star,

Beacons from the abode where the Eternal are.

A Defence of Poetry by Percy Bysshe Shelley _ Poetry Foundation

A Defence of Poetry by Percy Bysshe Shelley | Poetry Foundation




Percy Bysshe Shelley was born to a wealthy family in Sussex, England. He attended Eton and Oxford, where he was expelled for writing a pamphlet championing atheism. Shelley married twice before he drowned in a sailing accident in Italy at the age of 29. His first wife committed suicide, and shortly thereafter he married his second wife, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, who was the author of Frankenstein and the daughter of Mary Wollstonecraft, author of A Vindication of the Rights of Woman. Among Shelley’s closest friends were the other famous Romantic poets of the day, among them John Keats, whose death inspired Shelley’s “Adonais,” and Lord Byron.

Shelley’s “Defence of Poetry” is unusual compared with similarly titled “defenses” of poetry. Shelley’s essay contains no rules for poetry, or aesthetic judgments of his contemporaries. Instead, Shelley’s philosophical assumptions about poets and poetry can be read as a sort of primer for the Romantic movement in general. In this essay, written a year before his death, Shelley addresses “The Four Ages of Poetry,” a witty magazine piece by his friend, Thomas Love Peacock. Peacock’s work teases and jokes through its definitions and conclusions, specifically that the poetry has become valueless and redundant in an age of science and technology, and that intelligent people should give up their literary pursuits and put their intelligence to good use. Shelley takes this treatise and extends it, turning his essay into more of a rebuttal than a reply. To begin, Shelley turns to reason and imagination, defining reason as logical thought and imagination as perception, adding, “reason respects the differences, and imagination the similitudes of things.” From reason and imagination, man may recognize beauty, and it is through beauty that civilization comes. Language, Shelley contends, shows humanity’s impulse toward order and harmony, which leads to an appreciation of unity and beauty. Those in “excess” of language are the poets, whose task it is to impart the pleasures of their experience and observations into poems. Shelley argues, that civilization advances and thrives with the help of poetry. This assumption then, through Shelley’s own understanding, marks the poet as a prophet, not a man dispensing forecasts but a person who “participates in the eternal, the infinite, and the one.” He goes on to place poetry in the column of divine and organic process: “A poem is the very image of life expressed in its eternal truth . . . the creation of actions according to the unchangeable forms of human nature, as existing in the mind of the Creator.” The task of poets then is to interpret and present the poem; Shelley’s metaphor here explicates: “Poetry is a mirror which makes beautiful that which is distorted.”

The next portion of Shelley’s argument approaches the question of morality in poetry. To Shelley, poetry is utilitarian, as it brings civilization by “awaken[ing] and enlarg[ing] the mind itself by rendering it the receptacle of a thousand unapprehended combinations of thought. Poetry lifts the veil from the hidden beauty of the world.” Shelley also addresses drama and the critical history of poetry through the ages, beginning with the classical period, moving through the Christian era, and into the middle ages until he arrives back in his present day, pronouncing the worth of poets and poetry as “indeed divine,” and the significant role that poets play, concluding with his famous last line: “Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.”

According to one mode of regarding those two classes of mental action, which are called reason and imagination, the former may be considered as mind contemplating the relations borne by one thought to another, however produced, and the latter, as mind acting upon those thoughts so as to color them with its own light, and composing from

them, as from elements, other thoughts, each containing within itself the principle of its το οιειν

own integrity. The one is the π , or the principle of synthesis, and has for its

objects those forms which are common to universal nature and existence itself; the other το λογιςειν

is the , or principle of analysis, and its action regards the relations of things simply as relations; considering thoughts, not in their integral unity, but as the algebraical representations which conduct to certain general results. Reason is the enumeration of qualities already known; imagination is the perception of the value of those qualities, both separately and as a whole. Reason respects the differences, and imagination the similitudes of things. Reason is to imagination as the instrument to the agent, as the body to the spirit, as the shadow to the substance.

Poetry, in a general sense, may be defined to be “the expression of the imagination”: and poetry is connate with the origin of man. Man is an instrument over which a series of external and internal impressions are driven, like the alternations of an ever-changing wind over an Æolian lyre, which move it by their motion to ever-changing melody. But there is a principle within the human being, and perhaps within all sentient beings, which acts otherwise than in the lyre, and produces not melody alone, but harmony, by an internal adjustment of the sounds or motions thus excited to the impressions which excite them. It is as if the lyre could accommodate its chords to the motions of that which strikes them, in a determined proportion of sound; even as the musician can accommodate his voice to the sound of the lyre. A child at play by itself will express its delight by its voice and motions; and every inflexion of tone and every gesture will bear exact relation to a corresponding antitype in the pleasurable impressions which awakened it; it will be the reflected image of that impression; and as the lyre trembles and sounds after the wind has died away; so the child seeks, by prolonging in its voice and motions the duration of the effect, to prolong also a consciousness of the cause. In relation to the objects which delight a child these expressions are what poetry is to higher objects. The savage (for the savage is to ages what the child is to years) expresses the emotions produced in him by surrounding objects in a similar manner; and language and gesture, together with plastic or pictorial imitation, become the image of the combined effect of those objects, and of his apprehension of them. Man in society, with all his passions and his pleasures, next becomes the object of the passions and pleasures of man; an additional class of emotions produces an augmented treasure of expressions; and language, gesture, and the imitative arts, become at once the representation and the medium, the pencil and the picture, the chisel and the statute, the chord and the harmony. The social sympathies, or those laws from which, as from its elements, society results, begin to develop themselves from the moment that two human beings coexist; the future is contained within the present, as the plant within the seed; and equality, diversity, unity, contrast, mutual dependence, become the principles alone capable of affording the motives according to which the will of a social being is determined to action, inasmuch as he is social; and constitute pleasure in sensation, virtue in sentiment, beauty in art, truth in reasoning, and love in the intercourse of kind. Hence men, even in the infancy of society, observe a certain order in their words and actions, distinct from that of the objects and the impressions represented by them, all expression being subject to the laws of that from which it proceeds. But let us dismiss those more general considerations which might involve an inquiry into the principles of society itself, and restrict our view to the manner in which the imagination is expressed upon its forms. In the youth of the world, men dance and sing and imitate natural objects bserving in these actions, as in all others, a certain rhythm or order. And, although all men observe a similar, they observe not the same order, in the motions of the dance, in the melody of the song, in the combinations of language, in the series of their imitations of natural objects. For there is a certain order or rhythm belonging to each of these classes of mimetic representation, from which the hearer and the spectator receive an intenser and purer pleasure than from any other: the sense of an approximation to this order has been called taste by modern writers. Every man in the infancy of art observes an order which approximates more or less closely to that from which this highest delight results: but the diversity is not sufficiently marked, as that its gradations should be sensible, except in those instances where the predominance of this faculty of approximation to the beautiful (for so we may be permitted to name the relation between this highest pleasure and its cause) is very great. Those in whom it exists in excess are poets, in the most universal sense of the word; and the pleasure resulting from the manner in which they express the influence of society or nature upon their own minds, communicates itself to others, and gathers a sort of reduplication from that community. Their language is vitally metaphorical; that is, it marks the before unapprehended relations of things and perpetuates their apprehension, until the words which represent them, become, through time, signs for portions or classes of thoughts instead of pictures of integral thoughts; and then if no new poets should arise to create afresh the associations which have been thus disorganized, language will be dead to all the nobler purposes of human intercourse. These similitudes or relations are finely said by Lord Bacon to be “the same footsteps of nature impressed upon the various subjects of the world” [“De Augment. Scient.,” cap. i, lib. iii—Shelley]—and he considers the faculty which perceives them as the store-house of axioms common to all knowledge. In the infancy of society every author is necessarily a poet, because language itself is poetry; and to be a poet is to apprehend the true and the beautiful, in a word, the good which exists in the relation, subsisting, first between existence and perception, and secondly between perception and expression. Every original language near to its source is in itself the chaos of a cyclic poem: the copiousness of lexicography and the distinctions of grammar are the works of a later age, and are merely the catalogue and the form of the creations of poetry.

But poets, or those who imagine and express this indestructible order, are not only the authors of language and of music, of the dance, and architecture, and statuary, and painting: they are the institutors of laws, and the founders of civil society, and the inventors of the arts of life, and the teachers, who draw into a certain propinquity with the beautiful and the true that partial apprehension of the agencies of the invisible world which is called religion. Hence all original religions are allegorical, or susceptible of allegory, and, like Janus, have a double face of false and true. Poets, according to the circumstances of the age and nation in which they appeared, were called, in the earlier epochs of the world, legislators, or prophets: a poet essentially comprises and unites both these characters. For he not only beholds intensely the present as it is, and discovers those laws according to which present things ought to be ordered, but he beholds the future in the present, and his thoughts are the germs of the flower and the fruit of latest time. Not that I assert poets to be prophets in the gross sense of the word, or that they can foretell the form as surely as they foreknow the spirit of events: such is the pretence of superstition, which would make poetry an attribute of prophecy, rather than prophecy an attribute of poetry. A poet participates in the eternal, the infinite, and the one; as far as relates to his conceptions, time and place and number are not. The grammatical forms which express the moods of time, and the difference of persons, and the distinction of place, are convertible with respect to the highest poetry without injuring it as poetry; and the choruses of Aeschylus, and the book of Job, and Dante’s “Paradise” would afford, more than any other writings, examples of this fact, if the limits of this essay did not forbid citation. The creations of sculpture, painting, and music are illustrations still more decisive.

Language, color, form, and religious and civil habits of action, are all the instruments and materials of poetry; they may be called poetry by that figure of speech which considers the effect as a synonym of the cause. But poetry in a more restricted sense expresses those arrangements of language, and especially metrical language, which are created by that imperial faculty, whose throne is curtained within the invisible nature of man. And this springs from the nature itself of language, which is a more direct representation of the actions and passions of our internal being, and is susceptible of more various and delicate combinations, than color, form, or motion, and is more plastic and obedient to the control of that faculty of which it is the creation. For language is arbitrarily produced by the imagination, and has relation to thoughts alone; but all other materials, instruments, and conditions of art have relations among each other, which limit and interpose between conception and expression. The former is as a mirror which reflects, the latter as a cloud which enfeebles, the light of which both are mediums of communication. Hence the fame of sculptors, painters, and musicians, although the intrinsic powers of the great masters of these arts may yield in no degree to that of those who have employed language as the hieroglyphic of their thoughts, has never equalled that of poets in the restricted sense of the term; as two performers of equal skill will produce unequal effects from a guitar and a harp. The fame of legislators and founders of religions, so long as their institutions last, alone seems to exceed that of poets in the restricted sense; but it can scarcely be a question, whether, if we deduct the celebrity which their flattery of the gross opinions of the vulgar usually conciliates, together with that which belonged to them in their higher character of poets, any excess will remain.

We have thus circumscribed the word poetry within the limits of that art which is the most familiar and the most perfect expression of the faculty itself. It is necessary, however, to make the circle still narrower, and to determine the distinction between measured and unmeasured language; for the popular division into prose and verse is inadmissible in accurate philosophy.

Sounds as well as thoughts have relation both between each other and towards that which they represent, and a perception of the order of those relations has always been found connected with a perception of the order of the relations of thoughts. Hence the language of poets has ever affected a certain uniform and harmonious recurrence of sound, without which it were not poetry, and which is scarcely less indispensable to the communication of its influence, than the words themselves, without reference to that peculiar order. Hence the vanity of translation; it were as wise to cast a violet into a crucible that you might discover the formal principle of its color and odor, as seek to transfuse from one language into another the creations of a poet. The plant must spring again from its seed, or it will bear no flower—and this is the burden of the curse of Babel.

An observation of the regular mode of the recurrence of harmony in the language of poetical minds, together with its relation to music, produced metre, or a certain system of traditional forms of harmony and language. Yet it is by no means essential that a poet should accommodate his language to this traditional form, so that the harmony, which is its spirit, be observed. The practice is indeed convenient and popular, and to be preferred, especially in such composition as includes much action: but every great poet must inevitably innovate upon the example of his predecessors in the exact structure of his peculiar versification. The distinction between poets and prose writers is a vulgar error. The distinction between philosophers and poets has been anticipated. Plato was essentially a poet—the truth and splendor of his imagery, and the melody of his language, are the most intense that it is possible to conceive. He rejected the measure of the epic, dramatic, and lyrical forms, because he sought to kindle a harmony in thoughts divested of shape and action, and he forebore to invent any regular plan of rhythm which would include, under determinate forms, the varied pauses of his style. Cicero sought to imitate the cadence of his periods, but with little success. Lord Bacon was a poet. [See the “Filum Labyrinthi,” and the “Essay on Death” particularly.—Shelley] His language has a sweet and majestic rhythm, which satisfies the sense, no less than the almost superhuman wisdom of his philosophy satisfies the intellect; it is a strain which distends, and then bursts the circumference of the reader’s mind, and pours itself forth together with it into the universal element with which it has perpetual sympathy. All the authors of revolutions in opinion are not only necessarily poets as they are inventors, nor even as their words unveil the permanent analogy of things by images which participate in the life of truth; but as their periods are harmonious and rhythmical, and contain in themselves the elements of verse; being the echo of the eternal music. Nor are those supreme poets, who have employed traditional forms of rhythm on account of the form and action of their subjects, less capable of perceiving and teaching the truth of things, than those who have omitted that form. Shakespeare, Dante, and Milton (to confine ourselves to modern writers) are philosophers of the very loftiest power.

A poem is the very image of life expressed in its eternal truth. There is this difference between a story and a poem, that a story is a catalogue of detached facts, which have no other connection than time, place, circumstance, cause and effect; the other is the creation of actions according to the unchangeable forms of human nature, as existing in the mind of the Creator, which is itself the image of all other minds. The one is partial, and applies only to a definite period of time, and a certain combination of events which can never again recur; the other is universal, and contains within itself the germ of a relation to whatever motives or actions have place in the possible varieties of human nature. Time, which destroys the beauty and the use of the story of particular facts, stripped of the poetry which should invest them, augments that of poetry, and forever develops new and wonderful applications of the eternal truth which it contains. Hence epitomes have been called the moths of just history; they eat out the poetry of it. A story of particular facts is as a mirror which obscures and distorts that which should be beautiful; poetry is a mirror which makes beautiful that which is distorted. The parts of a composition may be poetical, without the composition as a whole being a poem. A single sentence may be considered as a whole, though it may be found in the midst of a series of unassimilated portions; a single word even may be a spark of inextinguishable thought. And thus all the great historians, Herodotus, Plutarch, Livy, were poets; and although the plan of these writers, especially that of Livy, restrained them from developing this faculty in its highest degree, they made copious and ample amends for their subjection, by filling all the interstices of their subjects with living images.

Having determined what is poetry, and who are poets, let us proceed to estimate its effects upon society.

Poetry is ever accompanied with pleasure: all spirits on which it falls open themselves to receive the wisdom which is mingled with its delight. In the infancy of the world, neither poets themselves nor their auditors are fully aware of the excellence of poetry: for it acts in a divine and unapprehended manner, beyond and above consciousness; and it is reserved for future generations to contemplate and measure the mighty cause and effect in all the strength and splendor of their union. Even in modern times, no living poet ever arrived at the fulness of his fame; the jury which sits in judgment upon a poet, belonging as he does to all time, must be composed of his peers: it must be impanelled by Time from the selectest of the wise of many generations. A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds; his auditors are as men entranced by the melody of an unseen musician, who feel that they are moved and softened, yet know not whence or why. The poems of Homer and his contemporaries were the delight of infant Greece; they were the elements of that social system which is the column upon which all succeeding civilization has reposed. Homer embodied the ideal perfection of his age in human character; nor can we doubt that those who read his verses were awakened to an ambition of becoming like to Achilles, Hector, and Ulysses: the truth and beauty of friendship, patriotism, and persevering devotion to an object, were unveiled to the depths in these immortal creations: the sentiments of the auditors must have been refined and enlarged by a sympathy with such great and lovely impersonations, until from admiring they imitated, and from imitation they identified themselves with the objects of their admiration. Nor let it be objected that these characters are remote from moral perfection, and that they can by no means be considered as edifying patterns for general imitation. Every epoch, under names more or less specious, has deified its peculiar errors; Revenge is the naked idol of the worship of a semi-barbarous age: and Self-deceit is the veiled image of unknown evil, before which luxury and satiety lie prostrate. But a poet considers the vices of his contemporaries as the temporary dress in which his creations must be arrayed, and which cover without concealing the eternal proportions of their beauty. An epic or dramatic personage is understood to wear them around his soul, as he may the ancient armor or the modern uniform around his body; whilst it is easy to conceive a dress more graceful than either. The beauty of the internal nature cannot be so far concealed by its accidental vesture, but that the spirit of its form shall communicate itself to the very disguise, and indicate the shape it hides from the manner in which it is worn. A majestic form and graceful motions will express themselves through the most barbarous and tasteless costume. Few poets of the highest class have chosen to exhibit the beauty of their conceptions in its naked truth and splendor; and it is doubtful whether the alloy of costume, habit, etc., be not necessary to temper this planetary music for mortal ears.

The whole objection, however, of the immorality of poetry rests upon a misconception of the manner in which poetry acts to produce the moral improvement of man. Ethical science arranges the elements which poetry has created, and propounds schemes and proposes examples of civil and domestic life: nor is it for want of admirable doctrines that men hate, and despise, and censure, and deceive, and subjugate one another. But poetry acts in another and diviner manner. It awakens and enlarges the mind itself by rendering it the receptacle of a thousand unapprehended combinations of thought. Poetry lifts the veil from the hidden beauty of the world, and makes familiar objects be as if they were not familiar; it reproduces all that it represents, and the impersonations clothed in its Elysian light stand thenceforward in the minds of those who have once contemplated them, as memorials of that gentle and exalted content which extends itself over all thoughts and actions with which it coexists. The great secret of morals is love; or a going out of our nature, and an identification of ourselves with the beautiful which exists in thought, action, or person, not our own. A man, to be greatly good, must imagine intensely and comprehensively; he must put himself in the place of another and of many others; the pains and pleasure of his species must become his own. The great instrument of moral good is the imagination; and poetry administers to the effect by acting upon the cause. Poetry enlarges the circumference of the imagination by replenishing it with thoughts of ever new delight, which have the power of attracting and assimilating to their own nature all other thoughts, and which form new intervals and interstices whose void forever craves fresh food. Poetry strengthens the faculty which is the organ of the moral nature of man, in the same manner as exercise strengthens a limb. A poet therefore would do ill to embody his own conceptions of right and wrong, which are usually those of his place and time, in his poetical creations, which participate in neither. By this assumption of the inferior office of interpreting the effect, in which perhaps after all he might acquit himself but imperfectly, he would resign a glory in a participation in the cause. There was little danger that Homer, or any of the eternal poets, should have so far misunderstood themselves as to have abdicated this throne of their widest dominion. Those in whom the poetical faculty, though great, is less intense, as Euripides, Lucan, Tasso, Spenser, have frequently affected a moral aim, and the effect of their poetry is diminished in exact proportion to the degree in which they compel us to advert to this purpose.

Homer and the cyclic poets were followed at a certain interval by the dramatic and lyrical poets of Athens, who flourished contemporaneously with all that is most perfect in the kindred expressions of the poetical faculty; architecture, painting, music, the dance, sculpture, philosophy, and, we may add, the forms of civil life. For although the scheme of Athenian society was deformed by many imperfections which the poetry existing in chivalry and Christianity has erased from the habits and institutions of modern Europe; yet never at any other period has so much energy, beauty, and virtue been developed; never was blind strength and stubborn form so disciplined and rendered subject to the will of man, or that will less repugnant to the dictates of the beautiful and the true, as during the century which preceded the death of Socrates. Of no other epoch in the history of our species have we records and fragments stamped so visibly with the image of the divinity in man. But it is poetry alone, in form, in action, or in language, which has rendered this epoch memorable above all others, and the store-house of examples to everlasting time. For written poetry existed at that epoch simultaneously with the other arts, and it is an idle inquiry to demand which gave and which received the light, which all, as from a common focus, have scattered over the darkest periods of succeeding time. We know no more of cause and effect than a constant conjunction of events: poetry is ever found to coexist with whatever other arts contribute to the happiness and perfection of man. I appeal to what has already been established to distinguish between the cause and the effect. It was at the period here adverted to that the drama had its birth; and however a succeeding writer may have equalled or surpassed those few great specimens of the Athenian drama which have been preserved to us, it is indisputable that the art itself never was understood or practised according to the true philosophy of it, as at Athens. For the Athenians employed language, action, music, painting, the dance, and religious institutions, to produce a common effect in the representation of the highest idealism of passion and of power; each division in the art was made perfect in its kind of artists of the most consummate skill, and was disciplined into a beautiful proportion and unity one towards the other. On the modern stage a few only of the elements capable of expressing the image of the poet’s conception are employed at once. We have tragedy without music and dancing; and music and dancing without the highest impersonations of which they are the fit accompaniment, and both without religion and solemnity. Religious institution has indeed been usually banished from the stage. Our system of divesting the actor’s face of a mask, on which the many expressions appropriated to his dramatic character might be moulded into one permanent and unchanging expression, is favorable only to a partial and inharmonious effect; it is fit for nothing but a monologue, where all the attention may be directed to some great master of ideal mimicry. The modern practice of blending comedy with tragedy, though liable to great abuse in point of practice, is undoubtedly an extension of the dramatic circle; but the comedy should be as in King Lear, universal, ideal, and sublime. It is perhaps the intervention of this principle which determines the balance in favor of “King Lear” against the “Oedipus Tyrannus” or the “Agamemnon,” or, if you will, the trilogies with which they are connected; unless the intense power of the choral poetry, especially that of the latter, should be considered as restoring the equilibrium. King Lear, if it can sustain this comparison, may be judged to be the most perfect specimen of the dramatic art existing in the world; in spite of the narrow conditions to which the poet was subjected by the ignorance of the philosophy of the drama which has prevailed in modern Europe. Calderon, in his religious autos, has attempted to fulfil some of the high conditions of dramatic representation neglected by Shakespeare; such as the establishing a relation between the drama and religion, and the accommodating them to music and dancing; but he omits the observation of conditions still more important, and more is lost than gained by the substitution of the rigidly defined and ever-repeated idealisms of a distorted superstition for the living impersonations of the truth of human passion. But I digress. The connection of scenic exhibitions with the improvement or corruption of the manners of men has been universally recognized; in other words, the presence or absence of poetry in its most perfect and universal form has been found to be connected with good and evil in conduct or habit. The corruption which has been imputed to the drama as an effect, begins, when the poetry employed in its constitution ends: I appeal to the history of manners whether the periods of the growth of the one and the decline of the other have not corresponded with an exactness equal to any example of moral cause and effect.

The drama at Athens, or wheresoever else it may have approached to its perfection, ever coexisted with the moral and intellectual greatness of the age. The tragedies of the Athenian poets are as mirrors in which the spectator beholds himself, under a thin disguise of circumstance, stripped of all but that ideal perfection and energy which everyone feels to be the internal type of all that he loves, admires, and would become. The imagination is enlarged by a sympathy with pains and passions so mighty, that they distend in their conception the capacity of that by which they are conceived; the good affections are strengthened by pity, indignation, terror, and sorrow; and an exalted calm is prolonged from the satiety of this high exercise of them into the tumult of familiar life: even crime is disarmed of half its horror and all its contagion by being represented as the fatal consequence of the unfathomable agencies of nature; error is thus divested of its wilfulness; men can no longer cherish it as the creation of their choice. In a drama of the highest order there is little food for censure or hatred; it teaches rather self-knowledge and self-respect. Neither the eye nor the mind can see itself, unless reflected upon that which it resembles. The drama, so long as it continues to express poetry, is as a prismatic and many-sided mirror, which collects the brightest rays of human nature and divides and reproduces them from the simplicity of these elementary forms, and touches them with majesty and beauty, and multiplies all that it reflects, and endows it with the power of propagating its like wherever it may fall.

But in periods of the decay of social life, the drama sympathizes with that decay. Tragedy becomes a cold imitation of the form of the great masterpieces of antiquity, divested of all harmonious accompaniment of the kindred arts; and often the very form misunderstood, or a weak attempt to teach certain doctrines, which the writer considers as moral truths; and which are usually no more than specious flatteries of some gross vice or weakness, with which the author, in common with his auditors, are infected. Hence what has been called the classical and domestic drama. Addison’s “Cato” is a specimen of the one, and would it were not superfluous to cite examples of the other! To such purposes poetry cannot be made subservient. Poetry is a sword of lightning, ever unsheathed, which consumes the scabbard that would contain it. And thus we observe that all dramatic writings of this nature are unimaginative in a singular degree; they affect sentiment and passion, which, divested of imagination, are other names for caprice and appetite. The period in our own history of the grossest degradation of the drama is the reign of Charles II, when all forms in which poetry had been accustomed to be expressed became hymns to the triumph of kingly power over liberty and virtue. Milton stood alone illuminating an age unworthy of him. At such periods the calculating principle pervades all the forms of dramatic exhibition, and poetry ceases to be expressed upon them. Comedy loses its ideal universality: wit succeeds to humor; we laugh from self-complacency and triumph, instead of pleasure; malignity, sarcasm, and contempt succeed to sympathetic merriment; we hardly laugh, but we smile. Obscenity, which is ever blasphemy against the divine beauty in life, becomes, from the very veil which it assumes, more active if less disgusting: it is a monster for which the corruption of society forever brings forth new food, which it devours in secret.

The drama being that form under which a greater number of modes of expression of poetry are susceptible of being combined than any other, the connection of poetry and social good is more observable in the drama than in whatever other form. And it is indisputable that the highest perfection of human society has ever corresponded with the highest dramatic excellence; and that the corruption or the extinction of the drama in a nation where it has once flourished is a mark of a corruption of manners, and an extinction of the energies which sustain the soul of social life. But, as Machiavelli says of political institutions, that life may be preserved and renewed, if men should arise capable of bringing back the drama to its principles. And this is true with respect to poetry in its most extended sense: all language, institution, and form require not only to be produced but to be sustained: the office and character of a poet participate in the divine nature as regards providence, no less than as regards creation.

Civil war, the spoils of Asia, and the fatal predominance first of the Macedonian, and then of the Roman arms, were so many symbols of the extinction or suspension of the creative faculty in Greece. The bucolic writers, who found patronage under the lettered tyrants of Sicily and Egypt, were the latest representatives of its most glorious reign. Their poetry is intensely melodious; like the odor of the tuberose, it overcomes and sickens the spirit with excess of sweetness; whilst the poetry of the preceding age was as a meadow-gale of June, which mingles the fragrance of all the flowers of the field, and adds a quickening and harmonizing spirit of its own which endows the sense with a power of sustaining its extreme delight. The bucolic and erotic delicacy in written poetry is correlative with that softness in statuary, music, and the kindred arts, and even in manners and institutions, which distinguished the epoch to which I now refer. Nor is it the poetical faculty itself, or any misapplication of it, to which this want of harmony is to be imputed. An equal sensibility to the influence of the senses and the affections is to be found in the writings of Homer and Sophocles: the former, especially, has clothed sensual and pathetic images with irresistible attractions. Their superiority over these succeeding writers consists in the presence of those thoughts which belong to the inner faculties of our nature, not in the absence of those which are connected with the external; their incomparable perfection consists in a harmony of the union of all. It is not what the erotic poets have, but what they have not, in which their imperfection consists. It is not inasmuch as they were poets, but inasmuch as they were not poets, that they can be considered with any plausibility as connected with the corruption of their age. Had that corruption availed so as to extinguish in them the sensibility to pleasure, passion, and natural scenery, which is imputed to them as an imperfection, the last triumph of evil would have been achieved. For the end of social corruption is to destroy all sensibility to pleasure; and, therefore, it is corruption. It begins at the imagination and the intellect as at the core, and distributes itself thence as a paralyzing venom, through the affections into the very appetites, until all become a torpid mass in which hardly sense survives. At the approach of such a period, poetry ever addresses itself to those faculties which are the last to be destroyed, and its voice is heard, like the footsteps of Astræa, departing from the world. Poetry ever communicates all the pleasure which men are capable of receiving: it is ever still the light of life; the source of whatever of beautiful or generous or true can have place in an evil time. It will readily be confessed that those among the luxurious citizens of Syracuse and Alexandria, who were delighted with the poems of Theocritus, were less cold, cruel, and sensual than the remnant of their tribe. But corruption must utterly have destroyed the fabric of human society before poetry can ever cease. The sacred links of that chain have never been entirely disjoined, which descending through the minds of many men is attached to those great minds, whence as from a magnet the invisible effluence is sent forth, which at once connects, animates, and sustains the life of all. It is the faculty which contains within itself the seeds at once of its own and of social renovation. And let us not circumscribe the effects of the bucolic and erotic poetry within the limits of the sensibility of those to whom it was addressed. They may have perceived the beauty of those immortal compositions, simply as fragments and isolated portions: those who are more finely organized, or born in a happier age, may recognize them as episodes to that great poem, which all poets, like the co-operating thoughts of one great mind, have built up since the beginning of the world.

The same revolutions within a narrower sphere had place in ancient Rome; but the actions and forms of its social life never seem to have been perfectly saturated with the poetical element. The Romans appear to have considered the Greeks as the selectest treasuries of the selectest forms of manners and of nature, and to have abstained from creating in measured language, sculpture, music, or architecture, anything which might bear a particular relation to their own condition, whilst it should bear a general one to the universal constitution of the world. But we judge from partial evidence, and we judge perhaps partially. Ennius, Varro, Pacuvius, and Accius, all great poets, have been lost. Lucretius is in the highest, and Virgil in a very high sense, a creator. The chosen delicacy of expressions of the latter are as a mist of light which conceal from us the intense and exceeding truth of his conceptions of nature. Livy is instinct with poetry. Yet Horace, Catullus, Ovid, and generally the other great writers of the Vergilian age, saw man and nature in the mirror of Greece. The institutions also, and the religion of Rome, were less poetical than those of Greece, as the shadow is less vivid than the substance. Hence poetry in Rome seemed to follow, rather than accompany, the perfection of political and domestic society. The true poetry of Rome lived in its institutions; for whatever of beautiful, true, and majestic, they contained, could have sprung only from the faculty which creates the order in which they consist. The life of Camillus, the death of Regulus; the expectation of the senators, in their godlike state, of the victorious Gauls; the refusal of the republic to make peace with Hannibal, after the battle of Cannæ, were not the consequences of a refined calculation of the probable personal advantage to result from such a rhythm and order in the shows of life, to those who were at once the poets and the actors of these immortal dramas. The imagination beholding the beauty of this order, created it out of itself according to its own idea; the consequence was empire, and the reward ever-living fame. These things are not the less poetry, quia carent vate sacro [because they lack the sacred prophet (or divine poet)—ed.]. They are the episodes of that cyclic poem written by Time upon the memories of men. The Past, like an inspired rhapsodist, fills the theatre of everlasting generations with their harmony.

At length the ancient system of religion and manners had fulfilled the circle of its revolutions. And the world would have fallen into utter anarchy and darkness, but that there were found poets among the authors of the Christian and chivalric systems of manners and religion, who created forms of opinion and action never before conceived; which, copied into the imaginations of men, became as generals to the bewildered armies of their thoughts. It is foreign to the present purpose to touch upon the evil produced by these systems: except that we protest, on the ground of the principles already established, that no portion of it can be attributed to the poetry they contain.

It is probable that the poetry of Moses, Job, David, Solomon, and Isaiah had produced a great effect upon the mind of Jesus and his disciples. The scattered fragments preserved to us by the biographers of this extraordinary person are all instinct with the most vivid poetry. But his doctrines seem to have been quickly distorted. At a certain period after the prevalence of a system of opinions founded upon those promulgated by him, the three forms into which Plato had distributed the faculties of mind underwent a sort of apotheosis, and became the object of the worship of the civilized world. Here it is to be confessed that “Light seems to thicken,” and

The crow makes wing to the rooky wood,

Good things of day begin to droop and drowse,

And night’s black agents to their preys do rouse.

But mark how beautiful an order has sprung from the dust and blood of this fierce chaos! how the world, as from a resurrection, balancing itself on the golden wings of Knowledge and of Hope, has reassumed its yet unwearied flight into the heaven of time. Listen to the music, unheard by outward ears, which is as a ceaseless and invisible wind, nourishing its everlasting course with strength and swiftness.

The poetry in the doctrines of Jesus Christ, and the mythology and institutions of the Celtic conquerors of the Roman Empire, outlived the darkness and the convulsions connected with their growth and victory, and blended themselves in a new fabric of manners and opinion. It is an error to impute the ignorance of the dark ages to the Christian doctrines or the predominance of the Celtic nations. Whatever of evil their agencies may have contained sprang from the extinction of the poetical principle, connected with the progress of despotism and superstition. Men, from causes too intricate to be here discussed, had become insensible and selfish: their own will had become feeble, and yet they were its slaves, and thence the slaves of the will of others: lust, fear, avarice, cruelty, and fraud, characterized a race amongst whom no one was to be found capable of creating in form, language, or institution. The moral anomalies of such a state of society are not justly to be charged upon any class of events immediately connected with them, and those events are most entitled to our approbation which could dissolve it most expeditiously. It is unfortunate for those who cannot distinguish words from thoughts, that many of these anomalies have been incorporated into our popular religion.

It was not until the eleventh century that the effects of the poetry of the Christian and chivalric systems began to manifest themselves. The principle of equality had been discovered and applied by Plato in his Republic as the theoretical rule of the mode in which the materials of pleasure and of power produced by the common skill and labor of human beings ought to be distributed among them. The limitations of this rule were asserted by him to be determined only by the sensibility of each, or the utility to result to all. Plato, following the doctrines of Timæus and Pythagoras, taught also a moral and intellectual system of doctrine, comprehending at once the past, the present, and the future condition of man. Jesus Christ divulged the sacred and eternal truths contained in these views to mankind, and Christianity, in its abstract purity, became the exoteric expression of the esoteric doctrines of the poetry and wisdom of antiquity. The incorporation of the Celtic nations with the exhausted population of the south impressed upon it the figure of the poetry existing in their mythology and institutions. The result was a sum of the action and reaction of all the causes included in it; for it may be assumed as a maxim that no nation or religion can supersede any other without incorporating into itself a portion of that which it supersedes. The abolition of personal and domestic slavery, and the emancipation of women from a great part of the degrading restraints of antiquity, were among the consequences of these events.

The abolition of personal slavery is the basis of the highest political hope that it can enter into the mind of man to conceive. The freedom of women produced the poetry of sexual love. Love became a religion, the idols of whose worship were ever present. It was as if the statues of Apollo and the Muses had been endowed with life and motion, and had walked forth among their worshippers; so that earth became peopled with the inhabitants of a diviner world. The familiar appearance and proceedings of life became wonderful and heavenly, and a paradise was created as out of the wrecks of Eden. And as this creation itself is poetry, so its creators were poets; and language was the instrument of their art: “Galeotto fù il libro, e chi lo scrisse” [“Galeotto was the book and the one who wrote it”—ed.]. The Provençal Trouveurs, or inventors, preceded Petrarch, whose verses are as spells, which unseal the inmost enchanted fountains of the delight which is in the grief of love. It is impossible to feel them without becoming a portion of that beauty which we contemplate: it were superfluous to explain how the gentleness and the elevation of mind connected with these sacred emotions can render men more amiable, more generous and wise, and lift them out of the dull vapors of the little world of self. Dante understood the secret things of love even more than Petrarch. His Vita Nuova is an inexhaustible fountain of purity of sentiment and language: it is the idealized history of that period, and those intervals of his life which were dedicated to love. His apotheosis of Beatrice in Paradise, and the gradations of his own love and her loveliness, by which as by steps he feigns himself to have ascended to the throne of the Supreme Cause, is the most glorious imagination of modern poetry. The acutest critics have justly reversed the judgment of the vulgar, and the order of the great acts of the “Divine Drama,” in the measure of the admiration which they accord to the Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise. The latter is a perpetual hymn of everlasting love. Love, which found a worthy poet in Plato alone of all the ancients, has been celebrated by a chorus of the greatest writers of the renovated world; and the music has penetrated the caverns of society, and its echoes still drown the dissonance of arms and superstition. At successive intervals, Ariosto, Tasso, Shakespeare, Spenser, Calderon, Rousseau, and the great writers of our own age, have celebrated the dominion of love, planting as it were trophies in the human mind of that sublimest victory over sensuality and force. The true relation borne to each other by the sexes into which humankind is distributed has become less misunderstood; and if the error which confounded diversity with inequality of the powers of the two sexes has been partially recognised in the opinions and institutions of modern Europe, we owe this great benefit to the worship of which chivalry was the law, and poets the prophets.

The poetry of Dante may be considered as the bridge thrown over the stream of time, which unites the modern and ancient world. The distorted notions of invisible things which Dante and his rival Milton have idealized, are merely the mask and the mantle in which these great poets walk through eternity enveloped and disguised. It is a difficult question to determine how far they were conscious of the distinction which must have subsisted in their minds between their own creeds and that of the people. Dante at least appears to wish to mark the full extent of it by placing Rhipæus, whom Vergil calls justissimus unus [the one most just—ed.], in Paradise, and observing a most heretical caprice in his distribution of rewards and punishments. And Milton’s poem contains within itself a philosophical refutation of that system, of which, by a strange and natural antithesis, it has been a chief popular support. Nothing can exceed the energy and magnificence of the character of Satan as expressed in Paradise Lost. It is a mistake to suppose that he could ever have been intended for the popular personification of evil. Implacable hate, patient cunning, and a sleepless refinement of device to inflict the extremist anguish on an enemy, these things are evil; and, although venial in a slave, are not to be forgiven in a tyrant; although redeemed by much that ennobles his defeat in one subdued, are marked by all that dishonors his conquest in the victor. Milton’s Devil as a moral being is as far superior to his God, as one who perseveres in some purpose which he has conceived to be excellent in spite of adversity and torture, is to one who in the cold security of undoubted triumph inflicts the most horrible revenge upon his enemy, not from any mistaken notion of inducing him to repent of a perseverance in enmity, but with the alleged design of exasperating him to deserve new torments. Milton has so far violated the popular creed (if this shall be judged to be a violation) as to have alleged no superiority of moral virtue to his God over his Devil. And this bold neglect of a direct moral purpose is the most decisive proof of the supremacy of Milton’s genius. He mingled as it were the elements of human nature as colors upon a single pallet, and arranged them in the composition of his great picture according to the laws of epic truth; that is, according to the laws of that principle by which a series of actions of the external universe and of intelligent and ethical beings is calculated to excite the sympathy of succeeding generations of mankind. The Divina Commedia and Paradise Lost have conferred upon modern mythology a systematic form; and when change and time shall have added one more superstition to the mass of those which have arisen and decayed upon the earth, commentators will be learnedly employed in elucidating the religion of ancestral Europe, only not utterly forgotten because it will have been stamped with the eternity of genius.

Homer was the first and Dante the second epic poet: that is, the second poet, the series of whose creations bore a defined and intelligible relation to the knowledge and sentiment and religion of the age in which he lived, and of the ages which followed it, developing itself in correspondence with their development. For Lucretius had limed the wings of his swift spirit in the dregs of the sensible world; and Vergil, with a modesty that ill became his genius, had affected the fame of an imitator, even whilst he created anew all that he copied; and none among the flock of mock-birds, though their notes were sweet, Apollonius Rhodius, Quintus Calaber, Nonnus, Lucan, Statius, or Claudian, have sought even to fulfil a single condition of epic truth. Milton was the third epic poet. For if the title of epic in its highest sense be refused to the “Aeneid,” still less can it be conceded to the “Orlando Furioso,” the “Gerusalemme Liberata,” the “Lusiad,” or the “Faerie Queene.”

Dante and Milton were both deeply penetrated with the ancient religion of the civilized world; and its spirit exists in their poetry probably in the same proportion as its forms survived in the unreformed worship of modern Europe. The one preceded and the other followed the Reformation at almost equal intervals. Dante was the first religious reformer, and Luther surpassed him rather in the rudeness and acrimony than in the boldness of his censures of papal usurpation. Dante was the first awakener of entranced Europe; he created a language, in itself music and persuasion, out of a chaos of inharmonious barbarians. He was the congregator of those great spirits who presided over the resurrection of learning; the Lucifer of that starry flock which in the thirteenth century shone forth from republican Italy, as from a heaven, into the darkness of the benighted world. His very words are instinct with spirit; each is as a spark, a burning atom of inextinguishable thought; and many yet lie covered in the ashes of their birth, and pregnant with the lightning which has yet found no conductor. All high poetry is infinite; it is as the first acorn, which contained all oaks potentially. Veil after veil may be undrawn, and the inmost naked beauty of the meaning never exposed. A great poem is a fountain forever overflowing with the waters of wisdom and delight; and after one person and one age has exhausted all its divine effluence which their peculiar relations enable them to share, another and yet another succeeds, and new relations are ever developed, the source of an unforeseen and an unconceived delight.

The age immediately succeeding to that of Dante, Petrarch, and Boccaccio was characterized by a revival of painting, sculpture, and architecture. Chaucer caught the sacred inspiration, and the superstructure of English literature is based upon the materials of Italian invention. But let us not be betrayed from a defence into a critical history of poetry and its influence on society. Be it enough to have pointed out the effects of poets, in the large and true sense of the word, upon their own and all succeeding times.

But poets have been challenged to resign the civic crown to reasoners and mechanists, on another plea. It is admitted that the exercise of the imagination is most delightful, but it is alleged that that of reason is more useful. Let us examine as the grounds of this distinction what is here meant by utility. Pleasure or good, in a general sense, is that which the consciousness of a sensitive and intelligent being seeks, and in which, when found, it acquiesces. There are two kinds of pleasure, one durable, universal, and permanent; the other transitory and particular. Utility may either express the means of producing the former or the latter. In the former sense, whatever strengthens and purifies the affections, enlarges the imagination, and adds spirit to sense, is useful. But a narrower meaning may be assigned to the word utility, confining it to express that which banishes the importunity of the wants of our animal nature, the surrounding, men with security of life, the dispersing the grosser delusions of superstitions, and the conciliating such a degree of mutual forbearance among men as may consist with the motives of personal advantage.

Undoubtedly the promoters of utility, in this limited sense, have their appointed office in society. They follow the footsteps of poets, and copy the sketches of their creations into the book of common life. They make space, and give time. Their exertions are of the highest value, so long as they confine their administration of the concerns of the inferior powers of our nature within the limits due to the superior ones. But whilst the sceptic destroys gross superstitions, let him spare to deface, as some of the French writers have defaced, the eternal truths charactered upon the imaginations of men. Whilst the mechanist abridges, and the political economist combines labor, let them beware that their speculations, for want of correspondence with those first principles which belong to the imagination, do not tend, as they have in modern England, to exasperate at once the extremes of luxury and want. They have exemplified the saying, “To him that hath, more shall be given; and from him that hath not, the little that he hath shall be taken away.” The rich have become richer, and the poor have become poorer; and the vessel of the State is driven between the Scylla and Charybdis of anarchy and despotism. Such are the effects which must ever flow from an unmitigated exercise of the calculating faculty. It is difficult to define pleasure in its highest sense; the definition involving a number of apparent paradoxes. For, from an inexplicable defect of harmony in the constitution of human nature, the pain of the inferior is frequently connected with the pleasures of the superior portions of our being. Sorrow, terror, anguish, despair itself, are often the chosen expressions of an approximation to the highest good. Our sympathy in tragic fiction depends on this principle; tragedy delights by affording a shadow of the pleasure which exists in pain. This is the source also of the melancholy which is inseparable from the sweetest melody. The pleasure that is in sorrow is sweeter than the pleasure of pleasure itself. And hence the saying, “It is better to go to the house of mourning than to the house of mirth.” Not that this highest species of pleasure is necessarily linked with pain. The delight of love and friendship, the ecstasy of the admiration of nature, the joy of the perception and still more of the creation of poetry, is often wholly unalloyed.

The production and assurance of pleasure in this highest sense is true utility. Those who produce and preserve this pleasure are poets or poetical philosophers.

The exertions of Locke, Hume, Gibbon, Voltaire, Rousseau [although Rousseau has been thus classed, he was essentially a poet. The others, even Voltaire, were mere reasoners.— Shelley’s note], and their disciples, in favor of oppressed and deluded humanity, are entitled to the gratitude of mankind. Yet it is easy to calculate the degree of moral and intellectual improvement which the world would have exhibited, had they never lived. A little more nonsense would have been talked for a century or two; and perhaps a few more men, women, and children burnt as heretics. We might not at this moment have been congratulating each other on the abolition of the Inquisition in Spain. But it exceeds all imagination to conceive what would have been the moral condition of the world if neither Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio, Chaucer, Shakespeare, Calderon, Lord Bacon, nor Milton, had ever existed; if Raphael and Michael Angelo had never been born; if the Hebrew poetry had never been translated; if a revival of the study of Greek literature had never taken place; if no monuments of ancient sculpture had been handed down to us; and if the poetry of the religion of the ancient world had been extinguished together with its belief. The human mind could never, except by the intervention of these excitements, have been awakened to the invention of the grosser sciences, and that application of analytical reasoning to the aberrations of society, which it is now attempted to exalt over the direct expression of the inventive and creative faculty itself. We have more moral, political, and historical wisdom than we know how to reduce into practice; we have more scientific and economical knowledge than can be accommodated to the just distribution of the produce which it multiplies. The poetry in these systems of thought is concealed by the accumulation of facts and calculating processes. There is no want of knowledge respecting what is wisest and best in morals, government, and political economy, or at least, what is wiser and better than what men now practise and endure. But we let I dare not wait upon I would, like the poor cat in the adage. We want the creative faculty to imagine that which we know; we want the generous impulse to act that which we imagine; we want the poetry of life; our calculations have outrun conception; we have eaten more than we can digest. The cultivation of those sciences which have enlarged the limits of the empire of man over the external world, has, for want of the poetical faculty, proportionally circumscribed those of the internal world; and man, having enslaved the elements, remains himself a slave. To what but a cultivation of the mechanical arts in a degree disproportioned to the presence of the creative faculty, which is the basis of all knowledge, is to be attributed the abuse of all invention for abridging and combining labor, to the exasperation of the inequality of mankind? From what other cause has it arisen that the discoveries which should have lightened, have added a weight to the curse imposed on Adam? Poetry, and the principle of Self, of which money is the visible incarnation, are the God and Mammon of the world.

The functions of the poetical faculty are twofold: by one it creates new materials of knowledge, and power, and pleasure; by the other it engenders in the mind a desire to reproduce and arrange them according to a certain rhythm and order which may be called the beautiful and the good. The cultivation of poetry is never more to be desired than at periods when, from an excess of the selfish and calculating principle, the accumulation of the materials of external life exceed the quantity of the power of assimilating them to the internal laws of human nature. The body has then become too unwidely for that which animates it.

Poetry is indeed something divine. It is at once the centre and circumference of knowledge; it is that which comprehends all science, and that to which all science must be referred. It is at the same time the root and blossom of all other systems of thought; it is that from which all spring, and that which adorns all; and that which, if blighted, denies the fruit and the seed, and withholds from the barren world the nourishment and the succession of the scions of the tree of life. It is the perfect and consummate surface and bloom of all things; it is as the odor and the color of the rose to the texture of the elements which compose it, as the form and splendor of unfaded beauty to the secrets of anatomy and corruption. What were virtue, love, patriotism, friendship—what were the scenery of this beautiful universe which we inhabit; what were our consolations on this side of the grave—and what were our aspirations beyond it, if poetry did not ascend to bring light and fire from those eternal regions where the owl-winged faculty of calculation dare not ever soar? Poetry is not like reasoning, a power to be exerted according to the determination of the will. A man cannot say, “I will compose poetry.” The greatest poet even cannot say it; for the mind in creation is as a fading coal, which some invisible influence, like an inconstant wind, awakens to transitory brightness; this power arises from within, like the color of a flower which fades and changes as it is developed, and the conscious portions of our natures are unprophetic either of its approach or its departure. Could this influence be durable in its original purity and force, it is impossible to predict the greatness of the results; but when composition begins, inspiration is already on the decline, and the most glorious poetry that has ever been communicated to the world is probably a feeble shadow of the original conceptions of the poet. I appeal to the greatest poets of the present day, whether it is not an error to assert that the finest passages of poetry are produced by labor and study. The toil and the delay recommended by critics can be justly interpreted to mean no more than a careful observation of the inspired moments, and an artificial connection of the spaces between their suggestions by the intertexture of conventional expressions; a necessity only imposed by the limitedness of the poetical faculty itself; for Milton conceived the “Paradise Lost” as a whole before he executed it in portions. We have his own authority also for the Muse having “dictated” to him the “unpremeditated song.” And let this be an answer to those who would allege the fifty-six various readings of the first line of the “Orlando Furioso.” Compositions so produced are to poetry what mosaic is to painting. This instinct and intuition of the poetical faculty are still more observable in the plastic and pictorial arts; a great statue or picture grows under the power of the artist as a child in a mother’s womb; and the very mind which directs the hands in formation is incapable of accounting to itself for the origin, the gradations, or the media of the process.

Poetry is the record of the best and happiest moments of the happiest and best minds. We are aware of evanescent visitations of thought and feeling sometimes associated with place or person, sometimes regarding our own mind alone, and always arising unforeseen and departing unbidden, but elevating and delightful beyond all expression: so that even in the desire and the regret they leave, there cannot but be pleasure, participating as it does in the nature of its object. It is as it were the interpretation of a diviner nature through our own; but its footsteps are like those of a wind over the sea, which the coming calm erases, and whose traces remain only as on the wrinkled sand which paves it. These and corresponding conditions of being are experienced principally by those of the most delicate sensibility and the most enlarged imagination; and the state of mind produced by them is at war with every base desire. The enthusiasm of virtue, love, patriotism, and friendship is essentially linked with such emotions; and whilst they last, self appears as what it is, an atom to a universe. Poets are not only subject to these experiences as spirits of the most refined organization, but they can color all that they combine with the evanescent hues of this ethereal world; a word, a trait in the representation of a scene or a passion will touch the enchanted chord, and reanimate, in those who have ever experienced these emotions, the sleeping, the cold, the buried image of the past. Poetry thus makes immortal all that is best and most beautiful in the world; it arrests the vanishing apparitions which haunt the interlunations of life, and veiling them, or in language or in form, sends them forth among mankind, bearing sweet news of kindred joy to those with whom their sisters abide—abide, because there is no portal of expression from the caverns of the spirit which they inhabit into the universe of things. Poetry redeems from decay the visitations of the divinity in man.

Poetry turns all things to loveliness; it exalts the beauty of that which is most beautiful, and it adds beauty to that which is most deformed; it marries exultation and horror, grief and pleasure, eternity and change; it subdues to union under its light yoke all irreconcilable things. It transmutes all that it touches, and every form moving within the radiance of its presence is changed by wondrous sympathy to an incarnation of the spirit which it breathes: its secret alchemy turns to potable gold the poisonous waters which flow from death through life; it strips the veil of familiarity from the world, and lays bare the naked and sleeping beauty, which is the spirit of its forms.

All things exist as they are perceived: at least in relation to the percipient. “The mind is its own place, and of itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.” But poetry defeats the curse which binds us to be subjected to the accident of surrounding impressions. And whether it spreads its own figured curtain, or withdraws life’s dark veil from before the scene of things, it equally creates for us a being within our being. It makes us the inhabitants of a world to which the familiar world is a chaos. It reproduces the common universe of which we are portions and percipients, and it purges from our inward sight the film of familiarity which obscures from us the wonder of our being. It compels us to feel that which we perceive, and to imagine that which we know. It creates anew the universe, after it has been annihilated in our minds by the recurrence of impressions blunted by reiteration. It justifies the bold and true words of Tasso—“Non merita nome di creatore, se non Iddio ed il Poeta” [none but God and the poet deserve the name of Creator—ed.].

A poet, as he is the author to others of the highest wisdom, pleasure, virtue, and glory, so he ought personally to be the happiest, the best, the wisest, and the most illustrious of men. As to his glory, let time be challenged to declare whether the fame of any other institutor of human life be comparable to that of a poet. That he is the wisest, the happiest, and the best, inasmuch as he is a poet, is equally incontrovertible: the greatest poets have been men of the most spotless virtue, of the most consummate prudence, and, if we would look into the interior of their lives, the most fortunate of men: and the exceptions, as they regard those who possessed the poetic faculty in a high yet inferior degree, will be found on consideration to confine rather than destroy the rule. Let us for a moment stoop to the arbitration of popular breath, and usurping and uniting in our own persons the incompatible characters of accuser, witness, judge, and executioner, let us decide without trial, testimony, or form, that certain motives of those who are “there sitting where we dare not soar,” are reprehensible. Let us assume that Homer was a drunkard, that Vergil was a flatterer, that Horace was a coward, that Tasso was a madman, that Lord Bacon was a peculator, that Raphael was a libertine, that Spenser was a poet laureate. It is inconsistent with this division of our subject to cite living poets, but posterity has done ample justice to the great names now referred to. Their errors have been weighed and found to have been dust in the balance; if their sins “were as scarlet, they are now white as snow”; they have been washed in the blood of the mediator and redeemer, Time. Observe in what a ludicrous chaos the imputations of real or fictitious crime have been confused in the contemporary calumnies against poetry and poets; consider how little is as it appears—or appears as it is; look to your own motives, and judge not, lest ye be judged.

Poetry, as has been said, differs in this respect from logic, that it is not subject to the control of the active powers of the mind, and that its birth and recurrence have no necessary connection with the consciousness or will. It is presumptuous to determine that these are the necessary conditions of all mental causation, when mental effects are experienced unsusceptible of being referred to them. The frequent recurrence of the poetical power, it is obvious to suppose, may produce in the mind a habit of order and harmony correlative with its own nature and with its effects upon other minds. But in the intervals of inspiration, and they may be frequent without being durable, a poet becomes a man, and is abandoned to the sudden reflux of the influences under which others habitually live. But as he is more delicately organized than other men, and sensible to pain and pleasure, both his own and that of others, in a degree unknown to them, he will avoid the one and pursue the other with an ardor proportioned to this difference. And he renders himself obnoxious to calumny, when he neglects to observe the circumstances under which these objects of universal pursuit and flight have disguised themselves in one another’s garments.

But there is nothing necessarily evil in this error, and thus cruelty, envy, revenge, avarice, and the passions purely evil have never formed any portion of the popular imputations on the lives of poets.

I have thought it most favorable to the cause of truth to set down these remarks according to the order in which they were suggested to my mind, by a consideration of the subject itself, instead of observing the formality of a polemical reply; but if the view which they contain be just, they will be found to involve a refutation of the arguers against poetry, so far at least as regards the first division of the subject. I can readily conjecture what should have moved the gall of some learned and intelligent writers who quarrel with certain versifiers; I confess myself, like them, unwilling to be stunned by the Theseids of the hoarse Codri of the day. Bavius and Mævius undoubtedly are, as they ever were, insufferable persons. But it belongs to a philosophical critic to distinguish rather than confound.

The first part of these remarks has related to poetry in its elements and principles; and it has been shown, as well as the narrow limits assigned them would permit, that what is called poetry, in a restricted sense, has a common source with all other forms of order and of beauty, according to which the materials of human life are susceptible of being arranged, and which is poetry in an universal sense.

The second part will have for its object an application of these principles to the present state of the cultivation of poetry, and a defence of the attempt to idealize the modern forms of manners and opinions, and compel them into a subordination to the imaginative and creative faculty. For the literature of England, an energetic development of which has ever preceded or accompanied a great and free development of the national will, has arisen as it were from a new birth. In spite of the low-thoughted envy which would undervalue contemporary merit, our own will be a memorable age in intellectual achievements, and we live among such philosophers and poets as surpass beyond comparison any who have appeared since the last national struggle for civil and religious liberty. The most unfailing herald, companion, and follower of the awakening of a great people to work a beneficial change in opinion or institution, is poetry. At such periods there is an accumulation of the power of communicating and receiving intense and impassioned conceptions respecting man and nature. The person in whom this power resides, may often, as far as regards many portions of their nature, have little apparent correspondence with that spirit of good of which they are the ministers. But even whilst they deny and abjure, they are yet compelled to serve, that power which is seated on the throne of their own soul. It is impossible to read the compositions of the most celebrated writers of the present day without being startled with the electric life which burns within their words. They measure the circumference and sound the depths of human nature with a comprehensive and all-penetrating spirit, and they are themselves perhaps the most sincerely astonished at its manifestations; for it is less their spirit than the spirit of the age. Poets are the hierophants of an unapprehended inspiration; the mirrors of the gigantic shadows which futurity casts upon the present; the words which express what they understand not; the trumpets which sing to battle, and feel not what they inspire; the influence which is moved not, but moves. Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.

The life and works of Percy Bysshe Shelley exemplify English Romanticism in both its extremes of joyous ecstasy and brooding despair. Romanticism’s major themes—restlessness and brooding, rebellion against authority, interchange with nature, the power of the visionary imagination and of poetry, the pursuit of ideal love, and the untamed spirit…

A Defence of Poetry by Percy Bysshe Shelley | Poetry Foundation